Nowadays, advertisements, invitations, and informational items are being placed online as opposed to billboards and physical leaflets or brochures. Specifically, websites and online platforms are used by companies to expand and reach more audiences. This is the reason why web developers or programmers and designers are hired by companies and organizations for the sole purpose of designing and creating a website which can attract clients, customers, and possible business partners. In lieu of this, web designers use website design request forms to document the preferences and the needs of their clients which must be met and be visible on the website to be designed.
Types of Website Design Request Forms
Website Advertisement Design Request Form – This is the type of website design request form to use if the intent is to cater to clients who would like to have advertisements be incorporated into their websites. The form has four sections to be filled out by the requestor or the client of the web designer. In the first section of the form, the date when the form was used, the name and the department or organization of the client, the general description of the project, and the name of the website where the advertisement will appear will have to be stated. The second section, on the other hand, will be for indicating the date when the output will be needed by the client along with the client’s preferred ad dimensions, orientation, requirements, and a client acknowledgment statement which must be signed by the client.
Website Advertisement Design Request Form
Additionally, the name of the designer, the name of the file created where the design is located, the date when the request was processed, and the date when the work was completed will be the contents of the third section. And lastly, the fourth section is where the client can affix his signature and comments regarding the output or finished work that he received from the designer. However, both the third and fourth sections must only be filled out after the designer finishes the website advertisement design and after presenting it to the client.
Website Banner and Design Services Request Form – This form can be used by website banner designers and general design service providers. The client will be referred to as the requestor in this type of form and he must fill out all four sections wherein the first section is allotted for his general information. The file format that he prefers to acquire for the project to be designed will have to be stated in the second section while the third section specifies the specs and the fourth section documents the content of the project.
Website Banner Design Services Request Form
Website Design Estimate Request Form – The purpose of this type of form is to aid the website designer in determining the estimated cost of creating the desired website of the client. Four pages comprise the form. In the first page, the client will have to disclose his contact information, company information, and the details of his existing website. The second page, on the other hand, documents the client’s purpose and goal for his website, the registered domain names and hosting arrangements of the client, the text and graphics content specifications, and the client’s design style and branding.
Website Design Estimate Request Form
The other two pages of a website design estimate request form specify the interactivity and e-commerce preferences of the client, the inclusion of animation and videos in the website, as well as the maintenance options, time-frame, budget, and other considerations to be noted by the designer.
Website Design Request Form Sample
Website Design Proposal Request Pricing Form
Essential Sections of an Effective Website Design Request Form
Website design request forms should not only collect the contact information of the client but also all other relevant pieces of data and information which will be used by a web designer, as well as a developer or programmer who will be building the website. Moreover, a website design request form must have the following sections for it to be effectively used by both the client and the designer:
Existing website information
This section of the form will be for stating the domain name and URL of the client’s current website as well as the name of the web host, the preferred deadline of launching the site, and the client’s allotted budget for the site’s creation.
Goals and targets
Knowing the goals of the client and the intended audience to target are both essential especially in terms of determining the user interface and experience that the website must give to the audience or users. Moreover, options can also be provided in the form by using checkboxes to allow the client in simply marking his choice in the form.
Company or organization information
This should be where the client will be able to introduce his company or his brand to the web designer. In addition, the reasons for creating the website along with the products and services that the company will be offering to its intended audiences should also be included in this section.
Design and style preferences
In this section, the web designer can enlist and provide design examples which can help the client in choosing the type of website that he would like the designer to layout and create. The examples should also have explanations about its contents and features.
Website Development Design Request Questionnaire Form
Website Project Request Form
Website Design Request Form Tips
When making a design request form, the document-preparer should incorporate the style and branding of the web designer into every part of the form to serve as an introduction of the designer’s personality and expertise. Moreover, opening and closing statements which are addressed to the client can also be included in the form. These statements must both welcome and thank the client for choosing to partner with the designer in building the website that he will use for his business and company.
Another tip to keep in mind when making website design request forms is to update the entry fields or the contents of the form periodically especially since the internet and the field of information technology are ever-changing in terms of technicalities and design trends.
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