Two of the known benefits of volunteering is gaining new knowledge and developing new peers. Some volunteers even get discounts and will receive tax exemptions for providing services to those who are in need. Nonetheless, volunteering is an activity which should be done to promote progress and not for the full benefit of the volunteering organization themselves. However, along with the free services is the critical and lengthy process of verifying information and collecting enough documentation to allow a legal volunteering activity to come into reality.
The volunteering organization should be registered in a state and must fully complete a volunteer application for them to be acknowledged. When they will be hiring or calling out for various volunteers of different ages, knowing the background or the history of the applicants will be the right thing to do before letting them join the organization. This is when a volunteer verification form will serve a great use since it will state what needs to be verified by the organization, and this will also act as a sort of assurance and security for the organization as well as their members.
Organization Volunteer Verification Form
Types of Volunteer Verification Forms
Volunteer verification forms can be used anywhere and by anyone who aims to validate a claimed information from a volunteer. The list below will distinguish the various volunteer verification forms:
Organization Volunteer Verification Form – This is the most common volunteer verification form as it will cater all organizations for their purpose of verifying a volunteer’s data. The verification form can be used to compare the current statements of a volunteer from the statements he wrote on the volunteer application form during the application process. There must be a staff or a particular organization member who will be assigned to conduct the process of checking and comparing the data, and this person must not be a biased individual to avoid a verdict which was moved by a relationship and emotional issues. The form will contain the expected beginning and end time for the service to be rendered, as well as the duties to be required for the volunteer. The verdict or the decision of the assigned staff must be stated in the last section of the form which can either recommend the volunteer for other activities or if there is a need for a proof of volunteer service to be presented.
Agency Volunteer Verification Form
Agency Volunteer Verification Form – An agency differs from an organization since an agency will be doing a particular service or operation for their clients which is unlike an organization which has the main objective of gathering people with similar interests. Though hardly used in an agency, this verification can help determine if a member or a staff of the agency have provided enough services or if he was providing a false claim. The agency may also use this form in the selection process to distinguish the staff who show a positive quality as a volunteer before handing a staffing agency agreement to hire the individual.
Employment Volunteer Verification Form
Employment Volunteer Verification Form – There are some employers and business companies who provide an additional workers compensation for those employees who volunteer in managing the activities of the company. With this, the employee must fully prove that he is indeed a volunteer and have given a service for the company’s benefit. The employment verification form will be a useful document to state the identity of the employee who volunteered, his contact information, the approximate number of hours that he was able to provide, and the amount paid to him as a primary payment if the volunteer service was not a free service.
Festival Volunteer Verification Form
Festival Volunteer Verification Form – A festival is a place where colorful banners and themes are varying in every vendor station. However, festivals do not only need an event planner or organizer, as there may be a need for volunteers to give out a hand in order to have an even successful celebration. This festival volunteer verification form will have sections which are categorized as student information and volunteer schedule. The first part will be supplied by the data of the volunteer who will be joining the service in a festival, while the second portion will be for the cooperating volunteer group to state what job will be for the volunteer and the details of when and where he will be needed.
Student Volunteer Verification Form
Student Volunteer Verification Form – Similar to companies, schools also allow student volunteers and add up a few points on their school report or grades. The student, however, will need the signature of his parent to signify an approved parent consent. This form may be used by any educational institution as long as the form will be designated for the use of their students.
High School Volunteer Verification Form
High School Volunteer Verification Form – Compared to the aforementioned student volunteer verification, this could not be used by any student of various educational levels. This high school volunteer verification form is a simpler document to allow a better understanding for the target users of the form which are high school students. It will mainly have the full legal name of the high school student, his identification number, the dates when the volunteer service was performed, the number of hours, activities provided, the name of the organization and signature of a representative, and the authorized person who conducted the student volunteer verification process. This is an essential form since most high school students are minors and may have the school to face school complaints from the student’s guardians if a student was not granted with a full legal consent.
University Volunteer Verification Form
University Volunteer Verification Form – Universities and educational institutions who observe a volunteer incentives program will use this form to its extent as it is a functional document to serve student reimbursements. With this verification form, the student can acquire the incentives which came from the hours and type of service he gave as a volunteer action in the university.
Unpaid Volunteer Verification Form
Unpaid Volunteer Verification Form – Volunteers are people who give out or offer a service without expecting anything in return. The unpaid volunteer verification form truly indicates that a volunteer will not receive any benefit or payment for the service he provided. The outline and format of the form are similar to a formal letter and a sworn statement which indicates that an individual will do the activity with his own free will and not by any other influence from outside forces. The volunteer may also undergo a residential verification as one of the processes that assure the organization with regards to the volunteer’s address. There are also rules and regulations which are stated and attached in the form to lay down the standards of an organization.
Volunteer Experience Verification Form
Volunteer Experience Verification Form – Some volunteer organizations will demand a volunteer with an experience in a particular subject such as the medical field where the volunteer must be a licensed doctor or nurse to conduct free medical examinations. The volunteer experience verification form will indicate if the volunteer is a qualified person for the task associated with the activity. The form will be sent to an authorized person or to one of the character reference of the volunteer to acquire a better supply of information about the validity of the volunteer’s claimed experiences.
Volunteer Service Verification Form
Volunteer Service Verification Form – This is used by the whole organization who was able to receive the volunteer services from another organization. They must indicate in the form the range of services given to them and other details about the activity and services. By completing this form, the organization who provided the services will receive some benefits or credits and may receive a well-rated service feedback. The purpose of the activity should also be written in order to determine if the activity was promoting a convenience to the targets and if the activity will promote a relevance to both of the involved organizations.
What’s In a Volunteer Verification Form?
Although anyone wants to be a volunteer, the verification process should be mandated and observed in any organization to make sure that their probable volunteers are not stealing another person’s identity. The form must contain the specific or the general information which needs to be verified and the name of the volunteering organization. It may as well have a quick description or summary of what type of service should be rendered by the volunteer. Lastly, the form should be notarized by the signature of the volunteer and the representative of the organization to allow a thorough investigation with regards to the personal information and background of the volunteer. A confidentiality agreement can also be included as a significant part of the volunteer verification form.
Why Use Our Volunteer Verification Form Samples?
Our volunteer verification forms have met the varying standards of different organizations. These documents can also serve as a legal form for acquiring a verification process. The forms are available in a portable document file format which can be downloaded and viewed in numerous mediums. With the adequate knowledge of a user, the form can be edited in order to meet the needs and satisfaction of an organization.
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