Adversities often give rise to the spirit of altruism among people. And, if there is one example of such an act of selflessness, that is the service of the volunteers from the International Red Cross in the frontlines of the Philippines in November 2013. Dubbed as the most powerful typhoon of all time, Yolanda (International Name: Haiyan) left indescribable devastation and death toll in its wake, rendering everything in its path a desolate wasteland. Yet, despite the scars and trail of tears left by the widowmaker herself—Yolanda—the heroic and selfless acts of volunteers, somewhat, gave a sense of relief to its victims. Therefore, enabling them to get back on their feet and rebuild their lives. Thanks to the charity and donations from the international community.
What is a Volunteer
Driven by courage and selflessness, a volunteer is someone that willingly sacrifices his time and gives his tireless efforts in service to humanity in general. Volunteering is considered as both a profession and a vocation at the same time. Their ranks usually consist of people from all walks of life, such as medical professionals, lawyers, and even students themselves. Despite not being compensated for their services, being a volunteer not only enables a person to grow and mature, but also obtain relevant work experience in their respective fields.
The Types of Volunteering Paperwork
Despite the romantic ideas that coat every single fiber of being a volunteer, they, however, cannot escape the drudgery of paperwork that one needs to accomplish. And, like everything else in this plane of existence, the life of a volunteer begins and ends with paperwork. With each of them for a specific function and use.
1. Application Forms
Volunteers always belong to a particular pack. And to become one with the pack, one must prove its willingness and commitment to serve by submitting an application form. Submitting an application form to a local volunteer organization is the first step one must take to gain membership.
2. Reports
Everything a volunteer does need to documented and recorded in writing. Thus, volunteers need to complete and submit a report, day in and day out. Reports allow volunteers and their leaders to evaluate skills and practices, improving them if needed. And, it also allows the whole organization to update its inventory of supplies and equipment for disaster response and relief operation in the future.
3. Resignation Forms
Being a volunteer is never a long-term career option. And, while there are a few who would choose to remain, most volunteers grow tired of all the stress and eventually leaves the service. A volunteer’s life starts with paperwork and has to end it using the same. And to do that, a volunteer must say his goodbyes in a resignation form.
Homes for the Displaced: Habitat for Humanity
Home is one of the basic human needs and recognized as a basic right, as well. However, many people around the world are displaced from their homes because of wars, calamities, economic disparity, and utter disrespect for such a basic need. In fact, there are 70 million people displaced from their homes around the world, and the figures are rising day by day. Despite all of these, there are still a few good people who recognize having a home as both an intrinsic human need and an inalienable right.
Habitat for Humanity are one of the few good people who took it upon themselves to see to it that such right and need are universally accessible to all. Founded on the Christian values of charity and kindness, the group started their non-profit endeavors when founders, missionary Clarence Jordan and the Fuller couple developed the idea of “partnership housing.” The idea revolved around the homeless themselves working side by side with volunteers in building adequate, yet decent shelters.
To date, Habitat for Humanity has already helped resettle 29 million people since its founding. The group is currently working in 70 countries around the globe, continuously working hard to make sure that the universal right to adequate and decent shelter for all. Constantly working to make the world a better place.
FREE 51+ Volunteer Forms in PDF | MS Word | Excel
1. Volunteer Application Form in PDF
2. Volunteer Enrollment Form Sample
3. Volunteer Application Membership Form
4. Volunteer Application Form Template
5. Volunteer Service Approval Form Sample
6. Volunteer Registration Form
7. General Volunteer Application Form
8. Volunteer Time Off Form
9. Volunteer Request Form
10. Volunteer Profile Form Sample
11. Volunteer Request Form
12. Volunteer Disclosure Form
13. Volunteer Service Application Form
14. Volunteer Experience Form
15. Event Volunteer Application Form
16. Simple Volunteer Application Form
17. Volunteer Assignment Form
18. Volunteer Personal Form
19. Parent Volunteer Form
20. Adult Volunteer Application Form
21. Student Volunteer Review Form
22. Volunteer Agreement Form in PDF
23. Volunteer Applicant Form
24. Volunteer Feedback Form
25. Volunteer Wavier of Liability Form
26. Group Volunteer Information Form
27. Volunteer Package Form
28. Professional Volunteer Application Form
29. Leadership Volunteer Form
30. College Volunteer Form
31. Volunteer Release Form
32. Employee Volunteer Form Sample
33. Volunteer Processing Form
34. Volunteer Liability Form in PDF
35. Volunteer Identification Form
36. Build Volunteer Application Form
37. Community Volunteer Form
38. Volunteer Security Form
40. Volunteer Verification Form
41. Children Volunteer Application Form
42. Volunteer Advocate Application Form
43. Volunteer Tracking Form
44. Volunteer Evaluation Form
45. Volunteer Observation Form
46. Volunteer Review Meeting Form in MS Word
47. Volunteer Protection Form
48. Volunteer Clearance Form
49. Library Volunteer Form Sample
50. Party Volunteer Form
51. Volunteer Acknowledgement Form
52. Volunteer Expense Form
53. Volunteer Log Form
How to Create Forms for your Humanitarian Efforts
In a effort to make the world a better place, humanitarian activities continuously attracts a number of people with ideals to this day. Thus, aid groups continues to grow by the number and a number of them sprouting day by day. Humanitarian activities don’t go without documentation. This article provides you with the know-how on creating a variety of forms that your group needs for such an endeavor.
Step 1. Choose and Pick a Form for your Purpose
Humanitarian activities are mostly, if not strictly, on a voluntary basis. And, as aforementioned, these activities can’t proceed without proper documentation with the use of forms and other documents. The documents and forms in use for such activities vary, just like how different aid groups vary, with each of them having different advocacies. To get started, choose and pick a template from a variety of sample forms listed in this article. Each form is used for a variety of functions, so make sure to choose the one according to your purpose.
Step 2. Give it a Distinct Identity
Each aid group has its own identity. Identities built around their own advocacies. This applies to everything, including the forms that your group use. You can make your forms identified with your group by placing your group’s logo in its header section. You can do the same on the materials and equipment that you use, as well.
Step 3. Customize it Further
Since we’ve already started with placing your group’s identity on your forms. Why not customize it further by adding or replacing some of its section to suit your advocacy and the group’s needs. Start by putting something relevant to your cause or advocacy. And also, don’t forget to retain important sections like a signature block for your event registration forms.
Step 4. Print lots of it
After completing all of the steps from the previous sections, its time to print all of those so that you can use them right away. Some of the forms that you’ll be using might be for office paperwork and pencil-pushing, but, it is most likely that you’ll be using forms for information and awareness campaigns as well. So for that purpose, print loads of them as you would be distributing them to a lot of people.
Step 5. Store them Somewhere Safe
Store your forms in a place where they’ll be safe from the elements and paper-hungry insects. As we all know, paper is a very delicate material, and even more delicate if it contains very important information in them. So keeping them somewhere safe enables your group to have a handy tool ready to use whenever you need them.
Humanitarian Aid – Is an aid extended to people affected by natural calamities and man-made catastrophes. Humanitarian aid can be in the form of relief efforts and rehabilitation.
Relief – Is material assistance, in the form of food, money, or clothing, extended to the poor and needy. This is the initial form of assistance extended to communities after being affected by a calamity.
Rehabilitation – Is the continuing effort to assist the affected or afflicted to rebuild their lives. This is usually done after initial help is given to the affected.
Nonprofit – Is a group or organization that is dedicated to charity, advocacies, and humanitarian aid. These groups and organizations are mostly run by volunteers.
Advocacy – An activity aimed to influence policymakers and gained public support about a certain issue. Often used interchangeably with the term “cause.”
1. How do I become a volunteer?
Becoming a volunteer first requires the heart to help people and willingness to make small sacrifices for a certain cause. But, for you join a group that shares your ideals, advocacy, and the zeal for changing the world into a better place for everyone, one must first meet the membership requirements of the group of the organization. In addition to that, you also need to attend basic skills training to become an entry-level member. And, you may also need to attend advanced training or attend training sessions intended for updating certain skillsets to become a full-fledged member.
2. What are the common advocacies of Nonprofits?
Nonprofits have their foundations in the principles of charity and kindness. Their advocacies are centered on those principles, as well. While there are a number of nonprofits that share the same advocacies and ideals, most of them operate on advocacy distinct to the community that they represent. The advocacies that different groups represent are mostly centered on issues related to human rights, environmental issues, and health issues—Indigenous people’s rights, climate change awareness, and the call to address mental health issues. All these issues are presented to the public for awareness and pressure policymakers to address them. These are done in the pursuit of fulfilling each group’s humanitarian obligations and responsibilities as well as a changing society for the better. If you share any of these advocacies, then you might want to consider joining a group or two.
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