“No man is an island,” a quote that summarizes the need for volunteers from around the world to work hand in hand in helping other people. Volunteer organizations don’t only need to supply registration forms for their volunteers but also certificates for each successful participant and legal forms for the city council. Additionally, these organizations also use a volunteer evaluation form after each volunteer activity to cater reports of the volunteer’s behaviors and performance.
Blank Volunteer Evaluation Form
Volunteer Self Evaluation Form
What Is a Volunteer Evaluation Form?
A volunteer evaluation form is a document that aids a volunteer organization to assess the behavior of their members and the success of their volunteer operations. Another reason why this form serves a great purpose is to fully involve the volunteers toward improvement and in creating new ideas for future plans in reaching people who are in need. Nonprofit organizations are the most common users of this form especially in determining if their volunteers are suitable for their next project.
Although volunteers provide their free time and efforts to the organization, it is always an effective way to secure that the operation the organization is handling is a serious activity that should not be taken for granted by other volunteers who are not truly interested in the program. Along with the form, the organization should construct their evaluation process to have a sustainable and regulated way in assessing their volunteers from time to time.
Volunteer School Evaluation Form
Community Service Volunteer Evaluation
Council Volunteer Evaluation Form
Sample Volunteer Evaluation Form
Organization Volunteer Evaluation Form
What’s in a Volunteer Evaluation Form?
Evaluation forms can come in varying formats and can be used frequently depending on the need of the organization. However, regardless of its variety, volunteer evaluation forms should have the significant sections which are listed below:
This section will state the general information of the people involved in the evaluation such as the organization and the volunteer. The organization’s name and logo, along with the volunteer’s name, are the main entries to be included. The date when the general evaluation was provided to the volunteers and to their leaders is also indicated in this section to determine the range or period of the evaluation.
Rating Scale
This will contain a set of descriptions and the scores given to the volunteers during the induction, orientation, activities, as well as the volunteer’s overall performance evaluation rating. The person who will fill out the form needs to rate each described attribute and behavior based on what he was able to observe whether the volunteer showed a remarkable behavior or has been low in portraying a good attitude throughout the program.
The organization can either enclose a questionnaire form together with the evaluation or they can allocate an area on the form that will cater the answers of the volunteer or the rating personnel. It is essential that a questionnaire is included for each evaluation to assure that details about meeting goal actions and behaviors are well stated.
Feedback and Improvement
If the form is completed by the volunteer for evaluating his volunteering experiences, then this section will state the volunteer’s suggestions about how the organization can acquire a more successful volunteer program. On the other hand, if the form is filled out by the official of an organization, then suggestions for the volunteer’s improvement and a recommendation letter for volunteers who showed excellent drives toward volunteering will be found in this section.
This will indicate the signature of the official who is assigned to handle the evaluation forms. Additionally, the specific action that the organization took to address or meet the employee suggestions and requests of their volunteers and members is also stated.
Service Unit Volunteer Evaluation
Speed Volunteer Evaluation Form
Student Aid Fund Volunteer Evaluation
Student Volunteer Evaluation Form
Examples of Volunteer Evaluation Forms
Community Service Volunteer Evaluation Form – Community services can include donating clothes for those who are victims of storms and natural disasters as well as raising funds for a children’s shelter. For these activities, a community service volunteer evaluation form is the useful document for gathering feedback, skills assessments, and determining the success of a volunteer. The form will have the date, specific session of the community service, the name of the volunteering department, and their location or address.
Depending on the organization, the form will be used for rating a group of volunteers or an individual. Nonetheless, a set of categories such as the varying skills that the volunteers are required to comply and follow will be stated on the form. The categories will have an indication of whether the volunteers were able to successfully integrate each or not. The comments of the supervisor and the volunteers are written in the next sections, which aid the organization in knowing the reasons for the ratings from both sides of the parties involved. At the end of the form is the contact information of the organization and their company address of where the completed evaluation must be sent.
Student Aid Fund Volunteer Evaluation Form – When filing a scholarship application, a student is not only expected to meet the average grades for each semester, have a good moral record, but also contribute to the school activities and around the community by means of volunteering. These students who are under a student aid fund scholarship will be assessed and evaluated by their supervisors and mentors who are present in each volunteer activity.
The number of hours that the student was able to provide for his volunteer works will be indicated on a volunteer evaluation form along with the dates and a verification of the student’s behavior during the activities that are observed by the supervisor. The form will then be submitted to the institute’s head of scholarship and student affairs to be recorded as a credit for the student. Additionally, a section of the form will cater the comments of the secretary who recorded the entries to state if there are other documents needed to prove the student’s engagement as a volunteer.
Volunteer Coordinator Evaluation Form – Not only volunteers are to be evaluated in every volunteering program but also their supervisors and coordinators. With a volunteer coordinator evaluation form, the volunteers and the other members of an organization can rate the actions of their higher officials who joined the program with them. The demeanor, helpfulness, and timeliness of the coordinator are some of the attributes that are rated on the form.
Main reasons why this form is a necessary document for each volunteering activity is that it creates a balance between the regulators and the members of the organization, which allows all parties to acquire contentment with regards to addressing concerns and ideas. Nonetheless, the volunteer who is granting the scores and rates should assure that the name of the coordinator is stated with the date of the evaluation. Some organizations also permit their volunteers to leave their identities untold or with anonymity to protect from creating conflicts between the group.
Volunteer Orientation Presentation Evaluation Form – Before volunteers will be sent out to the field or to the venue of their volunteer program, they will undergo an orientation that will then be the subject of their evaluation after the sessions. The volunteer orientation and presentation evaluation form is the document that will be used by the participants to state their scores about the content, presenters, and the orientation’s venue. A list of the most and the least valuable matters discussed in the orientation is also needed to complete the form.
Volunteer Performance Evaluation Form – This form is specific for conducting a performance evaluation that will mainly deal with the ability of the volunteer to follow the rules and regulations of the organization as well as his attendance or punctuality. Other details of the volunteer’s performance are stated in the form or in a separate document to serve as a volunteer feedback and to supply descriptions for improvements or suggestions addressed for the volunteer.
Volunteer Program Evaluation Form – This evaluation form will be for assessing the effectiveness of a volunteer program to the people wherein the services or goods were provided. It will state the partnering departments or outside companies who sponsored for the program’s success, the vision and mission statement overviews of the companies for the volunteering activities, the list of duties and responsibilities of the people as the volunteers along with their qualifications, and other general information that is essential for conducting the volunteer program.
Volunteer Self-Evaluation Form – Compared to other forms, this document is an effective instrument that allows the organization in determining what strategies they must use to improve their volunteers by gathering the thoughts of each volunteer on the form. Self-evaluation forms are used to gather a comparison from what the supervisor rated from what the volunteers think of what they are accomplishing. The form will also cater the brief summary of the volunteers about the services that they have given freely from the past years along with their goals for the current year. Organizations can use this type of evaluation form on an annual and a monthly basis.
Volunteer Coordinator Evaluation Form
Volunteer Orientation Evaluation Form
Volunteer Performance Evaluation Form
Volunteer Program Evaluation Form
Benefits of Using Volunteer Evaluation forms
Numerous benefits are evident when an organization will use a volunteer evaluation form. One of the known benefits or advantage is that it aids in integrating proper communication with regards to reporting concerns and achievements. Not only will the document be a good report form but it will also be a tool for determining if a change in a used strategy or action plan has been helping in success development for the organization or not. The form will also contain the varieties of feedback from the volunteers, supervisors, and the coordinators of the volunteer program.
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