A vehicle power of attorney form is a document which must be used by a vehicle owner who wants to assign a legal representative for his owned vehicle. This type of power of attorney is considered as a special and specific power which will be given to the grantee or the receiver of the power. With the presentation of this legal form, a grantee will be able to make decisions on behalf of the grantor or the vehicle owner, as well as register and change data from the recorded vehicle information.
Vehicle Use Permit Power of Attorney Form
What Can an Agent or a Grantee Do With a Vehicle Power of Attorney Form?
There are different actions and privileges that an assigned agent or grantee will be able to do with the presentation of the vehicle power of attorney form. Enlisted below are some of the common responsibilities and capabilities of an agent to the subject of the power or the vehicle of the grantor throughout the period stated in the power of attorney:
- Purchase and sell the vehicle – When choosing an agent or grantee for a vehicle power of attorney, the grantor must ensure that the agent is knowledgeable and an expert in handling finances, especially if the main role of the agent is related to vehicle transactions involving selling and purchasing a vehicle for the grantor. Also, the agent should know the preferences and the needs of the grantor if ever he will be purchasing a vehicle such as the type of vehicle, the model, the specs, and other information which should help the agent in deciding on what vehicle to purchase with the grantor’s finances.
- Register the vehicle – If the grantor of the power is incapacitated or is unable to be present during the intended period of his vehicle registration, then he must inform and allow his agent to conduct the registration on behalf of his absence. The process of registration, the types of documents or registration forms and requirements which must be submitted by the agent, as well as the date of when the registration must be done should be stated in the power of attorney form, or yet be informed to the agent. On the other hand, there are also States and countries who will allow an individual to register a vehicle even without the representation of the power of attorney which is why it is essential to inquire to the authorities first.
- Record liens – If the grantor of the vehicle power of attorney had debts, then the agent can be assigned and be permitted to record liens. A lien is a type of security interest which is a requirement mandated by some financial aid provider or loan agency to ensure that the borrower will pay his debts on time. The vehicle will then be released or be discharged from the lien if the loan borrower has completed paying his loan and have settled any disputes in lieu of the loan.
- Apply for a title certificate – If the vehicle was newly sold or newly purchased by the agent with the preferences and the resources of the grantor, then a title certificate form must be obtained. A title certificate is a legal form which proves that the person whose name is stated in the certificate is the owner of the vehicle. In addition, if the grantor of the power already has the title certificate yet would need a copy or a duplicate of the form, then he can request the agent to acquire a duplicate from the State’s authorities using the information of the owner and the vehicle, as well as the power of attorney form.
Varieties of Vehicle Power of Attorney Forms
Limited Power of Attorney for Eligible Motor Vehicle Transactions Form – This vehicle power of attorney form will allow the grantee or the agent to have full power which means that he is legally permitted to have the rights in assigning a substitute grantee, in performing necessary acts on behalf of the grantor, to conduct transactions for the vehicle, and even assign a legal title to the vehicle. In this form, there are four main sections to be filled out by the grantor along with an instruction or guideline section at the topmost portion of the form. The first section to be completed is the vehicle information section which is followed by the grantor information section as the second portion, and the grantee information section as the third portion of the form. The last section or portion of the form which must be filled out by the grantor is the certification section. This is where the grantor will affix his signature with his printed name and the date of when he signed the form.
Limited Power of Attorney for Eligible Motor Vehicle Transactions Form
Limited Power of Attorney to Transfer Ownership and Disclose Mileage Form – This is another variety of a vehicle power of attorney which can be used by grantors and grantees. However, compared to the aforementioned form, this has a section intended for the disclosure of the vehicle’s mileage information. The mileage of the vehicle is the total number of miles that the vehicle has been used for traveling. It is essential that the reading which was conducted by the vehicle owner to his vehicle’s odometer is accurate and updated. In the event that the owner is uncertain of the actual mileage count, then he must indicate his uncertainty in the form by certifying that the stated mileage reading is not the actual or the exact mileage count of his vehicle. Moreover, after the vehicle owner or the grantor completes the form, a notary public must sign and seal the power of attorney to make it a legally verified document.
Limited Power of Attorney to Transfer Ownership and Disclose Mileage Form
Limited Power of Attorney Vehicle and Watercraft Transactions Form – Not only motor vehicles on land can have an agent assigned by grantors, but also watercraft vehicles or marine vessels. For this, a limited power of attorney for vehicle and watercraft tnsactions forram must be used if a watercraft or vessel owner wants to legally assign a grantee to take care of his owned vehicle as well as finalized decisions on his behalf. The day that this power of attorney is signed by the involved parties and notarized by a notary public will be the beginning day or the starting day for counting the 90-day period of validity of the power given to the grantee. However, the validity period can also be stretched if the vehicle owner prefers by informing the authorities and documenting the decision and the intents of extending the number of days for the grantee’s authorization.
Limited Power of Attorney Vehicle and Watercraft Transactions Form
Power of Attorney for Vehicle Transactions Form – If the main intent of a vehicle owner is to appoint an agent for the purpose of transacting a deal in relation to his vehicle ownership, either by selling or buying a new vehicle, then a power of attorney for vehicle transactions form should be used. On the other hand, vehicle dealers should also secure a completed and a signed copy of this document if a vehicle owner or a client fails to provide the original certificate of the title during any transaction.
Power of Attorney for Vehicle Transactions Form
Power of Attorney to Sign for Motor Vehicle Owner Form – Transferring and registering the ownership of a vehicle requires the presentation of a power of attorney to be signed by the vehicle owner. The form will gather the general information or data which will be used for identifying the property and the parties involved such as the grantor, grantee, and the notary public who have verified the identities of both parties and have reviewed the validity of their claims to the vehicle stated in the form.
Power of Attorney to Sign for Motor Vehicle Owner Form
Power of Attorney to Transfer Motor Vehicle Form – This variety of power of attorney form is mainly for transferring the rights of the vehicle owner who is the grantor of the power to the grantee or the assigned agent. In this form, the names and addresses of the grantor and the grantee will be disclosed as well as the basic information of the vehicle ranging from its make to its title number, and its odometer reading.
Power of Attorney to Transfer Motor Vehicle Form
Specific Power of Attorney for Vehicle Retrieval Form – This is the type of form which must be filled out if the vehicle of the grantor is no longer a part of a lien due to the ability of the grantor to complete the payments of his debts. The user of the form will be required to indicate the type of document that the owner of the vehicle was able to receive, either the rights to possession form or an affidavit form stating the repossession of the owner for his vehicle in the release and termination of the lien.
Specific Power of Attorney for Vehicle Retrieval Form
With the aforementioned varieties, prospective grantors who are vehicle owners will be able to choose which among the vehicle power of attorney forms will be suitable to meet his needs, preferences, and the requirements of the State where he is residing in. Nonetheless, a grantor can also obtain a POA directly from his attorney or from a representative of the State whose job assignment is to handle matters in relation to giving power to a grantee.
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