sample vaccine consent forms

A vaccine is a method of acquirig immunity against a number of diseases like tetanus, polio, and hepatitis. Before someone can be administered with a vaccine, they would have to sign a Vaccine Consent Form first. Vaccine Consent Forms are necessary for liability reasons, but they are also used to inform the patient, or the guardian or parent of the patient, of the adverse side effects of the vaccine, although severe side effects are extremely rare. The following forms that we have are used by any medical facility that performs vaccinations.

Adult Vaccine Consent Form

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Size: 328 KB


Influenza Vaccine Consent Form

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Size: 99 KB


Flu Vaccine Consent Form

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Size: 558 KB


Vaccine Administration Consent Form

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Size: 19 KB


For screening purposes, certain questions would have to be asked before a person should be vaccinated. But what are the common reasons why people get vaccinated? Here are some:

  • Age: It is not just children who need to be vaccinated. Even as our age progresses, there are a number of vaccines that we could get. As people enter into adulthood, they also become more susceptible to certain diseases due to their jobs, lifestyle, and health condition. Also, some vaccines administered when a person was younger may have worn off already, so he would have to be vaccinated again.
  • Disease: People need different vaccinations depending on their job, age, and lifestyle. For example, a healthcare practitioner, such as a nurse, might require more vaccinations against common diseases because they work at a hospital, a place ridden with thousands of bacteria and viruses.
  • Travel: Traveling is fun, but it also puts a person in a place of medical uncertainty. A person can be exposed to pathogens that he never was exposed to before, thereby causing adverse effects on his health. That is why getting a vaccination for the common diseases in a certain country before heading there would be a very wise decision. Aside from vaccinations, any medical institution might also need Medical Consent Forms for other medical procedures.

Sample Vaccine Consent Form

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Size: 538 KB


Annual Influenza Vaccine Consent Form

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Size: 81 KB


Vaccine Informed Consent Form

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Size: 253 KB


Vaccine Consent Form in PDF

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Size: 512 KB


What are the necessary information that an immunization provider would have to disclose before administering a vaccine?

  • The benefits and possible side effects of the vaccine
  • The risks of the disease in the absence of a vaccination
  • The benefits of immunization programs to the communities, and also the risks involved in a community not getting vaccinated
  • How the vaccine is going to be administered
  • The importance of consulting a healthcare professional or the immunization provider if a side effect is experienced after the vaccination

Vaccines have proven to be a feasible way of curbing certain diseases. We have already figured out some of the science and medical aspects of it, although there are still yet a lot of other medical conditions for which a vaccine has yet to be developed. As with any other medical procedure, Consent Forms take care of the legal aspects of a vaccination. If the one who is going to undergo vaccination is below 16 years old, you might also want to check out our Child Medical Consent Forms for samples.

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