Most companies demand numbers of relevant work experience from their applicants that commonly ranges from a year or more. However, there are some applicants who are not able to meet the requirement of a company, which is why educational institutions and organizations provide opportunities for individuals to experience working in the industry. With this, an unpaid work experience request form will then be required to be completed by the individual before he will be able to render his work and service hours to a company of his choice.
Unpaid Work Experience Placement Request Form
What Is an Unpaid Work Experience Request Form?
An unpaid work experience report form is a document that is used by individuals who are aiming to be hired by companies for a job that does not demand the company to provide a worker’s compensation and benefits as a payment for the individual’s granted services. The form must be able to cater the intentions of the individual or the job applicant along with his general information and data. The most common target users of this form are students who are in need of a job position for their internship program.
Unpaid Work Experience Request Form
How to Create an Unpaid Work Experience Request Form
Although creating an unpaid work experience request form from scratch can be daunting to some, it can be easily made with the aid of the following steps below:
Step 1: Make three boxes or tables for the sections of the form.
These boxes will serve as a separator for the sections and the contents of the form. The boxes or the tables must also have rows that will be able to cater the necessary information to be disclosed by the applicant. Using a document format that will allow the boxes to be manipulated by adding columns, tables, rows, and other marks is an effective strategy when creating the request form.
Step 2: Name the form and the company.
This area is also known as the header where the title of the form and the name of the company who is the owner of the form will be indicated. Along with the header, a blank or an underline can be incorporated as well which will be for the date of when the applicant will be using the form.
Step 3: Use the first section for the details of the applicant.
This is where the personal information of the applicant will be stated including his date of birth, age, phone number, educational background, and electronic mailing addresses.
Step 4: Allocate the second section for the job information.
The specific department of the company where the applicant will be requesting for a job placement must be indicated in this section. Additionally, the name of the employee who will be the applicant’s supervisor, the number of hours and days per week the applicant needs to report for his duty, as well as the preferred date of when the applicant will be starting his placement is also necessary to be disclosed in this section of the form.
Step 5: Have the third section as an area where requirements and expectations will be enlisted.
An applicant who wants to be in a job yet will not be paid with any sort of salary and compensation must indicate the reason of why he will be needing the placement in this section. Along with the significance of the applicant’s placement are the types of jobs that he is capable of doing based on the requirements of his educational institution or internship program and the duties as well as the responsibilities that he willing to take or consider for the completion of his job placement and role in the company.
Some companies also want to know what the applicant expects to gain from his experience, which will also be included as part of the third section. The applicant’s expectations will guide the human resource personnel of the company in determining what jobs and duties will be suitable to be assigned to the applicant for him to meet his goals in the duration of the program.
Step 6: State the mandated policies and rules that the company will observe regarding the request of the applicant.
Since an unpaid applicant or an intern will not be receiving bonuses and compensation from the company, there are some rules and regulations of the company’s bylaws that will not be applicable to the applicant. This is why it is important that the applicable policies will be enlisted in the form such as the company’s dress code, rules regarding attendance and change of schedules, and regulations pertaining to the use of the company’s properties including computer sets and other office equipment.
Step 7: Incorporate the company’s contact details.
This contact information area will allow applicants to know how they can send and submit their request to the company especially if they are filling out the form electronically. In this area, the company’s electronic mailing address, website, and phone numbers must be stated. The company’s schedule for accepting entries for the requests can also be included along with a thank-you note addressed to the applicant.
Unpaid Work Placement Request Form in DOC
Why Are Unpaid Work Experience Request Forms Important?
Using unpaid work experience request forms in a company is important and the significance of having this form is due to the benefits that the company will obtain which are stated below:
- Collects essential data for the company’s records – Just like other company request forms, this document must have the details of what is being requested and who is the requestor. By having the information of the applicant, the company will be able to have a record of the individuals who are willing to work in their business as well as those who are showing a potential for a job placement. Also, the records must always be kept confidential by the company since the information that they are gathering are not their own especially if the applicant is not hired to be an employee.
- Serves as a guide for applicant screening – The screening period is one of the most crucial parts of any company’s job hiring process. This involves varieties of interviews and sessions with the applicants to determine who will be accepted, which is why the interviewers and the hiring managers of the company must have a completed request form from the applicant along with the applicant’s resume and job application form. These documents will allow the interviewer in knowing the applicant and in developing a plan of where the applicant will be placed in the company if he is hired.
What to Enclose with an Unpaid Work Experience Request Form
Unpaid work experience request forms can be enclosed with other documents such as a company job survey form. This type of survey form will serve as a tool for the company to know the age range of their applicants for varying job placements and requests as well as other factors including applicants’ nationalities, genders, languages, ethnic groups, religions, and disabilities. The purpose of the survey is not to integrate discrimination in the company since the data that the applicants will provide are to be used for determining how the company must adjust their policies and benefits to cater the individual needs of their employees.
A non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement form can also be enclosed with the company’s unpaid work experience request forms. These documents will help in informing and reassuring the applicants that their information will not be used outside the company’s needs and without their permission especially for advertising and promotional purposes.
Lastly, a notice form of how the company will reach out the applicant is also essential to be enclosed with the request form. The notice must state the period or dates of when the response will be received of whether it will be approved or declined by the company. Moreover, the company’s protocol of how declined requests will be managed and will be reconsidered can also be included as a part of the notice form.
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