Teachers, veterinarians, students, and even sports enthusiast undergo varieties of training sessions to boost up their skills and abilities. Although training session feedback demands the individual to be physical, mentally, and overall ready for every activity, a trainer should also use a number of documents which are essential for his or her training such as a registration and an evaluation form.
The reason for using an evaluation form for training sessions is to gather data about the effectiveness and the relativity of the training to the trainer and the trainees. Similar to other documents, a training evaluation form can come in varieties of types. If the evaluation form is addressed for assessing the trainer then it will be a trainer evaluation form, on the other hand, a trainee evaluation form will be for the trainees and their learning in the duration of their training application. Determining if there are aspects of the training that needs to be improved is also another reason why this form is valuable.
General Trainee Evaluation Form
Program Trainee Evaluation Form
Workshop Trainee Evaluation Form
What Is a Trainee Evaluation Form?
A trainee evaluation form is a document which is provided by the trainer to his trainees after the whole training session in an organization or company. This will cater the general information of the trainee, the type of training that he was enrolled, and the period of the training.
The main purpose of the form is to distinguish what training program evaluation were effective to the well-being of the training and have met the trainee’s needs. The recommendations of the trainer and the adviser of the trainee should be stated at the allocated area for employee suggestions and comments to indicate what other subjects and programs should be appropriate for the trainee to undergo. Lastly, the signatures of the mentors or trainers, and the trainee himself should be stated at the bottom of the form to certify that the statements are of true value.
Varieties of Trainee Evaluation Forms
The varieties of trainee evaluation forms depends on the type of training which was accomplished by the trainee. Below are some of the examples of this form:
Animal Trainer Evaluation Form – For those who underwent a training to be a veterinary or a pet trainer, this is the appropriate form to use. It states the breed of the animal which has been trained, the address of the trainee, as well as the trainee’s and the training sponsor’s contact information. The trainer will also need to state his ratings about how the trainee was able to handle the animal, how he manages constructive criticism, and a list of the trainee’s strengths and weaknesses.
Audit Trainee Evaluation Form – Dealing with accounts and financial information release is not an easy task to anyone as it takes an individual to study accountancy or to seek help to a professional. For audit trainees, an audit trainee evaluation form will contain their personal data, details of their audit report, and a table which will have the rating given by their trainers. The composition of the report is mainly the subject which will be assessed by the trainers such as the problem description written on the introduction, the methods and the ethical considerations that the trainee used to solve the problem, the final results, and how the trainee interpreted the conclusion of his audit report.
Employer Electrician Trainee Evaluation Form – Students who study matters of electricity and aimed to be a professional electrician after they graduate are the target of this form. It will indicate a table which is similar to a customer satisfaction survey as it contains a rating scale which associates each ability of the trainee. An indication of whether the trainee was able to display an improvement during each session is included on the form along with the apprenticeship recommendation of the trainer.
Animal Trainer Evaluation Form
Audit Trainee Evaluation Form
Employer Electrician Trainee Evaluation
Industrial College Trainee Evaluation Form – This trainee evaluation form is highly identical to a student evaluation form which highlights the varying skills of the trainee including his interpersonal, communication, technical, and working skills. The success ratings of the trainee when it comes to meeting his daily goals and sustaining his productivity is also included in the assessment or evaluation of the trainer.
Since students take their training from outside companies, the company who catered the training evaluation sessions should integrate a stamp on the evaluation form as a certification that the student has complied and that the ratings came from an authorized trainer in their company. An overall score for the ratings given by the trainer should be stated at the end of the form as it will serve as a tool for determining if the trainee has passed the training or not.
Leadership Trainee Evaluation Form – Compared to other trainee evaluation forms, this will have two ratings and comments which are from the trainer and the trainee’s point of view with regards to what he perceives to his actions in the training. The trainee’s perception is gathered from the self-evaluation form that he was able to complete prior to the day when his trainer will evaluate him. With the trainer’s recommendation, the trainee will be able to proceed to the next set of training sessions to allow him in improving his skills assessment more and opening a wide range of abilities that he may learn.
Mediator Trainee Evaluation Form – Mediators are people who are knowledgeable in creating an effective contract agreement between two parties who are in conflict or in an issue. With a mediator trainee evaluation form, the organization or the association who granted the training sessions will be able to acknowledge possible ideas and thoughts to improve their training programs. The evaluation form will mainly have the three sections which are the general information section, the rating section, and the trainee’s problem description. After the three sections that the trainer needs to complete is the return address area which will state the organization’s full location along with their contact and fax numbers.
Industrial Trainee Evaluation Form
Leadership Trainee Evaluation Form
Mediator Trainee Evaluation Form
Medical Trainee Evaluation Form – Individuals who are aiming to be a physician, doctor, or any professional in the medical field will have to study a medical course evaluation for not less than four years in order for them to acquire their doctor’s degree. However, before they will graduate and receive their diplomas, these students need to take up a medical training in various hospitals and clinics to allow them in putting their skills to good use. The professional trainers of a medical student feedback will complete a medical trainee evaluation form which will serve as the proof that the student has fulfilled his roles and responsibilities as a trainee.
Trainee Presentation Evaluation Form – There are training sessions which train individuals to acquire proper communication and presentation strategies. These types of sessions will demand the use of a trainee presentation evaluation form which will contain trainee’s and his instructor’s names, date of evaluation, and the number of attempts that the trainee took before he passed the training successfully. The areas of interests which are the subjects of the evaluation will be stated in a table along with the scores and the comments provided by the trainer or instructor. The overall impression that the trainee was able to convey in his presentation is scored and rated by his trainer at the end of the document.
Trainee Ride Evaluation Form – To be driver means to obtain a legal driver’s license and take up a driving test. With this, a trainee ride evaluation form is used by most companies and organizations who aim to hire individuals as drivers for deliveries of their products. The form will focus on driver evaluation subjects such as the responsiveness of the driver in conducting an inspection before starting his journey as well as the driver’s ability in managing his vehicle. Depending on the organization, the form can be in a checklist format or in an arrangement which is similar to a survey questionnaire to indicate the description of the trainer’s job assessment per training session.
Medical Trainee Evaluation Form
Trainee Presentation Evaluation Form
Trainee Ride Evaluation Form
What Can Be Accompanied to a Trainee Evaluation Form?
There are a lot of assessment forms and other documents which can be accompanied and associated with a trainee evaluation form. One of these documents includes a performance appraisal form especially if the training sessions are targeted at improving the abilities and skills of an employee. With the performance appraisal and the evaluation form used together, the trainer and the management will be able to determine if the employee is suitable and worthy for acquiring a salary increase or a promotion.
Trainee Performance Appraisal Form
Trainee Evaluation Feedback Form
Surgery Trainee Evaluation Form
Another document which is used with a trainee evaluation is a feedback form. Although trainee evaluations are completed by the trainers, a feedback form can be used by the trainee himself. The form will be used to state the thoughts of the trainee about the ratings that he received in the activity evaluation which includes the reasons he knew that affected his performance. Additionally, the organization who hosted the training will also gain a response with regards to the ability of their staff and their utilities in meeting and catering the needs of their trainees.
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