The wise men were right to infer that “time is money”. Thus, it’s of utmost importance to utilize the time the most productively possible when you are looking forward to reach your goals. In such a situation, a time tracking form is what you need the most. As the name implies, such forms would enable one to keep account of how much time is taken for one particular task or set of tasks throughout the day. You may also see Sales Tracking Forms

Sample Employee Time Tracking Form

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This particular form helps the office team leader to keep tab on the time taken by employees under him to complete the individual tasks assigned to them. It could be on a daily or weekly basis.

Attorney Time Tracking Form

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An attorney time tracking form enables lawyers to keep tab on their clients and cases in an organized way. Such forms carry a separate column for task time where you can jot down time taken for each case.

Daily Time Tracking Form

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This particular tracker form consists of 7 columns against each team members so that the management or their immediate boss can use it to track their working hours on a daily basis.

Sample Time Management Tracking Form

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A time management tracking form generally comes with 4 basic columns- such as time, activity, priority as well as results or comments. You will have additional space to mention each of your goals for the day.

Project Time Tracking Form

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This form is used by the management to check the time spent in completing a project by the employees.  Such a form enables the management to check whether the time taken for the project has been at par with the projected time period or not.

Sample Volunteer Time Tracking Form

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If you are running a charity organization and happen to need some volunteer for your services, then do maintain this timesheet. It will help you to keep tab on the time taken for each task by your volunteers.

Time Off Tracking Form

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This particular tracking form is used by employees to mention the date when they want to avail a time off and the day they want to resume back to their work.

Intermittent Leave of Absence Time Tracking

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This particular time tracker form will jot down the time period of intermittent leave taken by an employee. The form will also contain a section on the reason of the leave.

Basic Time Tracking Form

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Size: 10 KB


Simple Time Tracking Form

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Size: 3 KB


 How Does a Time Tracking Form Look?

The primary task of a time tracking form is to keep an account of the time taken for a particular task. Thus, such a tracker form will come up with some basic columns- like name of the client, name of the task, the time taken for the task, the start time, the end time and sometimes the break time. Some of the forms also arrive with a column where you can include comments regarding the projects undertaken, such as “complete” or “ongoing” and so on. Then the most detailed time tracking form offer you spaces where you can jot down your goals to be reached through the tasks.

Why to Use a Time Tracking Form?

Every office, whether big or small needs to use time tracking form. It not only helps to calculate the duration of the project work but also looks into the fact that how much a particular employee or a team is putting their every bit of energy while doing the work. MNCs and corporate companies tend to make use of such forms as their company consists of innumerable projects which need to be catered to and completed within the client’s desired time. These forms help them to gauge how much their staff are working towards meeting the set deadline. Moreover, such forms indicate how disciplined and productive the employees are. Useful Behavior Tracking Forms

What are The Different Time Tracking Form Options?

The time tracking forms cover a wide range of types- daily, weekly, bi weekly and monthly time tracking forms. A daily time tracking form helps to easily manage the daily wage of a particular employee by calculating the number of hours worked every day. The weekly time tracker sheet shows how much time your assigned team or an employee has taken to do the work throughout the week. The bi weekly time tracking form keeps tab on time taken to complete a certain task or set of tasks in two slots of a week. Finally, the monthly tracking form monitors time consumed by works done throughout the month.

Time management is really valuable whether it’s for your personal goals or business objectives. A time tracking form is the most fundamental here that allows you to check how much you are progressing towards your goal by monitoring the time taken for each of your tasks. Today it’s really easy to create such forms in a snap through time tracking templates.

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