time off request forms

Every civilized and official transaction involves Agreement Forms and contracts of some sort or another. This is as much for managerial convenience as well as legal protection. When you apply for a lease, when you agree to a lease, and even when you terminate the original contract – you need a separate form for all these.

Now, suppose you as the owner wish to void a lease contract before the official end of the lease duration, for valid reasons. You don’t know where to start.

This shouldn’t have to be a burden for you. Here we have provided a convenient list of lease termination agreement forms – available as free examples and templates you can download as PDF or Word doc files.

Early Termination of Car Lease Agreement Form

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Size: 4 MB


Termination of Lease Agreement Form in PDF

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Size: 62 KB


Residential Lease Termination Agreement Form

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Size: 59 KB


Rental Lease Termination Agreement Form

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Size: 613 KB


Commercial Lease Termination Agreement Form Sample

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Size: 7 KB


Why Sign a Lease Termination Agreement at All?

You are terminating a lease and you need the agreement of the lessee (the borrower, or the renter). This is important, especially for legal reasons. You don’t want the lessee accusing you of not going by the contract.

In some situations, a termination contract will render the original lease agreement void. In others, the termination contract is merely the expected final step to close a successful lease duration.

When to Issue a Lease Termination

You will likely have to draft Lease Termination Letters in these scenarios:

  • the end date for a fixed-term lease contract has passed
  • the purpose of the lease has been fulfilled earlier than the expected end date and the lessee wishes to return the equipment or vacate the rented space – when both lessor and lessee wish to terminate, this scenario is called a mutual lease termination agreement
  • the other party has not operated by the terms and conditions agreed upon in the original lease contract (e.g. the tenant refuses or is unable to pay rent) – but see legal note below

Legal note

If you as the property owner do not have sufficient grounds for ending the lease early, you are technically breaking the lease. Standard Lease Agreement Forms are legally binding, and if you break it, you may have to negotiate with the lessee and compensate – perhaps with moving expenses.

Mutual Lease Termination Agreement Form

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Size: 39 KB


Landlord Tenant Agreement Form to Terminate Lease

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Size: 844 KB


Notice of Termination of Lease Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 15 KB


Terminating Lease Agreement Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 139 KB


Additional Resources

Lease Termination Forms are meant to be the final step in any leasing process. It is worth knowing how to do right to avoid further complications.

We have a myriad of forms for all rental and leasing situations you might come across. Go check out for free and helpful guides to help you get started on drafting your documents.

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