A subscription contract form is necessarily used by companies and business enterprises for their clients who want to receive their products on a regular period such as annually, monthly, or whenever a new product is created for the market. This type of contract form must have the chosen payment method and the subscription options that are to be chosen by the client. Additionally, the significance of having the form is to assure that the client is informed about his financial responsibilities in maintaining an amount in his bank account or his credit card to allow the company in acquiring the payment without any delay for the products that were subscribed and requested.
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Examples of Subscription Contract Forms
Most subscriptions nowadays are executed with the aid of a technological gadget and online stores. The stores will incorporate specific codes on their websites wherein their visitors and members will be able to choose a subscription plan. Once the plan is chosen, a set of terms and conditions will be presented on the screen for the client to understand and agree into. However, aside from online shopping, clients can also subscribe directly from a company who offers services for their members. Nonetheless, below are some of the examples of subscription contracts for different company needs and service offers:
1. Cooperative Subscription Contract Form – A cooperative is a group composed of individuals who share the goal and objective of earning a profit and share benefits for the growth of their business. The most common cooperative businesses and activities include opening a cafeteria in schools, having credit unions, as well as creating housing programs. You may also see transportation contract forms.
Although most organizations will knock on doors of the neighborhood to ask for donations, the move that cooperatives do as a financing strategy is to offer subscription offers for the services and the products that they can provide to the subscriber. By this, the group does not only open opportunities for accepting new members but they also have regular clients which will then lead to large profit and gains. The form contains the specific amount of shares and payment that a client or a subscriber will be providing for a certain period along with the indication of whether he will allow the group to obtain the payment through a payroll deduction or through his credit card account. An acknowledgment statement is also included in the form which is significant for declaring and authorizing the cooperative group to validate and verify the contents of the agreement and the claimed information of the subscriber.
Cooperative Subscription Contract Form
2. Equipment Company Subscription Contract Form – Large equipment and types of machinery must not only be operated properly but must also be maintained to ensure that the machine’s operation is sturdy and will retain its quality. With this, an equipment company subscription contract form is presented to an equipment subscriber wherein the details of the subscription plan is laid out along with the terms and conditions to be observed by the subscriber and the company. Other contents of this contract form also include permissions for using the equipment, restrictions and limitations, payment invoice records and fees, and limitations of liability clauses.
Equipment Company Subscription Contract Form
3. Software Order Subscription Contract Form – Compared to the other subscription contract forms, this document is accompanied by an order form which is important for determining the needs and the preferences of the client regarding the software programs and related products. Contents that comprise this document are the contact information of the purchaser along with the details of his billing obligations and addresses. You may also see installment contract forms.
An instruction section is incorporated into the form to inform the purchaser about how he can order, as well as the process of installing the software and paying for the subscription fees or payments. Aside from this document, a software agreement contract form is also given to the purchaser to ensure that the purchaser knows the details of the software, the maintenance procedures that he must follow, the upgrades that he will soon need for updating the software, and the limited rights that are provided to him by the software developer toward the manipulation and the distribution of the product.
Software Order Subscription Contract Form
4. Telematics Subscription Contract Form – With this type of subscription contract, a purchaser of services from a wireless technology provider will be able to know what his limitations are regarding the consumption of the services that he has subscribed for. In the form, an agreement regarding the fraudulent use of the subscriber for the services is indicated which consist of a list of actions associated with the inappropriate usage. You may also see sample construction contract forms.
Additionally, a restriction of data access and usage clause is also stated to acknowledge the rights of the subscriber to request a removal of his personal information as part of the company’s recorded data. And since a telematics company may operate in different countries by using the same document, an area allotted for identifying the laws that govern the operation and usage of the services for the subscribers in various states and locations are enlisted on the contract form as an assurance that both the company and the subscriber understands their boundaries and limits regulated by their state. This allotted area has modifications for the different laws and responsibilities to be followed by the subscriber along with the added tax payments and fees. You may also see sample business contract forms.
Telematics Subscription Contract Form
5. Virtual Services Subscription Contract Form – Most companies nowadays prefer to hire individuals who will be doing their work and tasks at home, recently known as a home-based or online job. With this, the employee must be able to connect with the other members of the organization in order to communicate and deliver their completed tasks. The companies who use this type of strategy for their business must use varieties of software systems, applications, and tracking forms. You may also see sample free contract forms.
In the event that a company’s main purpose or line of work focuses on providing online and virtual assistance to the population, then a virtual services subscription contract form will be given to them by the author of the software that they have purchased. This contract form indicates the terms and the conditions of the Web developer or author along with the obligations of the client or the purchaser in keeping the system and using it accordingly. Other inclusions found in this contract is the mandated liabilities of the client or the purchaser for the purchased software as well as his inability for a cancellation of contract if the contract has not yet come to its termination date. If a client or a purchaser fails to meet his financial obligations and use the software illegally, then a breach of contract will be mandated by the developer or author. This breach can lead to fees to be paid by the client and even a lawsuit filed against the client who did not fulfill the agreement’s terms.
Virtual Services Subscription Contract Form
Simple Subscription Contract Form
What Are the Significant Contents to Include in a Subscription Contract Form?
Subscription contract forms can come in different varieties and arrangements depending on the need as well as the preference of a company or organization. Nonetheless, there are significant contents that must be included in any contract form aimed at subscribers and clients. Firstly, the form must have the general information of the company and the services or products that they will be providing to the client. Secondly, the price of the subscription, the shares, and the rights of the subscriber must be highlighted well in the form as an informational section for the subscriber. Lastly, details of the contract termination must be explained so as not to surprise clients if a company restricts subscribers to terminate the contract before it is completed and fulfilled.
When Does a Subscription Contract Be Terminated or Closed?
Commonly, any contract will be closed if the termination period had already been reached; however, there are contracts that do not indicate a termination date or period such as subscription contract for newsletters and even emails. With this, the client or the subscriber will have to take action if he aims to stop the subscription. One thing that a client can do is to decline from paying the fees and subscription bills. You may also see payment contract forms.
Although this can lead to uneventful circumstances such as piled up amounts of payments, the company will have to stop sending the subscribed products to the client. On the other hand, the client can also legally request for a subscription to halt by sending a thirty-day notice to the company regarding his intentions of terminating and leaving his status as a subscriber. Even if thirty days may sound too long for a request to be processed, this strategy has a better result and will allow the relationship of the client and the company be rested with positiveness rather than left with issues and debts unpaid. You may also see sample contractor contract forms.
With the stated information about subscription contract forms in PDF, any company will be able to have an assurance that they will be communicating the legalities of subscribing and their regulated laws to their clients. Nevertheless, the most important thing that a company must remember is to always keep the contracts as part of their documentation protocol along with the duplicate identification cards of the client and his submitted subscription application requirements.
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