A sublet agreement form is a type of legal form or a legally binding document which is to be used if a tenant plans to accept another tenant in the property that he is currently renting out from the landlord. In this type of agreement, the tenant who rents the property from the tenant is to be referred to as a subtenant. Although the agreement is intended for laying out the terms and conditions of both tenants, it must be informed to the landlord since the property is to be managed by the landlord himself.
Sublet Agreement Form Sample
Why Is a Sublet Agreement Form Important?
Just like any other lease agreement form, a sublet or a sublease agreement form is significantly important to be negotiated and finalized by the involved tenants. The reasons why this form is important is because it documents the following:
The approval of the landlord and the property owner.
Before any tenant can begin leasing the property that he is residing and leasing in, he must acquire the approval of the landlord and the owner. Tenants who plan to lease the property they are signing a lease should also review the lease agreement that they have finalized with the landlord and owner to look out for a clause or a statement regarding subleasing the property. If there is a clause which states that subletting or subleasing the property is prohibited, then the plan of accepting a subtenant must be reconsidered to avoid dealing with conflict and facing penalties from the landlord or property owner.
The expectations of the parties involved: the tenant and the subtenant.
A lease agreement is made to ensure that the parties involved have agreed on specific terms and conditions. With regards to a sublet agreement, the terms and conditions, as well as the expectations that the subtenant should meet, must be clearly defined in the agreement especially since the subtenant is considered as a responsibility of the leasing tenant in the property.
The responsibilities and obligations of the tenants.
One of the most important obligation to specify any type of lease or rental agreement is the financial obligation of each paying tenant. In the sublet agreement form, the subtenant should be able to know what he will be paying as a part of the lease, when he will be paying the amount, and to whom he must send the payment to, whether to the landlord or to the leasing tenant. Additionally, the premises or the areas in the property which are included in the sublease should also be enlisted as well as the various amenities, rooms, and pieces of equipment that the subtenant can use to properly inform the subtenant of what he should be taking good care of as he uses each listed item during the period of the sublease.
Furnished Room Sublet Contract Agreement Form
How to Make a Sublet Agreement Form
A sublet agreement form should be made with the various laws, rules, and regulations of a State or a country in mind. This means that the guidance of a legal expert such as an attorney or a notary public can provide a huge advantage and benefit to the parties involved in the lease. Nonetheless, to create a basic sublet agreement form, the steps below must be followed:
Step 1: Open a word processing software application and prepare an empty document sheet. Common word processing software applications and programs include Word from Microsoft, Corel Corporation’s WordPerfect, and Apache’s OpenOffice. After opening the application or program, the layout such as the margins of each side of the document must be specified depending on the preference. Most legal forms observe the basic margin size which is an inch on each side and uses Arial and Times New Roman fonts for the content of the form.
Step 2: Make a statement that will introduce the parties involved in the agreement. The statement should have placeholders for the data of the user or the tenants who will be using the form. Placeholders can either be texts, blanks or underlines in between the statement to indicate where the data will be placed. Moreover, in this first portion of the form, the names of the parties, and the full date of when the agreement is made should be the information to be stated.
Step 3: Allocate a rental property section. Just like the aforementioned introduction section, this will have placeholders as well, however, the placeholders will be for the general information or data of the property being lease out. The address of the property, the number of persons or people who will be residing in the property along with the tenant and the subtenant, and the date of when the sublet or sublease will begin are some of the information to include.
Step 4: Include a landlord acknowledgment statement. This section should identify who the landlord of the property is along with his address and his contact information.
Step 5: Add a section for the sublease period or term. It is important that the actual date of the execution of the sublease or sublet will be stated in the form along with the date of when it will come to an end. In this section, a statement which will focus on determining the dates of the start and end of the lease should be incorporated with placeholders for the day, month, and the year or date information.
Step 6: Incorporate a rent information section. This is where the rental payments and fees will be disclosed ranging from the installment payments, if applicable, up to the lump sum and the expected date of payment. The time and place of where the subtenant will give the payment should also be included in this section especially if the tenant who leases the property will no longer reside, yet will remain in the lease, in the property.
Step 7: Input a statement regarding notices. Notice forms are documents which are sent to an individual in order to inform him about updates and changes. These documents are to be expected when getting involved in any contract agreement and lease which is why it is important that the parties involved in the agreement will agree on how and where a notice will be sent. In this section of the form, the agreement of both parties in forwarding important notices to one another will be indicated.
Step 8: Enlist remedies and confiscation clauses. This is one of the most significant portions of the agreement since it will state what will happen in the event that one of the parties will fail to meet the expectations and obligations defined in the agreement. Some of the remedies to include are penalties that the violating party will be dealing with and the confiscation of the property.
Step 9: Identify the properties of the tenant. This portion of the form will indicate what amenities, pieces of furniture and equipment, and areas in the property will be a part of the sublease that the subtenant can use.
Step 10: Add a signature block with a witness statement. This is the last section of the form wherein the tenant, the subtenant, the other residents of the property, and a few witnesses will be affixing their signatures to indicate their approval in the terms and conditions of the sublease.
Standard Sublet Agreement Form
Tips in Creating and Filling Out Sublet Agreement Forms
When filling out a sublet agreement form, parties must review and recheck the terms which are defined in the document. This can also be done with the presence of a legal authority such as an attorney to have an assurance that there are no laws which are violated in the agreement. Other tips to keep in mind when creating and filling out this type of form are stated below:
- Involve the landlord and remember the lease agreement. Although the landlord will not be the one who will make the sublet, he must be informed about the essentials of the agreement for him to know and be able to acknowledge that there is a subtenant in the property that he is managing. In addition, the terms in the lease agreement should be noted as well since there can be obligations that tenants and subtenants must note when residing in the property, and these obligations are required by the landlord or the property owner.
- Negotiate properly. A sublet agreement form must not be filled out without the knowledge of the prospective subtenant. This ensures that the burden and benefits of the sublet will be fair to both parties, and not only on the tenant who is leasing out the property.
- Photocopy the signed sublet agreement form. After the sublet agreement is finalized and signed, each party involved in the agreement, even the witnesses, must have a duplicate or a personal copy of the agreement for future references whenever there is a need for addressing issues and clarifications.
Sublet Agreement Addendum Form
Lastly, a sublet agreement form must always be kept simple. This means that the format, the layout, and the words used in the sublet agreement form are simplified in order to make the agreement easy to read and understand.
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