Subcontractors work for contractors of construction projects. The role of a subcontractor is either to provide additional manpower or to be the vendor of the project’s materials and equipment or machinery. However, before a subcontractor can provide any type of service and items to a contractor and to the owner of the project, a subcontractor warranty form must be created and be signed to document the agreement of the involved parties: the subcontractor, the owner, the contractor, and the notarization of a notary public.
Subcontractor Warranty Form Sample
What Is a Subcontractor Warranty Form?
A subcontractor warranty form is a document used by subcontractors to guarantee a client company about the accuracy of the materials and labors they will provide based on the previously signed construction contract. With the warranty form, the subcontractor can also state the number of years wherein the materials will be free from any defects to ensure the client company that high-quality workmanship and construction materials are used for fulfilling the project. Moreover, the services that the subcontractor will provide if ever there will be defects within the defined warranty period will be included in the form as well.
What’s In a Subcontractor Warranty Form?
There are several sections and data which are necessary to be included or be documented in a subcontractor warranty form. The first data to be stated in a subcontractor warranty form is the name of the project along with its details such as the project’s location, owner, and the name of the general contractor. These pieces of information will be for identifying what the construction project is and who the involved parties are.
Another information to include is the subcontractor’s general information such as his name and the name of his company. The subcontractor’s allotted warranty period must also be stated in the form as well as the procedures that he mandates for sending and receiving notice forms in lieu of the project.
Lastly, a signature block should be placed in the form which will be for collecting the signatures of the subcontractor and a notary public to make the form legally binding. The block should have areas for the dates when the signatures were affixed, the titles and the names of the parties signing the form, and an area for the notary seal.
Varieties of Subcontractor Warranty Forms
Subcontractor Guarantee and Warranty Form – There are five sections in this variety of subcontractor warranty form. The first section is the company information section which collects the details of the subcontractor’s company and organization. The data to be collected includes the subcontractor’s contact information, address, company name, and website. The second section is intended for the subcontractor’s license information wherein the license number of the subcontractor will be stated along with the name of the issuing state, classification, and expiration date.
Subcontractor Guarantee and Warranty Form
The third section of a subcontractor guarantee and warranty form is the project information section which documents the title of the project, addresses where the project or projects are located, the contract number of the project, and the project’s scope or description. Moreover, the fourth section specifies the warranty information such as the warranty period and the guarantees of the subcontractor. And lastly, the fifth section collects the signature of the authorized party or the owner of the construction project along with his printed name, title, and the date when he accepted and agreed on the terms, conditions, and information in the form.
Subcontractor Vendor Warranty Form – This form is not solely for documenting the warranty of the subcontractor’s labor but also the warranties of the vendor of the materials to be used in the project. In the subcontractor vendor warranty form, the details of the correction repair, replacements, and the correction period will be stated in order to acknowledge and observe accountability during the execution of the project. Additionally, to complete the warranty form, a notary public who is present during the signing of the construction contract and the negotiation of the contractor and subcontractor must sign and affix a notarization seal on the form.
Subcontractor Vendor Warranty Form
Subcontractor Warranty Deed Form – As compared to the aforementioned subcontractor warranty forms, this document contains more information and items to be agreed and be accepted by the parties involved in the construction project. Also, the format of a subcontractor warranty deed form is similar to a basic contract agreement wherein the parties are identified in the introduction and the rest of the contents focus on the terms and conditions. Furthermore, the details to be stated in the deed form includes the definitions of the words or phrases used throughout the document, the warranty information of the subcontractor, the work and product replacements clause, the guarantee of quality work, an indemnity clause, as well as a defects notice clause, failure to remedy, urgent action, and an operation of deed clause. In addition, the schedule details including the name of the subcontractor, warranty period, and the works to be provided will also be stated in the form along with the signatures and information of the directors of the project.
Subcontractor Warranty Deed Form
Tips in Creating Subcontractor Warranty Forms
When creating subcontractor warranty forms, the subcontractor or the document-maker should consider the following tips in order to have an assurance that the document being made is effective, executable, and efficient for all the parties involved:
- Specify and define: Specifying is important in any contract, deed, or agreement especially when it comes to subjects which involve finances and reputation. This is why in a subcontractor warranty form, each portion or inclusion of the warranty must be specified and be defined to allow all parties in having a common understanding. If there are terms or words which can have several meanings in the dictionary and in the perception of other people, then the definitions of each word should be enlisted in the form regardless if it is a common word or a jargon.
- Identify the parties properly: The purpose of properly identifying the parties involved is to name who the accountable individuals are and to determine and document the roles of each party. In addition, the contact information and the office address of each party should also be included for notice purposes and mailing needs.
Lastly, a subcontractor warranty form template can also be used by subcontractors and their companies instead of making a form from scratch. The template, however, must be updated and be reviewed prior to filling it out, printing it, and sending it to the other parties.
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