student recommendation letters

Student recommendation letters are documents which are to be submitted by students as a part of their school application. Most often, college and graduate students are the ones who are required to provide the recommendation letters of their chosen raters, evaluators, and character references.

Types of Student Recommendation Letters

Scholar Student Recommendation Letter Template – This is the type of student recommendation letter which should be used by recommenders for students are applying for a scholarship grant. The letter template can be used as a guide for a recommender to create the recommendation letter for the student that he will be supporting. Basically, the template contains the acceptable format to be followed by the recommender which will have three sections. The first section is where the date and the salutation will be stated, the second section caters the body wherein the details of the recommendation will be discussed while the last section is the signature block for the signature, name, title, and contact information of the recommender.

Scholar Student Recommendation Letter Template

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Student Recommendation Letter Instructions Form – Educational institutions who have rules and requirements to be followed by both the student and the recommender must provide student recommendation letter instructions forms for each of their applicants. The purpose of the form is to inform, educate, and remind the applicants and recommenders about the criteria and particulars which should be catered in the letter. The instructions form also includes two examples of recommendation letters which meets the criteria of the institution. Furthermore, other contents in the form are intended to explain the skills to be specified by the recommender which will aid the institution in the process of selecting their students.

Student Recommendation Letter Instructions Form

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Size: 483 KB


Student Recommendation Letter Release Form – This is another form type which will guide the recommender, however, the focus of this form is to allow the recommender in knowing the limitations and restrictions that the student mandates as well as the specific data and information which can be included in the letter. Instructions for the recommender of the student are stated as the first section of the form. The second section, on the other hand, centers on documenting the permissions and authorizations that the student grants and the purpose of the student information to be released. Lastly, the third section of the form is where the student will need to affix his signature to certify the release authorization along with his decision towards waiving his rights in reviewing a copy of the recommendation letter.

Student Recommendation Letter Release Form

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Size: 191 KB


Essential Contents of a Strong Recommendation Letter for a Student Application

Although there are different formats and types of student recommendation letters, there are specific contents or information which should always be present in the letter, and these are stated below:

  • Qualifications of the recommender or writer of the recommendation: It is important that the recommender is someone who is a professional individual and has reliable credentials. Most often, recommenders are teachers, professors, coaches, and trainers of student applicants. In addition, organization advisers can also be recommenders for as long as the student had been actively involved such as being an officer in the organization for a specified period of time.
  • Demonstrations of the student’s attributes and qualities: A recommendation letter should be filled with observations of the recommender. However, the observations must be accompanied by demonstrations or explanations as to how the student was able to manifest his skills, talents, and attributes. The demonstrations can include detailed dates and event information to properly present the student’s actions and the results or rewards that the student garnered afterward.
  • Comparison of the student from the other possible applicants: Although the recommender does not know the other applicants, it is essential that he will be able to discuss how the student is different or unique from the other students that he was handling. Furthermore, the recommender should also be honest in his statements and should be able to support his claims whenever there is a need for proof in lieu of his recommendations.
  • Correct spelling and grammar: Before a recommendation letter will be printed out and be submitted to the educational institution or organization to whom the student is applying for, the recommender must proofread his letter. Proofreading includes checking for spelling and grammar errors, as well as for unnecessary words used in each paragraph.

Student Recommendation Letter Sample

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Size: 48 KB


How to Create a Student Recommendation Letter in DOC

Follow the steps below to create a simple yet effective student recommendation form in “.DOC” format using a word-processing software application program for a student:

Step 1: Open the application program and prepare a new document sheet.

The new document sheet should be customized ranging from the margin preference of the educational institution up to the letterhead and other designs to be incorporated into the letter.

Step 2: State the return address and the date.

The return address is the address of the recommender including his name and contact number. In addition, the date when the letter was made should be stated below the address.

Step 3: Indicate an inside address.

The educational institution’s address will be the inside address in the letter. Basically, if there is an official envelope that the educational institution mandates to be used when submitting the letter, the inside address on the letter should match the one stated on the envelope.

Step 4: Add a salutation and input the body of the letter.

The salutation is the greeting which serves as a welcome or acknowledgment remark of the recommender to the recipient of the letter. The body, on the other hand, should be composed of statements and paragraphs which explains and affirms the eligibility and abilities of the student.

Step 5: Allocate a signature block and sign the letter.

The name of the recommender along with his position and relationship with his student should be stated below his signature and the date when he signed the letter.

Student Recommendation Letter in DOC

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  • DOC

Size: 22 KB


Student Recommendation Letter Sample with Guide Form

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  • PDF

Size: 273 KB


After the contents of the student recommendation letter are reviewed and finalized, the letter should be saved and be printed out unless if the educational institution prefers to receive the letter electronically via email. This is why it is important that the recommender knows the instructions of the institution to avoid delays and issues.

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