One of the biggest challenges in real estate business these days is rampant scam cases. You’ve heard people talk about con artists. And this is a serious problem because it paints a bad picture on genuine real estate dealers. Unfortunately, it is not possible to convince anyone about your legality anymore unless you have a statutory warranty deed. It means that if you don’t have a way to tell a client “I owe this property and I am willing to sell it to you legally”, then you can kiss a sales deal goodbye. Luckily, here are Deed Forms that you can use to make the process simple.

Statutory Warranty Fulfillment Deed Form

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Size: 61 KB


The purpose of this file is to give a guarantee to a buyer that you are a legitimate real estate dealer. It gives them the confidence to buy. And the assurance that they will get the value of their money.

Statutory Form Warranty Deed

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Size: 3 KB


No customer will concede to buy a real estate property if you don’t give him or her warranty deed. Of course, this file is always an important one, and so you should consider this sample form to make preparing the deed form easy. You may also see Quit Claim Deed Forms.

Statutory Warranty Deed Form

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Size: 45 KB


If you are new to the real estate business, you should be using this same file if you intend to make a sale. The best thing about this file is that it is free to download and easy to customize.

Florida Statutory Warranty Deed Form

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Size: 72 KB


Use this template to give an assurance to a buyer that you are a legal real estate service provider. It is the best tool to use if you don’t have the time to create the sample template from scratch. You can also see Warranty Deed Forms.

Special Warranty Deed Form

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Size: 82 KB


If you have no idea how to create a warranty deed or you have never designed one before, you can use the following sample template. The file is not just free to download. It is also easy to customize.

State of California Warranty Deed Form

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Size: 9 KB


There are many real estate businesses in the state of California. But to make a real sale you must have a comprehensive statutory deed. Here is the sample file that you can use to create one.

Statutory Warranty Deed (Corporate)

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Size: 3 KB


Having a title tag that presents you as a real estate company won’t earn you consumers’ trust. The only thing you must do, if you truly want to make a real sale is present the buyer with the legal statutory deed. You may also see Special Warranty Deed Forms.

Standard Statutory Warranty Deed Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 1 KB


Why You Should be Using These Forms

If you want customers to trust you, then you have to give them a reason to do so. And the best way to do that, as far as selling properties is concerned, this is to make sure you provide a statutory warranty deed. The truth is no one is going to trust you if you don’t provide this document. Accept that, and then provide this document as soon as you can. If you want to succeed in your next sale, then this is the way to go.

The Benefits of The Sample Forms

You use these forms to gain a consumer’s trust. When you provide a statutory warranty deed, a buyer is more than willing to make a deal with you because they have the assurance that you have their best interest at heart. And in business, wanting the best for your clients are always the best thing. You can also see General Warranty Deed Forms.

These sample forms are free to download. So you should not spend a lot of your time trying to create them from scratch. Just download a file for free and then use it.

If there is one thing that is for sure, it is that clients are always willing to trust the right people. They trust someone who has legal proof, in writing, that they truly own a property. Of course, there are legal processes involved, but having a statutory deed is a good way to start. In fact, it covers up for just about 60% of the deal (figure may not be accurate).

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