Running a business company is never easy, because there are different kinds of circumstances that you are most likely to encounter. And worst is, most of these circumstances are inevitable. You are often left with no other choice but to accept, and learn how to overcome each of them. Gain control of each challenge that your business encounters, and you will most likely succeed. One of these pertained challenges is the personnel administration which concerns all your employees in your establishment. There are various ways to monitor your staffs or labor force, and one is by conducting an employee or staff review in terms of their individual performances. In this article, staff reviews will be explained further for better understanding on how these forms are used and created. How to deliver, and to respond to each bad review is also catered in this subject matter.
Staff reviews, also termed as employee reviews, are utilized in order for the management to better administer their staffs or employees, and to keep track with their business performances and progress level among the business industries. This is done due to the fact that business performances often reflect the employees’ fulfillment of the tasks that were assigned to them. This is one of the main reason why conducting these reviews for staff or employees are mandatory.
In undertaking such reviews, it really is important for the employers to give feedback to their employees so that each of them is aware of how their employees are doing with regard to their performances. These feedbacks will help them know what areas they are to improve and what do they should do in order to balance their performance level. With the help of these feedback, the employers will also be able to determine who among their employees are accelerating, and who among them are not wholehearted or committed to their jobs.
Standard Staff/Employee Review Form
Exempt Staff Employee Review Form
Non Exempt Staff Employee Review Form
Clerical & Service Staff Performance Review
Staff Orientation Period Review
Support Staff Performance Review
Ways on How to Monitor Performances
The best way to monitor one’s performance is by conducting a performance review in which each individual’s capabilities are evaluated. This is done by following a criteria that are realistic and attainable for each employee. There are various ways to keep track or monitor the staffs’ or employees’ performances, and these are some of the following:
- With the use of feedback forms for clients or customers, the employees’ performances are being evaluated. This is one of the most effective way of asking for information regarding how employees offer their services to their customers. By using this method, direct answers from customers are secured.
- By conducting various interviews, information regarding the employee’s performance are also gathered or collected. However, there are times that interviewees are not able to express their point due to having that awkward feeling with the interviewer. This actually depends on how the approach or the atmosphere is and how the interviewer interacts. All the information or data gathered from the different interviews are essentially documented using the interview forms.
- By reviewing the employee’s personnel file and other documents that will determine how his or her past performance reviews went, the employers can see if there are any progress in the employee’s performance. Technically, these review forms serve as bases to identify whether the employee is developing, or accelerating in terms of his or her potential capacity.
These are just few of the most common ways to monitor or measure one’s performances. The results or feedback from these are derived from the performance appraisals, assessments, or evaluations.
Ways to Deliver Bad Performance Reviews
It is often hard to deliver feedback to the employees, most especially when it is a bad review regarding their performances. This leaves you, as the employer to be considerate with regards to the feelings of your employees. The reason for this is that, the personalities or attitudes of your employees are still hidden from you, because you are still getting to know everyone. That is why, a training is conducted in order for you to know how each reacts or responds with the different situations or challenges given to them during their tests. These tests are pertained to their performances and their behavior, both personally and organizationally. The aim of these tests or training should be objective in order to guarantee the success of conducting them.
A way of letting your employees know how well they did during those trainings or performance assessments, is by approaching them in a friendly manner. Whether you are upset because of the results, you should still be careful with the way you approach employees. Now, the reason why you have to be considerate is not because you feel pity, but because you do not know how the employee will react. He or she could be aggressive due to the fact that he or she may be offended. It actually somehow depends on how you will deliver those bad results. Remember that you do not have much idea of what are the personalities of this employee, so you have to gain self-control, and set your anger aside; if you are mad about the performances. Moving on, you could set a one on one talk with the employee. Discuss everything by stating the facts basing on the results. Remember not to use any aggressive and offensive words that would definitely cause both of you some troubles. Instead, use some constructive criticisms which are helpful to the employee. Give him or her a chance to speak up and explain why such results are derived from those assessments. Who knows, there must be some valid reasons, and there are still some chances on how to improve the employee’s performances.
Staff/Employee Performance Evaluation Form
Employee Performance Evaluation Review
Student Employee Evaluation Form
Employee Evaluation Period Review
160 Day Probationary Evaluation Form
Employee Self-Evaluation Form
Ways to Respond to Bad Performance Reviews
If you are an employee, a staff, personnel, or whatever you call it. The best way to respond to the bad performance reviews is acceptance, because the results from the performance assessments can never go wrong. So, you might as well accept what you got from those results because it is all based on your performance. If it happens that you are not satisfied with your results, well then you have to strive even harder next time. Prove yourself that you are worthy for the position and that you could do better. Do not react, and be proactive instead; proving those results wrong for the second time around. Maybe your efforts are not just enough, and you need some improvements. Do not embrace those bad performance reviews too much. Instead, find ways on how you could perform better or even way beyond your employer’s expectations.
Tips for Conducting a Staff/Employee Reviews
The list below are just few of the many tips in conducting a review for your staff or employees. You may refer to these, and even add more when you think of more ideas. These will help you conduct a successful one.
- Questions should not result as a discrimination.
- Do not be afraid to deliver a criticism as long as it is constructive, and would definitely help the staffs or employees.
- Performance reviews should have realistic objectives.
- Know how to handle and control your staff or employees despite their different personalities.
- Take time to listen to your staff’s or employees’ concerns or suggestions.
- Manage the time for performance reviews properly and accordingly.
- Performance reviews for staff or employees should be one of the business management priorities.
- Accurate results should be written in a concise manner.
- Reviews should be conducted within a specific time allocated for these.
- Comments and results should be basing on the facts and information from the reviews, and not on the opinions of the employer due to personal issues.
- There should be an equal treatment for all the employees.
- Words used should be considerate and not exaggerated or sarcastic.
- The results should be specific in order to pin point the specific areas that are needed to be changed.
- The feedback should be delivered in the appropriate time, in order to not miss any important reminder or fact regarding one’s performance review.
- The forms should be discussed properly to the employees or staffs in order to avoid wrong input of information.
- Allocate few minutes for the employee’s concerns or clarifications. Make sure to ask if there are any misconceptions.
You may also refer to the effective performance reviews for more tips and ideas on how to conduct a successful one.
Staff/Employee Performance Appraisal Form
Staff Performance Appraisal Form
Employee Performance Appraisal Form
Performance Appraisal Form Template
Employee Appraisal Review Form
Employee Performance Review Form Template
Guidelines in Creating Review Forms
These are few of the guidelines that you could refer to when creating review forms. Also refer to the forms provided in this article. After all, these forms are downloadable and are editable to your preferred design or style.
- Proper spacing should be observed by utilizing the spaces accordingly.
- There should be enough spaces provided for each items; enough for the appropriate information to be written.
- The title should be written at the top part of the form, in order to know what the form is all about.
- The form should be layered and designed in an organized manner.
- The questions should be written in few words since questions are not necessarily long.
- The objectives could be indicated in order for the staff or employees to be guided.
- Instructions should be comprehensively written.
- Make sure that all information that are needed to complete the process are indicated as required.
- Keep the form presentable as much as possible. Too much design is not necessary.
- Emphasize the instructions or important information in order for the employees or staffs to take note of.
By indicating the objectives of the review, both employers and employees will be guided whether the goal or purpose is achieved or not. This is determined using an employee feedback form, where employees can cite their opinions or suggestions for the trainings or reviews and improvements.)
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