Leaving a company you have served for such a long time may be a tough decision to make. And whether it be a termination or a resignation, your company will have to require you to accomplish a Clearance Form which includes details of what responsibilities should you take before leaving.
Once you obtain a clearance, it simply means that you have to surrender all the things that your company has entrusted you. This also means that you have no legal right to activate your company’s accounts and that you also clear your financial accounts, including the ones you owe the company.
Staff Exit Clearance
Staff Health Clearance
Staff Data Clearance
Staff Employee Clearance
Faculty Staff Clearance
What is Staff Clearance?
An employment officially ends only when the employee accomplishes a Staff Clearance or an Employee Clearance Form. These forms, following a standard format, lays out what the employees must do to formally end his employment. The form shall also declare the reason for an employment end, whether it be as a result of termination, downsizing, or of a resignation letter.
In addition, the employee must see to it the he surrenders whatever the company has entrusted him including his identification card, laptops, parking grants, and the likes. Other employers will have to require an exit interview along with the clearance.
How to Write an Employee Clearance Letter
Clearance letters signal the recipients that they may proceed with whatever it is that they wish to do. In companies, a clearance letter may then be issued to an employee, giving him the go signal that he may finally leave the company.
Writing an employee clearance letter is as simple as declaring that the employee has fully accomplished whatever his clearance requirements are. In medical institutions, clearance letters are used to give the patient an awareness that he may be fit for work or to go home after being admitted as soon as he responds positively to Medical Clearance Forms.
Personnel Staff Clearance
Staff Clearance Certificate
Clearance for Central Office
Staff Medical Clearance
House Staff Clearance
Staff Research Form
Staff Clearance Guidelines
Some clearances like Medical Clearance Forms and a Security Clearance are intended to note that a person is fit to work or do whatever he wishes to do, given that he has positive medical test results and is clear from any criminal acts.
But these staff clearances, following a specific guideline, serve as a standard form for clearing a certain staff member or employee off the record and giving him the right to leave an organization or a company for good.
- Employee’s responsibilities. Before obtaining a staff clearance, an employee must have passed his resignation letter to the company head. In the case of termination, an employee must receive a notice which would take effect within a given period. As soon as he gets his clearance, he must meet all the requirements especially with regards to surrendering accounts, accesses, and materials entrusted to him by the company.
- Appropriate Personnel’s responsibilities. These specific department heads will give off their requirements to be accomplished by the employee and will then take charge of some parts of the clearing process.
- Human Resource Department responsibility. Sometimes, the employee submits his resignation letter immediately to the human resource department and the HR personnel will have to set the requirements for him. Other than that, the HR personnel is in charge with confirming and processing the separation of the employee and the company and shall have to conduct an exit interview then.
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