Sponsorship request forms are documents which should be used by organizations and individuals who are looking and accepting sponsorships for events, activities, and programs. With this form, the requestor will be able to inform his preferred sponsor about the needs and wants of the organization.
Types of Sponsorship Request Forms
Community Event Sponsorship Request Form – This type of sponsorship request form is ideal to be used by groups who would want to have a sponsor for an event to be held in a community. In the form, there are three sections to be filled out by the requestor and one additional section to be completed by the sponsoring organization. The first section is allotted for documenting the information of the requestor which should indicate his name, address, and phone numbers. The second section, on the other hand, is for stating the details of the sponsorship and the event to be conducted, while the third section contains the instruction to be followed by the requestor in lieu of sending the request form to the organization. Upon receiving the form, the sponsoring organization’s representative must indicate which criteria or program and subject had been met by the requestor’s event, and the details of the financial plan or budget to be granted to sponsor the event.
Community Event Sponsorship Request Form
Community Sponsorship Request Form – This form is intended to be used by organizations who want their projects and plans to be funded by sponsors. Four sections comprise the form and the last section is to be filled out by the sponsor. Moreover, the first three sections of the form collect the general information of the organization along with the details of their project, and the promotional plans to market and introduce their project to their target audiences.
Community Sponsorship Request Form
Co-Sponsorship Request Form – There are three sections to be completed by the requestor in this type of sponsorship request form. Specifically, the first section documents the proposed name of the club or organization to be funded, the date of the proposal, the event or activity to be held, and the date of the activity. In the second section, the cost summary of the event or activity will have to be disclosed such as the total cost of the event, the total budget contribution, the amount of the fundraised donations, the new total event cost minimized by the donations and contributions, and the amount to be requested from the co-sponsors. The details of the proposal will be the focus of the third section of the form wherein the requestor should describe the financial plans of the organization along with the relevance of the proposal and the event to the sponsor and its audiences.
Co-Sponsorship Request Form
Donation and Sponsorship Request Form – Compared to the aforementioned form types, this document has a simple layout and collects only a few pieces of data and information. To complete the form, the requestor should disclose his name as the contact person along with his contact information, company or organizational affiliation, tax identification number, and the name or title of the event in the first section of the form. Then, the requestor must describe the details of his request in the second section and submit the form to the sponsor in order to acquire the sponsor’s feedback and decision as to whether the request is approved or denied.
Donation and Sponsorship Request Form
Essential Sections of Sponsorship Request Forms
Regardless of the type of sponsorship request form which will be made for organizations and companies, the sections below should always be present and must be filled out by the requestor.
Requestor’s general information
The information of the requestor which will have to be stated in the form would be the requestor’s name, organization name, address, and phone number.
Sponsorship details and justifications
This section would be where the requestor will indicate the details of the activity or program to be sponsored. Specifically, the date and name of the program or event along with its description and the reason or the importance of the sponsorship will be the details to be stated in this section of the form.
Sponsor’s contact information and address
The purpose of this section is to inform the requestor of how he can reach out to the sponsor and where he must submit or send the completed sponsorship request form.
And lastly, a sponsorship request form should always have an approval section which is for the names and the signatures of the sponsor’s approval committee. Additionally, an area for the sponsor’s reason for denying the sponsorship request can also be added in the approval section to allow the requestor in knowing the reason why the request was denied and what criteria should be met the next time a request will be sent for a different event or program.
Sponsorship Request Form Sample
Sponsorship Request Form Tips
When making sponsorship request forms, the document-preparer should know what data or information will need to be collected in the form. This can be done by asking the sponsorship approval committee as well as by remembering the criteria to be fulfilled by the sponsor applicants and requestors. In addition, the form should also be available in varying formats, specifically in “.DOC” and in “.PDF” format since these two are the common types which can easily be used.
Community Relations Sponsorship Request Form
Another tip to keep in mind is to create several varieties of sponsorship request forms to cater to different activities, subjects, programs, or events. This allows the organization to easily identify and classify what sponsorships had been common and were accepted within a specific period or a year.
Sponsorship Request Form in DOC
Benefits of Using Sponsorship Request Forms in DOC
One benefit of using a sponsorship request form in “.DOC” format is that it can be edited easily whenever there are alterations needed to be incorporated, specifical changes in the entry fields of the form. Another benefit is that any form in a “.DOC” format can be converted into other formats including “.PDF” or portable document file format which can be accessed using any device without having the need to install software programs and applications. Lastly, a sponsorship request form in “.DOC” format is lightweight in terms of its file size which means that it can be saved into a device with a small storage capacity.
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