Although they have lesser employees than huge corporations, small businesses also utilize certain forms to go about the daily operations of their business. Aside from that, they also use certain Business Forms to register their business and pay taxes. Small businesses include mom and pop shops, small grocery stores, bakeries, restaurants, and small-time manufacturing shops. Some professionals also operate as a small business, such as lawyers, accountants, dentists, and web designers, among others. You may see our samples below for use as basis for your own forms or see our other Business Forms for more downloadable samples and information.
Small Business Tax Form
Small Business Application Form
Small Business Self-Certification Form
Small Business Affidavit Form
Small Business Bill of Sale Form
Types of Small Businesses
- Sole proprietorship – These are small businesses that do not usually have employees. About 23 million businesses are a sole proprietorship. This consists of professionals who operate as a small business. Although they do not create jobs, they provide income to their owners.
- Mom and pop stores – These are local businesses that provide products and services to locals. This includes local laundry shops, restaurants, grocery stores, and car repair shops, among others. Most of these businesses exist to support the needs of a family and not to expand to be a large corporation. This type of small business is an integral part of America’s middle class.
- Suppliers – These are companies or businesses that provide supplies to other businesses. They are usually startup businesses that have the goal of expanding into a huge corporation.
Types of Small Business Forms
- Small Business Tax Form – This is used to file taxes for a small business. The form to be used depends on what kind of small business it is.
- Small Business Application Form – This is used to register a business before it starts to operate. A small business would need to register so that they can pay taxes as well.
Small Business Contract Form
Small Business Evaluation Form
Small Business Invoice Form
Small Business Job Application Form
Small Business Review Form
- Small Business Self-Certification Form – This is used by small business owners to self-certify their business as a small business by declaring its size. This is necessary to categorize the type of business you run for taxation purposes.
- Small Business Bill of Sale Form – This is used by small business owners to certify the transfer of a property to a buyer. This reports that on a specified date, a certain property was transferred to a buyer for a certain amount.
- Small Business Invoice Form – This is used to provide a list of products and services provided by the small business, along with the amount for each item and the total charges. This is a bill to be sent to the consumer or customer for them to be able to settle the charges.
Aside from these types and samples, there are more types of Small Business Forms used by small businesses in their daily operations. One other example are Small Business Agreement Forms that are used to stipulate terms and conditions in an agreement to make them legally binding.
The use of Business Forms allows a business to properly organize their forms for safekeeping in case they need to access them in the future for reference. This is because these forms are properly labeled according to their purpose.
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