
Protector, custodian, and keeper are all terms related to the word “guardian”. This refers to those people who are assigned and responsible for taking good care or to look after a particular person whose a disable or a minor. Parents often choose a guardian from their group of close relatives, friends, and even hire someone to be the guardian and sign an Agreement Form especially when they need to be away from their family due to handling business matters and other affairs.

Temporary Guardian Authorization Form

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To properly assign a guardian, the parents must complete a Temporary Guardianship Form. This form is vital in authorizing the guardian to have a specific responsibility and obligation with regards to a minor or a disabled person. This may be granted by the state’s court to legally determine the guardian and assure that the purpose of the assigning will be met in a specified time-period. However, what are the possible instances in which this sort of document will be valid and of great use?

Guardianship Affidavit of Liability Form

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When to Use and Sign a Temporary Guardianship Form

Here are the possible events wherein the parent will be required to use a Temporary Guardianship Form:

  • In events of a parent’s divorce and separation. A Temporary Guardianship and Custody Agreement are two important documents for this type of situation. A legal personnel, such as an attorney, will be needed in dealing with granting this guardianship to a divorced couple. It will contain the limitations and the schedule of both parents, as well as their obligations and the possible termination of the contract.

Temporary Guardianship Agreement Form

  • When a parent’s job will involve traveling and deploying to various locations. This is common to those families whose parent’s are often in a business meeting outside the city and those whose parents are involved in the military. With the aid of the Temporary Guardianship Authorization Form, the parent may assign the grandparents or the relatives of the child to be the child’s guardians during his travel.

Power of Attorney for Guardianship Form

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  • During emergency situations. Emergencies are incidents which one can never know when it will occur. When a child is in school, the parent may grant an Authorization to the school administration in allowing them to provide a first aid or any medically related actions during emergencies. A Power of Attorney for Guardianship may also be used for this intention. It will have the coverage for the consent and permission given by the parent to the Guardian and the end or termination date of the guardian’s responsibility.

A Guardianship Form‘s main reason of usage is to allow protection for a minor and a disabled person when the Legal Guardian is not around. This serves as a precautionary measure to know who is responsible during a particular period for the child especially if the child has been involved in an accident. The form will not only protect the child but also the parent from being held liable for unexpected accidents and occurrences which cause the child’s illness and health issues. Though highly similar to that of a Custody Agreement Form, this Temporary Guardianship can be granted to anyone aside from the parents or the natural guardians of the minor, compared to the latter, which can only be given to the parents of a child.

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