shift change forms in doc

A shift change form is a type of HR form to be used by employees and staff to document the changes in their work schedule. With this form, the rest of the members or workers of the company will be able to identify which working days needs to be filled in by another employee due to the shift change. Additionally, a shift change form will also be useful for ensuring that an employee’s attendance report will be accurate and will have proof in lieu of his request in changing his shift.

Shift Change Form Sample

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 27 KB


Why Use a Shift Change Form in DOC?

Shift change forms in “.DOC” formats are easy to fill out and create. By simply opening a word processing software application program, a company or an organization will be able to make their own change forms. In addition, shift change forms in “.DOC” formats can also be converted into other formats such as in “.XLS” and in “.PDF” format. This means that a “.DOC” format is flexible, editable, and uncomplicated to use.

Shift Change Request Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 11 KB


What to Disclose in a Shift Change Form?

There is no need for dozens of data and information to be disclosed in any type of shift change form since the focus of this document is the schedule of the employee. Nonetheless, below are some of the data which are necessary to be stated in the form:

Employee identification

This would include the name of the employee along with his identification number, job title, and the department that he is working in. The purpose of this data is to properly identify who the requesting person is, and whether his job roles and responsibilities will be affected or not.

Filing information

The date when the shift change form was filed and the date when the approval was given are essential to be stated in the section in order to document the time taken by the employee. In addition, the name of the staff who received the completed shift change form can also be included to identify who is responsible for processing and recording the changes.

Change preferences

The employee’s preferred work schedule or shift should not only have the time or the number of working hours to be rendered but also the specific day of the week, and the date when the shift will take place. Moreover, the employee who will take over the shift of the requesting employee will be identified in the form as well. This is to ensure that accountability will be retained to the right employee or the person who is working on their desired shift schedule.

Employee’s reasons

The HR or the manager of a company must not immediately approve the shift change request of any employee since the reasons and the necessity for the change must first be verified and be validated. To do this, the employee’s reasons for requesting the shift change must be included in the form.

Additionally, the comments and some notes from the approval committee of the company can also be placed in the form to inform the employee of what he must keep in mind, especially if he has special tasks and roles in the company.

Weekly Employee Shift Change Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 45 KB


Tips in Using Shift Change Forms in DOC

  • Know the limitations and company policies: Not every employee is privileged for a shift change since it depends on their roles and the necessity of their presence in the company. This is the reason why before filing or using a shift change form, an employee must first know the company policies and his own eligibility for the request. Limitations such as the required number of days wherein an employee must file the change form before the date of his shift and work schedule change are essential to be known by the employee as well.
  • Supply proof: The proof that an employee can supply could be duplicates of documents that will indicate the event that he will be going to as the reason for his change in shift. Documents such as the medical certificates of his spouse who got involved into an accident and will be needing his assistance for a scheduled day, or a letter from a legal attorney indicating a request for his presence in court can serve as heavy proof to be presented to the approval committee of the company.
  • Negotiate with other employees: Most of the time, a shift change will not be approved if there is no one who will take over the role or the tasks of the employee on his previous shift. This is why a negotiation with another employee must be made in order to identify who is willing to exchange a shift schedule on the specified day.

Work Shift or Days Off Change Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Work Shift Change Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


Shift Change Forms in DOC FAQs

Can a shift change form be used for changing a plotted day off?

Yes. There are some companies who use one document for both work shift changes and day-off changes in order to lessen the need for transacting varying forms. Nonetheless, the employee who is using the form must specify what needs to be approved by the company, either a planned leave or a work shift.

Can a shift change letter be used in exchange for a shift change form?

Shift change letters can be used, however using a ready-made shift change form is easier and will require the user less time in constructing and determining words or phrases to incorporate into the letter. Also, shift change forms have a common layout or uniformity that makes it easier for the approval committee of the company to scan the form and make a decision.

Along with the data of the employee and the approval of the company, a shift change form in “.DOC” and in any format must have a call-to-action section at the last portion of the form. The purpose of this additional section is to inform the employee of what the approval process will be as well as how the company will relay the decision to the employee, either the shift change is declined or approved.

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