Every day, people volunteer, help, and grant services to their fellowmen. These actions may either be rewarded by a payment or with a huge smile and thank yous from the clients. These people who give services are known as service providers in the professional industry. This is the type of profession or work which demands the use of Legal Forms and records.
Generally, Service Forms are the documents that these service providers use. These forms vary on the purpose of the provider which may be an agreement, contract, proposal, and even a survey and Feedback Form.
Service Request Form Sample
One form used for providing services is a Service Request Form. This document will allow the client or customer to state what sorts of services he will wishes and desires. The reasons why the service is needed will also be stated to inform the service providers about the client’s situation.
Service Requisition Form Sample
Another document which is similar to the Request Form is a Service Requisition Form. This is a more formal document which demands the service provider to do the particular services indicated by the client. Compared to the aforementioned Service Request Form, the statements on the requisition form is often not valid for declination by the service provider. In other words, the Requisition serves as a document for the client’s required services and not what he desires to add on and customize.
Service Application Form Sample
Application Forms are also used by service providers. Some Service Application Forms require two parties to be presently stated on the form such as the property owner and the agent or the installer for a Utilities Service Connection Application Form. This is mostly used by service providing companies whose business is providing and disconnecting technological and infrastructural connections. It contains the billing options and the layout for the subscription choices of the client.
Sections of a Service Application Form
- The Heading. This will have the name of the company and the type of document.
- The Details and Descriptions of the Property. This includes the property address, the name of the property owner, and the owner’s contact information.
- The Agent or the Installer. It is important that the agency will assign a particular agent to work with the owner. In the case of an installation, the agency may also indicate the name or the identification number of the installer to state who will be responsible for handling the client.
- The Plans and Subscriptions. All Service Applications will demand the client to state his choice of plans to aid the agency in knowing the limitations of the services that they will provide.
- The Payment or Billing Statement. This area will have the list of the payments and fees associated with the client’s plan choice. It will also have the client’s method of billing such as through banks, credit cards, or through the agency’s cashier.
- Terms and Conditions. Since the provided service may grant an advantage and benefits to the client for a span of time, the obligations and the conditions for the client will be stated on the document, including his payment responsibilities on a regular basis.
Service Proposal Form Sample
Proposals are one of the vital processes known in the business industry. This is the process where the officers or providers will have to make their pitch and write it in a document. A Service Proposal Form will have all the details about the proposed service project which includes the list of benefits for doing the said service. Communities, schools, and volunteer groups often use this form to plan for their next activities. It is essential that the Proposal will be reliable therefore needing exquisite research to prove that the service is really needed by the respondents or the chosen targets.
Tips to Have an Edgy Service Proposal Form
- Cut the paragraphs and summarize. By doing a summary, the board members can easily skim and scan through the Proposal Form which enables them to decide in a faster pace.
- Use uniform terms. Language should be one of the first considerations when creating or writing a Proposal Form since misunderstanding can be the cause of declination rather than an approval.
- Organize. This refers to simply grouping and categorizing the areas of the form depending on their relativity.
- Do a research. An ample number of researched facts and statistics will be helpful for your proposal especially when dealing with community services. A good example is by knowing the percentage or poverty rate of a particular location to support your feeding service proposal.
- Add some spice. Instead of simply stating that you aim for a Feeding Service for the poor, encourage your board officers that the service to be provided will not be limited to feeding but also to provide supplies of food and materials for the people. In this way, the Proposal will be hitting two birds with one stone.
Service Hours Form Sample
Recording is an essential step of the documentation process in a business or an organization. When granting a service, the names of the providers and the number of hours they have provided will be stated in a Service Hours Form. This form is also used as a requirement in some states to be presented before graduating from high school or as a document to include in a College Application.
The Service Hours Form serves as a Log Sheet or a Tracking Form for the service providers. The records will then be computed by the head of the group and will be determined whether a set of additional hours will be needed by the service provider to comply the service hours requirements of the group of the state.
Service Report Form Sample
With the aid of the Log Sheets and Service Hours Forms, service providing agencies and volunteer groups can compute their annual or monthly statistical service reports. These numbers will be stated in a Service Report Form where the users can do a comparison of the improvements and benefits in the services that they have granted.
Service Feedback Form Sample
The reports, client’s thoughts, and the statistics will then be subject to a feedback. The Service Feedback Form will aid in determining what type of follow up service that the providers will need to undertake for the satisfaction of their clients. Most statements and ratings in a Feedback Form will focus on the positive side and the advantages of the provided services.
Asking for a client’s feedback is one of the quickest ways to acknowledge the customer or client’s needs and ideas. This will also help the group to sort out problems, issues, and important matters for the improvement of their services.
Service Survey Form Sample
Aside from directly asking for a Client Feedback, the service providers may also present a Survey Form for their clients. Specifically, a Service Survey Form will be needed to have the statistics of the provider’s service rates. The form should only cover the essential matters regarding the services and not about the client’s information. Consistent rating scales and Yes or No questions are helpful for having an effective survey.
Service Complaint Form Sample
In contrast from a good and positive feedback and survey is a complaint. Regardless of the industry providing the services, when a client is not satisfied and saw some glitches with the provided service, he or she will speak numbers of complaints and may even head to the manager to talk about his disappointment. To handle this scenario, the group or service providers will properly manage the client with the use of a Service Complaint Form.
What’s in a Service Complaint Form
Any company or agency may create a Complaint Form by simply adding sections for the problem and the solution. However, to have an effective communication with the client, the form must contain the following:
- The Complainant’s Information. Some agencies will indicate this area as optional rather than a required section to let the client choose whether he allows his name to be stated on the document. Nonetheless, the advantage of having the client’s information is to efficiently reach out to the client and know the client better.
- The Issue and the Reason. This is the body of the Complaint Form wherein the client will start indicating the problems of the services and how he was treated by the providers. It will also state the client’s ideas of what the service provider should have done to meet his needs.
- The Complaint Decision. The form will be subjected for a meeting by the agency to lay down resolution plans for the client. The final decision and the client’s thoughts about the resolution will be stated on the form.
Service Contract Form Sample
When everything is already prepared, from the Application Forms to the Proposal Forms, then it will be the exact moment that the service provider and the client will lay down their Service Contract. This is the document to legally bind the parties for the type of service chosen by the client. It will highlight the service description and the payments for the services.
Service Agreement Form Sample
An arrangement between the client and the provider may also be created for properly outlining the terms and period of the service. This will be done with the use of a Service Agreement Form.
Three Differences Between a Service Contract and a Service Agreement
There are some users of these forms who lack knowledge regarding the functions of the two documents. Even though these forms both state the needs of the client, each has differences, and these are listed below:
- Written or Verbal. Both documents may be in written and in verbal form, however, the Agreement Form is often expressed in a verbal manner while the Contract Form needs to be written and documented by both parties.
- Parts and Sections. An Agreement may simply state what the parties have agreed and there are no required areas for an Agreement Form. A Contract, on the other hand, has varying formats depending on the state to legally do a transaction between the parties.
- Legalities. The Contract is valid for court trials and preceding, compared to an Agreement which can only be used if it properly includes properties similar to a contract.
Proof of Service Form Sample
A Service Form which is highly needed by witnesses for the court is a Proof of Service. This serves as the witness’s receipt that he is a true witness and that he successfully filed the needed paperwork on time to the court. It can also be used as a verification that the particular service was made by an individual at a specified date and time.
Affidavit of Service Form Sample
The Proof of Service is also referred to as an Affidavit of Service in some states depending on what laws and rules were passed by the state’s government.
Certificate of Service Form Sample
As the Proof of Service indicates that a witness has filed the necessary documents to the court, a Certificate of Service, on the other hand, will certify and state that a party has submitted a copy of the documents to the other party and to the lawyers. This certificate will include the details about the method and the date of service, with the identification of the addressed individual.
Community Service Form Sample
When dealing with volunteers and community services, a Community Service Form will be required to be filled out by the service providers. This will have the personal information of the volunteer, the required hours, emergency contact details, and a completion verification.
Some forms used for volunteering have an enclosed Waiver Form that contains a statement regarding the benefits, and the waived rights of the volunteer.
Vehicle Service Form Sample
Vehicle dealers, drivers, and repairmen also use a Service Form which is a Vehicle Service Form. This is used for any form of service for cars, motorcycles, bikes, and other transportation systems that the service provider will cater to the client.
Vital Areas of a Vehicle Service Form
When it comes to vehicles, there will be a lot of parts which need to examined before doing a repair. However, with a proper Vehicle Service Form, the client and the mechanic will easily distinguish what needs to be done. Listed below are the vital areas for this type of Service Form:
- The Vehicle’s Defects. The client should be specific with regards to the incapability and the broken parts of his vehicle. This area may be in a checklist format or in a blank box where the client can fully indicate his statements.
- The Other Requests. Vehicle Service Forms do not only focus on defective vehicles but also for vehicles wherein the owner demands to have it accessorized or improved. The client must lay out his designs and his preferences for his vehicle’s accessories.
- The Parties’ Signatures. To close the form and the agreement between the client and the mechanic, they must both affix their signatures with a date right beside it.
Other than Vehicle Service Forms, a client and the vehicle service provider may also use a Vehicle Purchase Agreement and a Lease Agreement for buy-and-sell intentions. The Vehicle Purchase Agreement will only be used if the client will decide to buy a vehicle from the seller while the Vehicle Lease Agreement will be for renting out a vehicle.
Medical Service Form Sample
The medical and health industry use a Medical Service Form for their patients and healthcare partners. There are four known types of Medical Service Forms:
- Medical Claim Service Form – This document is for claiming the cost of the medical expenditures due to treatments and medical related travels. This is often used by insurance companies to cater the repay or reimburse the expenses of an insurance-holder who met an accident or an injury.
- Emergency Medical Service Prehospital Form – This will indicate the patient’s choices and decisions regarding the possible treatments that he prefers in the event of an emergency. It will limit the medical personnel for the medical actions that they will provide for the patient.
- Medical Service Request Form – This Request Form contains the information about the requested treatments of the client. It will also distinguish whether the client’s requests are urgent or not and the client’s coverage for his insurance benefits.
- Medical Service Prior Authorization Form – Whenever a physician will grant a prescription for his patient who’s an insurance-holder, he needs to fill create this Authorization Form. The form is a document used for obtaining the insurance company’s approval for the prescription of the physician.
Cleaning Service Order Form Sample
Similar to mechanics and medical personnel, janitor and maintenance staff also use a type of Service Form in providing their cleaning services. A Cleaning Service Order Form will have the kinds of services which were requested by the client with the associated rates or service fees.
When this Cleaning Service Order Form is submitted to the agency, a Confirmation Form will then be presented to the client as a notification for his order.
Selective Service Form Sample
Service Request Form
In the military sector of a country, a Selective Service Form is needed by the applicants of the mandatory military service. As an assurance that the eligible men of the country have registered for the Selective Service, a Selective Service Compliance Form will be completed by the male citizens of eligible age. This will indicate whether they have registered or have been exempted from granting a service for his country.
There are numerous varieties and kinds of Service Forms, and these will all depend on the service provider’s organization. However, regardless of the purpose of the form, it should have all the necessary information that both parties require and that it should follow the legislation of the country or the state.