Christmas and Santa Claus are synonymous with each other. During the festive season, many people in homes, offices, communities, schools and colleges indulge in a game/exercise/task known as ‘Secret Santa. It is a traditional endeavor wherein a group or community of people is tasked a particular person to whom they have to anonymously present a gift. As part of tradition, in many places, Secret Santa questionnaires are filled out by people, in which they have to give hints or clues about the gifts they’d like to get. you may also see Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire Forms
Sample Office Secret Santa Questionnaire Form
This is a simple and very straightforward Secret Santa questionnaire wherein the respondent needs to fill out their name followed by giving answers to some very basic questions pertaining to their likes with regards to favorite food, hobbies, desserts, shopping etc.
Secret Santa Gift Exchange Questionnaire Form
In schools, students are handed out a Secret Santa exchange questionnaire form wherein the terms and guidelines of the exercise are spelt out, and two options are listed – whether a student would or would not like to participate in the Secret Santa Gift Exchange.
Secret Santa Mini-Quilt Swap Questionnaire
If you’re a part of a vocation group or camp and wish to organize a mini-quilt swap amongst the members, you need to design a questionnaire such as the one shown here. It has the rules and regulations of the task, followed by a list of questions.
Sample Secret Santa Questionnaire Form Printable
A very basic and concise Secret Santa questionnaire is easily available and downloadable in MS Word format. The respondent is required to fill in their details and also give answers to some basic interest-oriented questions.
Breakfast with Santa Questionnaire Form
Surprise your children by a gifting them with a letter from Santa! Yes, there are groups specialized to do that. For the purpose, parents are required to fill in information regarding your child and provide details about what their child would like to receive for Christmas!
Secret Santa Questionnaire for Kids
Many outlets and organizations that host Secret Santa programs annually release a handout wherein all the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are addressed for the audiences – especially the kids. All the rules and regulations are also specified.
Sample Secret Santa Questionnaire for Adults
Many outlets and organizations that host Secret Santa programs annually release a handout wherein all the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are addressed for the audiences – especially the kids. All the rules and regulations are also specified.
Funny Secret Santa Questionnaire
Secret Santa Questionnaire Form Example
Shawnee’s Secret Santa Swap Questionnaire Form in Word
Secret Santa Work Enrollment Form
Use of Secret Santa Questionnaire
As Secret Santa is considered as part and parcel of Christmas tradition, Secret Santa questionnaire is an important basic element of it. The purpose of the questionnaire is that the answers of the respondent shed light into his or her choices and what he or she would like to receive as a gift during the festive season. The questionnaire also becomes a fun pretext to know the people involved in a better way – it could be a group of employees, students, members etc. Depending on the questions asked in the questionnaire, respondents’ answers will vary in depth. Useful Interview Assessment Forms
The Target Audience of Secret Santa Questionnaire
There is no particular or fixed target group of a Secret Santa questionnaire. This aspect keeps changing and is variable. Some Secret Santa questionnaires are generic, people of all ages can answer, whereas most questionnaires of some kind have a fixed target-group – students, teachers, parents, employees etc. Depending on the environment where the endeavor is being organized and for whom, that becomes the target group. The good part obviously is that secret Santa questionnaires are most endearing and fun-based, so there are no hard-and- fast rules to be followed as far as target-group is concerned.
Online Availability of Secret Santa Questionnaire
In an era of templates, it is a big relief that Secret Santa questionnaire templates are easily available online. There is list of websites you can visit and get hold of the template which is best-suited for you. The templates are available in Word and PDF formats. Most websites offer the templates free of cost, whereas some might charge a premium amount. Regardless of the choice you make, all of the templates are easily downloadable, customizable and printable. If you’d like to design a questionnaire on your own, feel free to download templates from our collection and take ideas from them. You may also see Interview Feedback Forms
As long as Secret Santa is going to continue to be part of Christmas season, you be rest assured that Secret Santa questionnaires are going to be in vogue too. The best aspect of these questionnaires is that there is no standard format attached, you can build and make them as you wish to.
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