Christmas is the brainchild of a commercial agreement between business-minded people that the holiday season must highly promote the idea of giving gifts rather than receiving. It has also become a tradition for people to host an exchanging gift party with their coworkers as a means of embracing the excellent spirit and celebrating the yuletide season.
However, the endorsing of the Christmas spirit is not the only thing that drives consumers to engage in the gift-buying ideology. The desire to have one’s struggles and efforts be appreciated and validated through the means of receiving a gift plays a much more significant role in the movement of sales during Christmas, no matter how much selflessness is endorsed during the holiday season.
Desire is the driving force for our urge to want to be treated special, directing our eyes to the pleasures of an enticing presentation of a holiday sale product that we hope might be given to us by another person. How can we let someone know what gift do we want? A sample secret Santa questionnaire is the best manner of achieving the result that you want.
What Is a Secret Santa Questionnaire for Adults?
A questionnaire is a benefits survey document consisting of a set of questions that aims to acquire specific information about a particular area of priority from a particular group of respondents. A questionnaire helps companies, organizations, or individuals to get the kind of information or result that they might help them improve and repair some areas or aspects in their researches or facilities that might be lacking in assessment, repairment, and management.
A secret Santa form deals explicitly with the wants of certain people—in this case, the adults’ desires. According to, adults have been continuously pressuring themselves to work hard to take care of the needs of the family, at the cost of their happiness.
Adults also need to be treated special once in a while, and the Christmas season is the best way to make them feel appreciated. This is why, during this time, holiday request forms are used by older employees to give themselves a break from working too much for other people. They need this break.
5+ Secret Santa Questionnaire for Adults Samples
Showcased presentably below are six secret Santa forms that are professionally and colorfully designed with elements of a Christmas season theme. Examine each of the samples for similarities and differences you can find.
Sample Secret Santa Questionnaire
Secret Santa Questionnaire Survey
Sample Secret Santa Survey
Secret Santa Application Survey
Secret Santa Questionnaire Sample
Secret Santa Sample Questionnaire
Types of Secret Santa Questionnaire for Adults
A questionnaire has a varied format, each having an element that prioritizes or focuses on a specific target result or a specific situation. However, the most common traits is the solicitation of the respondents’ personal information and opinions on such varied matters. Here are a few sample questionnaire types that have been widely used for so long already.
1. Structured
This type of questionnaire, also called closed questionnaire, falls under quantitative research. This form requires more respondents than they do with researchers. Questions from this document are concrete and usually requires simple answers such as very bad, bad, good, very good, etc.
2. Unstructured
This type of questionnaire is also called an open questionnaire and falls under qualitative research. Questions in this document tends to be more open and subjective, usually answers are longer since it is based on the opinions of the respondents.
3. Scaled
This type of questionnaire presents a certain rating scale after the question, which the respondent must answer—shading, circling, boxing, or checking the chosen rating.
4. Hand Delivered
This type of questionnaire is directly shared by the researcher to the respondent. A good example would be an interview or a talk show segment.
5. Mailed
This type of questionnaire is sent by the researcher to the home of the respondet who is far away. The questionnaire also comes with an instruction list that the respondent must follow when answering the document.
6. Mixed
This type of questionnaire uses both closed and open questions. This is the most creative out of the types of questionnaire forms since this is a combination of two, three, or more types of such form.
How to Create a Secret Santa Questionnaire for Adults
Step 1: Choose a Questionnaire Type
As what was previously presented, questionnaires have different types, each with a different format and content. Select a model of a survey that is useful for a secret Santa form. However, you can opt to use an unstructured format since you want to know the kind of gift the respondent wants. These types of questionnaires are best suited for such a situation that needs elaboration to comprehend the desire of your respondent fully.
Step 2: Use Sans-Serif Fonts
Themed documents such as a secret Santa questionnaire need not present as a formal document. Use sans-serif font styles for a more overall stylish look to your design for the themed survey. Sans-serif font styles are widely seen as more casual and hippie than serifed typefaces.
Step 3: Add a Few Colored Graphics Files
To go along with your overall Christmas themed design for your document, add a few graphics files to your text. Maybe use an image of Santa Claus or an image of a Christmas. You can also use the Christmas series lights as a border for your themed document. Look up other secret Santa questionnaires on the Internet. Carefully examine the design elements they have used as your reference when selecting a particular design file for your themed document.
Step 4: Have an Assessment
Once you are done with the whole creation process of the themed questionnaire document, all that is left is the polishing. Search the entire document for any existing grammatical and contextual error that has previously evaded your judging eye during the creation process. You must persevere in ridding your text of any defects whatsoever.
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