A Physical Examination, commonly dubbed a check-up, is a test that is routinely done to check on your overall health status. A Physical Exam may be conducted by a doctor, a nurse, or a physician assistant, and is typically documented using a Physical Form, a Physical Assessment Form, or a Nursing Assessment Forms.
Physical Exams are necessary in schools to help ensure that students are well and healthy so they can properly learn and acquire knowledge that is being imparted to them. Some sports teams in school also require physical check-ups to make sure that the applying candidate is fit enough to play for the team.
Generic School Physical Form
School Sports Physical Evaluation Form
School Physical Exam Form
Blank School Physical Form
High School Physical Form
Why Students Should Get Periodic Physical Exams
- It allows the doctor to check for potential diseases so they can be treated early, eliminated, or controlled.
- Helps to update necessary immunizations.
- Ensures that you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and a healthy diet.
Steps in Performing a Physical Exam
1. Make sure your hands are properly clean and sanitized.
2. Take the patient’s blood pressure.
3. Take the radial pulse by placing your index and middle fingers on the inside of your wrist, below your thumb.
Use a watch with a second hand and count your pulse for 60 seconds. Write down your pulse rate, the date, time, and which side was used to take the pulse.
4. Check the patient’s ears.
5. Conduct a hearing test.
6. Perform an eye exam using the Snellen test.
7. Perform an eye exam by testing their eye reaction with a flashlight.
8. Conduct an exam on eye movement by letting the patient follow the direction of your finger using only his eyes.
9. Check the nose and the throat for any signs of inflammation.
10. Perform a check on the neck and on the lymph nodes by determining if there are any glands that are on the neck or on the thyroid that are palpable.
11. Ask them to raise their eyebrows, frown, close their eyes tightly, show their teeth, smile, and puff out their cheeks to check on their cranial nerves.
12. With the use of a stethoscope, perform a check-up on the lungs. Let the patient breath in deeply and then breathe out while simultaneously doing 3 spot checks on the back of each lung and 1 on the front of each lung.
13. Still with the use of a stethoscope, check on the heart.
14. For the abdominal exam, listen for an aortic bruit by listening for bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants of the abdomen.
15. Palpate the spleen and the liver.
16. Let the patient bend over and touch his toes to assess the function of his spine.
Nursing School Physical Examination Form
Printable School Physical Form
Physical Examination Form
School Physical Examination Form in PDF
Sports Physical Examination
A Sports Physical Exam is a type of exam that determines whether it is safe for an individual to participate in a certain sport. This is also known as a Pre-participation Physical Examination or PPE.
Physical Examinations need to be properly documented as they can be used as a point of reference in the future. Our Physical Forms, Physical Examination Forms, and Sports Physical Forms provide clear and detailed information and categories that are vital when conducting a physical exam.
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