Complaints are made due to the dissatisfaction of an individual towards the services received from a company. These are also received out of annoyance or anger due to some circumstances that has occurred. Wherever it is resulted from, complaints should not be taken for granted, especially for those who run a business. Because this is in order for them to be aware about what the customers or clients feel or think about certain situations related to the company.
Having a bunch of complaint forms definitely brings negativity to the company, but these should not always be considered as negative feedback. Instead, the company should consider these as blocks that build the company.
Model Due Process Complaint Form
Model Ethics Complaint Form Example
Model Special Education Complaint Form Example
Model Special Education Complaint Form
Model Complaint Form
What is a Model Complaint Form?
There are different kinds of Model Complaint Forms. As you can see with the sample forms that we have provided for you in this article. These complaint forms vary depending on what they pertained to/for.
A model complaint form could be filed by any individual which has something against the public officials, such as public officers for violating the laws. One kind of a model complaint is an ethics complaint form, in which an officer or an employee has violated the ethics ordinance.
The violation could be about the misuse of the officers’ authority or any resources that are supposed to be used for public services related only. These complaints can also be filed using official complaint forms. Another kind of a model complaint is when a parent or a guardian has filed a complaint in behalf of his or her child/children. This complaint is filed if a university has failed to perform their duties in providing proper education for the child.
The model complaint just like any other complaints are filed, collected, documented in a complaint form. And the necessary information that are needed are the following:
- the complainant information such as the name, address,a contact number, email address, the relationship t the person whose rights were violated (if the complaint is made in behalf of another person)
- the information of the person to whom the complaint is about such as the name, position, and address (if applicable)
- the complaint information that answers the questions what, when, where, and how it all happened
This information to be written in the complaint form must be detailed and proven to be true. If possible, all the supporting documents are attached in order to have the specific information. These complaints are sworn by affixing the signature of the complainant.
Child Complaint Model Form Sample
Model Instructions Complaint Form
Model Procedures Complaint Form
Model Vehicle Complaint Form Sample
Model Complaint Form in Doc
Guidelines When Making a Complaint
In making a complaint, here are some of the following that the complainant should take note of:
- The complaint should not be reported immediately, not more than a year.
- The complainant should provide enough information in order to be reasonable enough in filing the complaint.
- The supporting documents should be attached to have more evidence or proof regarding the complaint/s.
- The complaint should be written in the complaint form in order to best understand the nature and details of the complaint.
- The complaints should be detailed enough regarding the date, the specific place, the number of occurrence.
- The complainant should keep himself or herself together when making a complaint (that means he or she should calm down).
The following are some reminders for the officer-in-charge in handling a complaint:
- The officer should not be bias, instead be fair.
- He or she should know how to handle the complaints from the customers or clients accordingly to their customer complaints form.
- He or she should stay calm and focus on the objective which is to find solutions for the complaints and not to create more chaos.
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