distribution agreement form samples

Creating an Agreement Form is always a solid approach before starting up a new business relationship to make sure both parties are on the same page.

A Distribution Agreement Form is another example of an Agreement form. This form is used in an agreement in which a supplier of goods and a distributor make a legal arrangement. These agreements generally consolidate conditions and terms of supply, sometimes as an appendix or schedule to the agreement and sometimes in the body of the agreement.

Shown below are a few of the examples of Distribution Agreement Forms that you can download, fill out, and use for free.

Document Distribution Agreement Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


Exclusive Distribution Agreement Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 94 KB


International Distribution Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 94 KB


Product License Distribution Agreement Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 13 KB


Software Distribution Agreement Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 138 KB


Microfilm Distribution Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 75 KB


Distribution Agreement Mistakes to Avoid

Most of the factors go into the production of of an agreement from a distributor. These mistakes are often almost invisible during the perusal between a supplier or manufacturer and the distributor. Unfortunately, these mistakes grow into conspicuous errors at the end of a distribution partnership. In order to avoid these problems at the time of termination, the distributor must be certain that unsubstantial clauses are not included and that phrases and information are not withheld or altered.

Here are a few of the common mistakes to avoid when outlining your next agreement with your distributor:

  • Too much, too fast – By coordinating with a new distributor, a supplier is not allowed to sign from an alternative distributor. By coordinating with with a new supplier, a distributor is not allowed to sign on an immediate additional supplier.
  • Termination for cause only – Termination for cause is too straightforward and without an argument, as when one partner discloses bankruptcy. However, partners oftentimes disagree over the presence of cause. The best agreements between a distributor are when allowing for termination for a cause and for convenience in which case the Notice of Termination will be served to the partner with 30 days notice.
  • Frequency of price changes – The marketplace does not allow drastic and capricious increases in price. Permitting a manufacturer to increase prices upon 30-day notice builds up the principles of fairness and eliminates opportunities that cause conflicts.
  • Termination by only one party; not both – Distributors’ agreements that concede termination by only one partner are biased. By allowing both parties to terminate the agreement, some legal disputes can be avoided.
  • Exclusive or non-exclusive – Franchises by the distributor may be exclusive, where there will be no other franchised distributors in the area; or non-exclusive, where several distributors are franchised in the area.

Sales Agreement Forms are the forms used in an agreement of a written statement that includes all the conditions and terms of the transaction. Such forms are then signed by both parties.

Income Distribution Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


Trust Distribution Agreement Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Wholesale Distribution Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 45 KB


Electronic Distribution Agreement Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 155 KB


Private Label Distribution Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 320 KB


Who and When to Use a Distribution Agreement Form

The supplier may be a manufacturer and a distributor, or may be an authorized dealer of a product, is the party that can use these Distribution Agreement Forms. The supplier may also be a distributor himself by reselling other products.

You should only use a Distribution Agreement Form when you taking into account the marketing of the products of other companies or organizations, or if you would like to expand a current distribution network.

Importance of a Distribution Agreement Form

Distribution Agreement Forms play an important role in the construction of a relationship between a supplier and a distributor. A detailed and well-written agreement can assist in developing the relationship, while a poorly written agreement oftentimes leads to a misunderstanding that in turn affects time management, financial resources, then gets to the point where attorneys, courts, and arbitration are involved. A well-written agreement can phase out consumption of resources on these activities that are unproductive. Both parties may then be encouraged to go about their respective businesses upon termination of the relationship.

Partnership Agreement Forms are a form used in an agreement between two parties in a partnership that agree to the terms and conditions of the business relationship.

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