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Contingency Fee Agreements are done by two parties, the lawyer and the client, who both want to focus on the success of a lawsuit. The said contract often states that the attorney’s fees will only be given upon the arrival of a resolution in the case. The percentage of the lawyer’s fees and whether it is to be paid through installment basis will be specified in the document.

View our samples of a Contingency Fee Agreement Form below and see which ones suit your current circumstance. Do not hesitate to download, print, and even customize the forms available here.

Contingency Written Fee Agreement Form

File Format
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Size: 97 KB


Mandate and Contingency Fee Agreement Form

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Size: 163 KB


Attorney Consultation and Fee Contract Form

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Size: 51 KB


Standard Contingency Fee Agreement Form Example

File Format
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Size: 106 KB


Contingency Recruiting Placement Fee Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 399 KB


Contingency Fee Recruiting Agreement Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 7 KB


Types of Contingency Agreement Forms

The terms and regulations presented in the Contingency Agreement Form should depend o the type of agreement, the state laws, and the interests of the involved parties. Here are the common types of Contingency Agreement Forms:

  • Attorney Contingency Agreement – Often used among medical malpractice and personal injury attorneys.
  • Real Estate Contingency Agreement – This is used for the sales of property that may include a clause for the financial aspect which orders the buyer to pay a percentage of interests for the mortgage. Professional appraisals, surveys, and inspections might also be covered in this type of agreement.
  • Construction Contingency Agreement – This type of agreement states the rewards to be given for the builder upon completion of the project and the sanctions for the contractor if there will be possible delays and overruns.

Quick Tips for a Contingency Agreement

  • Trust and give ideas. An argument might arise if one of the parties does not trust the other. Should there be different beliefs and ideas, both should come to a compromise. Knowing and believing in your partner is key for a successful agreement.
  • Measure objectively. Define the terms and conditions specifically. The fees should be stated as to when it will be given and the type of payment to be associated: installment-basis or full payment.
  • Be fair with the incentives. The percentage per party should be equally agreed on, whether it would be 30/70 or 50/50, both should have appropriate basis for their award.

We also have a Consignment Agreement Form samples on our site.

Lawyer-Client Contingency Fee Agreement Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 54 KB


Hybrid Contingency Fee Agreement Form

File Format
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Size: 29 KB


Contingency Fee Retainer Agreement Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 230 KB


Vital Points in a Contingency Agreement Form

  • Details of the Contingency Fee – The specified amount of the attorney’s award and his additional fees.
  • Basic information – The names and other contact details of the parties involved in the agreement.
  • Terms and conditions – The possible actions that may cause a violation or a breach of contract. The sanctions and consequences should be well specified.
  • Instructions for both parties – This area states the attorney and the client’s respective actions.

Characteristics of a Contingency Agreement

  • Alignment of both parties’ objectives.
  • The action to be taken by one of the parties will be dependent on when a certain event will occur. This specifies the winning of a case.
  • The event to depend on should be part of the agreement.
  • Legal counsel should be present upon the making of the written agreement.
  • Mutual decisions for the terms and conditions of the parties should be included in the document.

A win-win situation is also observed in a Separation Agreement Form, same as with Contingency Agreement Forms, although the parties involved will be an attorney, a husband, and a wife. There should be a specified and well-shared amount of property, custody, and fees for the couple.

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