If you’re not invited nor see your name on the list, you don’t get in. That’s how exclusive an RSVP event gets, the same way a club membership does. And, wherever the initials RSVP is attached, the irresistible glow of the limelight follows. The human nature of associating everything that glitters with gold may have its origins in our evolutionary past. Back when our infatuation with the glimmering was synonymous with one of our most fundamental necessities, water. Later, as time progresses, we then translate it with the symbolic and abstract—gold, glitz, and glamour.
What is an RSVP?
Répondez s’il vous plaît: Please respond to the invitation. That is what the initials stand for. And, for the sender, it stands for the need for an assurance from the recipient to attend the said event or party. An RSVP is written on invitation cards and event tickets for a variety of reasons. It could mean that the presence of the invited is needed, denoting the symbolic relation and bond of family and friends. Or, could also mean an added marketing opportunity for a business.
RSVP as an added Security Measure
If there is anything that history has proven, from time to time, is that humans have a natural behavior of herding together with their co-species or with anyone who bears a striking resemblance with their ape-like features. This natural inclination, however, reveals its ugly side of excluding anyone who doesn’t meet the criteria mentioned above. This behavior became a standard human way of life that extends to the mourning and immortalizing a dead loved one, up to the exhilarating chaos of partying that facilitates the release of endorphins. All of which are for the invited only.
The practice of excluding strangers and the unaffiliated, during the course of human history, could be for economic and security reasons. And, the practice itself is very evident materially and culturally. RSVPs etched on the surface of invitations are among one of them. The four-letter initials call for the invited to respond to the invitation to not only determine the number of guests but also to deter any impostors from trespassing. Thus, giving event organizers a subtle means of security along with roving guards, medical personnel, and whatnot.
Gate Crashing: The Lust for the Limelight
History, however, has also proven that “eggheads” do naturally exist, and their penchant for non-conformity against everything that makes up a civilized society never fails to go unnoticed. Gate-crashers are one of them. June 21, 2003, was a very unforgettable day for British royalty. Not because it was Prince Willam’s birthday, but because a 36-year-old, self-proclaimed “comedy terrorist,” Aaron Barschak, manage to gate-crash in an invitation-only event held in earth’s most security-tight place, the Buckingham Palace.
Gate-Crashing is one of the typical thoroughfares for those who lust for the prestige and glamour of the limelight. Gate-crashers have been a constant source annoyance for the clannish and the unwelcoming, which, as a consequence, prompted them to resort to hefty measures—Tight security, Guestlists, and RSVP invitations—to discourage the general public from doing it.
The practice of entering uninvited, just to mingle with the rich and famous, however, continue to occur up to this day, despite the risk of being arrested for trespassing and spending a night or so in jail. The cause and motivation for such a deviant act vary. It could be more likely because of the thrill and excitement that it gives to a person. Or, perhaps, plainly because of the want to satisfy their wanton lust for the limelight—or only to partake on the hors d’oeuvres.
FREE 50+ RSVP Forms in PDF | MS Word
RSVPs are commonly written on invitation cards, notes, and letters. However, RSVPs are also found on other forms, such as order forms and registration forms, the same as these samples listed down below.
1. RSVP Volunteer Application Form
2. RSVP Order Form
3. RSVP Beneficiary Form
4. RSVP Parent Meeting Form
5. Conference RSVP Form Sample
6. RSVP Election Form in PDF
7. RSVP Volunteer Enrollment Form
8. Awards Ceremony RSVP Form
9. Parent Party RSVP Form in PDF
10. RSVP Enrollment Form
11. RSVP Refund Application Form
12. Senior Corps RSVP Form Sample
13. Return to RSVP Office Form
14. RSVP Referral Form
15. Camp RSVP Form
16. RSVP Individual Timesheet Form
17. RSVP Registration Form
18. Contestant RSVP Form
19. RSVP Policy Form
20. Federal Work Study RSVP Form
21. RSVP Reimbursement Form
22. RSVP Travel Form
23. RSVP Student Form
24. Tournament RSVP Form
25. RSVP Form Sample
26. RSVP Experience Registration Form
27. RSVP Sign in Sheet Form
28. Orientation Attendance RSVP Form
29. RSVP Income Tax Form
30. RSVP Transfer Out Form
31. RSVP Hours Reporting Form
32. RSVP Meal Reservation Form
33. Workshop RSVP Form
34. Reunion RSVP Form
35. RSVP Table Seating Form
36. Database Update RSVP Form
37. Pre Register RSVP Form
38. RSVP Class Induction Form
39. RSVP Forum Form
40. RSVP Form Agreement
41. RSVP Request Form
42. RSVP Rehabilitation Program Form
43. RSVP New Volunteer Checklist Form
44. Pre Proposal RSVP Conference Form
45. Sample RSVP Event Scheduling Form
46. Quarterly Provider RSVP Form
47. Annual Meeting RSVP Form
48. School Award RSVP Form
49. School RSVP Registration Form
50. Round Table RSVP Form
51. RSVP Program Handling Form
52. RSVP Notice Form in MS Word
How to integrate an RSVP
RSVPs are not just mere scribblings on a piece of paper, or, to just add something french unto it. RSVPs are more than that. They can either give your guests security and peace of mind, draw more people to your brand or business. And, most importantly, reunite families and friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time.
Step 1. Create a Guest List
During the course of planning and organizing an event, it is always important to create a list of people that you’re going to invite to the event. People whose presence would mean a lot to you, or, if you’re in the events industry, people whose presence would add value to your business. Creating a guest list before distribution will make you run the planning process as smoothly as possible.
Step 2. Grab and Use a Template
The event planning and organizing process are long and time-consuming. What makes it more time-consuming is when you do it manually. Having a ready-made platform inside your toolbox not only saves you time but also use the same for other tasks, as well. Thereby allowing you to shorten the whole planning and organizing process too. This article has a wide selection of ready-made templates. So go ahead, grab one that you like, and seize the day.
Step 3. Print the RSVP Invitation
Nothing makes a message more personal than sending an invitation by mail. And, the same applies when sending invitations, as well. Yet, despite this digital age, people are more likely to read printed invitations over emails—which are habitually ignored most of the time. What’s more, printing them on specially scented paper would likely entice them to read it—or keep it as a novelty.
Step 4. Distribute the RSVP Invitation
Sending out invites is part and parcel of the whole planning and organizing process. Thus, mailing them to their respective recipients must be sent through a trusted courier. And, having a trusted courier to work with allows those invites to fall straight on the hands of its respective recipients.
Step 5. Update the Guest List
An RSVP attached to an invitation requires a response from the recipient. This response would either be as simple as yes or a no, or, as elaborate as a detailed explanation. Either way, regardless of what or how such a response was expressed, it would only mean that an update on the guest list is in order.
Exclusive – This is a subject or object whose access and use are limited or restricted within a group of people. Synonymous with the phrase “Members only.”
Prestige – Denoting widespread respect or admiration for a person or event due to influence and fame. Synonymous with affluence and prominence
Limelight – A situation where someone becomes a center of attention, unwanted or not. Usually synonymous with fame and influence. The word has its origins in the stage lights used in theater.
Invitation – This is the verbal or written act of inviting someone to a special activity or event. The people invited are usually those that hold a special place to the heart of the host or someone who has an important position in society.
Event – A happening of great importance or significance. Usually a planned social gathering or special occasions, like parties, concerts, and contests.
1. Are RSVPs applicable elsewhere other than invitations?
Yes, but partly in the sense that invitations are commonly thought of as a piece of card that you send to the people you want to be part of a special event. However, if you take the word invitation in its definitive sense, then technically, attaching the initials RSVP on a piece of paper would make it an invitation in itself. But, staying true to the question if RSVPs are applicable elsewhere other than on forms on where you write invitations, cards, notes, and letters, the answer would be an absolute yes. If you saw some of the samples listed in this article, you may notice that some of them are event registration forms, the kind of which where invitations are not usually written.
2. Do RSVPs elevate my business into new heights?
RSVPs are initials that are synonymous with class and elegance, owing to the French origin of its full form. The initials even equate to exclusivity, which means that it is only reserved for the privileged. RSVPs are, all in all, associated with society’s elite and the affluent. High profile and exclusive events, like those attended by celebrities, rockstars, and royalty, are all RSVP events. If you are planning to put more exposure to your brand or business by hosting an event, then add more flair unto it with the use of the French initials RSVP. Those initials will not only associate your brand or business with celebrities, rockstars, and royalty but, would also draw more people to buy your products or services, as a consequence. Thus, making it one of the cards to add in your deck of aces.
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