When one rents a property, it is important to not only note the damages and the inclusions of the rental fees and payments but also demand the landlord to provide a written document that will highlight what the landlord will need the client to know about the property. One example is a rental property agreement contract form, which must be signed by the tenant and the property owner or the landlord before the tenant will be moving into the property.
Rental Property Management Agreement Contract in DOC
What Is a Rental Property Agreement Contract Form?
A rental property agreement contract form is a document that is used by the owner of the property, the authorized landlord, and the tenant or the renter. With this contract, the parties involved will be able to document what they have agreed on regarding the payment and the fees that a renter will provide within the duration of the contract as well as the inclusions of the rent.
Billing of Vacant Rental Property Agreement Contract Form
Examples of Rental Property Agreement Contract Forms
When it comes to creating and using rental property agreement contract forms, an individual must be knowledgeable about the type of property that will be included in the contract as well as the intention or the importance of using the contract with another party. Below are some of the common examples of rental property agreement contract forms which can be used by landlords, property owners, and tenants:
1. Billing of Vacant Rental Property Agreement Contract Form – A rental property agreement contract can also be used by companies and organizations who provide services to a landlord and property owners. With a billing of vacant rental property agreement contract form, a service provider will be able to obtain the general information of the landlord and enlist a set of obligations and responsibilities that the landlord must take into account if a property is in a state of vacancy. The form will collect the landlord’s name, contact numbers, residential and email addresses, and the landlord’s company details in the first section.
A description of the agreement options is stated as the second section of the form which will then require the landlord or the owner to affix his signature to imply an approval of the statements in the contract. The last section of the form is allotted for the landlord’s property list and descriptions along with the service option chosen by the landlord to be mandated in events of vacancy. Once the landlord completes the necessary fields of the contract, the service provider must indicate his initials and the date of when he received the landlord’s submission at the bottom of the form.
2. Commercial Property Rental Agreement Contract Form – This document is used only for property owners and landlords who want to rent out their properties for commercial purposes or for business companies. The form consists of sections that define the mandated obligations of the tenant in maintaining the property and securing the safety of the people who will be working and managing the business with the tenant. You may also see rental lease agreement forms.
Other obligations and covenants that a landlord or property owner can include in this type of contract are statements regarding the alteration of the property or restructuring, as well as subletting or welcoming other parties to sub-rent the property without the permission of the landlord. In addition to this, the landlord must also enlist the separate responsibilities and concerns that are addressed to himself or the owner’s liabilities only such as drainage maintenance, fixing light fixtures in the hallway of the property, and paying the property taxes. You may also see rental lease agreement samples.
3. Vacation Property Rental Agreement Contract Form – Before the contract’s terms and conditions, a checklist sheet is attached to this form. The purpose of the checklist is to determine if both parties are ready and prepared before signing the contract and if a review has been conducted prior to the day of finalizing the agreement. The succeeding pages of this form contain the details of the rent which includes the property’s location, the night and day rental prices, the date when the tenants arrived at the property as well as the date of when the tenants are expected to depart and move out from the property. You may also see sample rental agreement forms.
Since the type of property being rented in this contract is a vacation house, the tenants are also referred to the contract as the guests and vacationers. Additionally, a reservation information section is incorporated into the contract as well that will indicate how the tenant completed the reservation and what payment method was chosen to send the reservation fees to the property owner. Check-in and out procedures, rules regarding reservation cancellation policies, security damage, and hold harmless agreements are also significant to be included in this type of rental agreement contract.
Commercial Property Rental Agreement Contract Form
Significant Terms and Sections to Include in a Basic Rental Property Agreement Contract Form
Although every property must have a contract or a legal form that is associated to its description and the type of rent, there are key sections and terms that property owners and landlords must keep in mind as they will draft their own contract, and these are enlisted below:
- The identities of all the tenants – This refers to enlisting the names of all the tenants who will be living on the property. The list must be accompanied by the signatures of each tenant in order to legally bind them in the responsibilities of the contract. With the list and the signatures, the landlord will be able to show a documented evidence that each of the tenants must meet their obligations or else an eviction notice will be sent by the landlord. Additionally, the list will also aid the landlord in determining who will be liable for damages especially if the property has closed-circuit television cameras and log books for every person who will get inside the property.
- Property occupation limitation – This section of the contract will guide the tenants toward knowing how many guests and occupants are allowed to stay in their rented property. However, not only humans are the subject of occupation limitation but also pets and animals that a tenant can have in his space. On the other hand, there are also landlords who will not permit a tenant to bring in his pet due to sanitation and safety concerns. And if a tenant will ask for the landlord’s permission, a pet agreement must be signed by the tenant and the landlord, which will enlist the rules and regulations pertaining to the tenant’s responsibilities in keeping his pet on a leash as well as making sure that the pet is cleaned regularly.
- The term of the rent – The specific period when the tenant will be living in the landlord’s property should be clearly specified in the contract. Along with the dates, the landlord’s required rental deposit for and the fees that accompany the rent must be stated in details to ensure that the tenant understands and will acknowledge what he will be providing as payment during his rent period in the property.
- Activities permitted and restricted to be conducted in the property – Even if a tenant paid the full amount of the rental price to the landlord, he should still be obligated to obey the landlord’s rules and restrictions. Some of the known activities that landlords restrict their tenants include having events with liquor distribution, drug dealing, and making excessive noise especially during the wee hours of the night. You may also see rent agreement form samples.
The laws that govern the execution of the landlord’s rental property agreement contract must also be enlisted along with the aforementioned key sections to ensure that the contract will be legally accepted by an attorney and the state’s court. You may also see sample rent to own agreements.
Vacation Property Rental Agreement Contract Form
Formats to Consider in Creating Rental Property Agreement Contract Forms
Aside from the aforementioned varieties and examples, rental property agreement contract forms can also come in different formats. A landlord or a property owner can choose whether he will be using a contract online or print the document to hand it out to the tenant. If the preference of the landlord is the online form, then he must choose between creating a contract in portable document file format or in word document file format. You may also see sample room rental agreement forms.
A rental property agreement contract in a portable document file format allows the landlord or the owner to lock in the sections of the form and limit the rights of the user or the tenant in changing and rearranging the sections. In order for the tenant to input his details and answers, the landlord must integrate blank fields. The tenant’s answers and information will then be sent to the landlord’s electronic mailing address to document and record the data. You may also see sample commercial rental agreement forms.
On the other hand, if the landlord or the owner of the property chooses the option of formatting the rental property agreement contract in word document or .DOC, then he must send the form to the tenant. However, the tenant will be able to manipulate some areas of the document since this type of format is fully editable. You may also see basic lease agreement forms.
Regardless of what a landlord and his property owner will consider for their rental property agreement contract forms, they must ensure that the sent personal information of the tenant will not be disclosed to parties and entities without the tenant’s granted authorization and permission.
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