For a temporary use of a property, there are few terms and conditions that you have to take note of. Upon agreeing with these set out conditions, you engage yourself in a property agreement with the property owner. This kind of act refers to the term “renting,” wherein during the temporary use of a good, service, or property, there is an amount to be paid in exchange. One most common reason why owners allow other people to use or obtain their property within a specific period of time is because the number of people who seek for a property they can use for a matter of time had greatly increased. Therefore, the owners have decided to make a profit or benefit from it.
Moreover, in order to be guided on what are the basic forms that are essentially needed, below are few samples for rental agreement reports that are mandatory to be utilized before, during, and after tenancy.
Rent Report Form Sample
Rental Agreement Report Form
Rental Application Report Form
Rental or Credit Application Report
These report forms for rent application allow the landowner or the property manager to review the applicant’s information. With the use of the details specified in this form, the chances for approval for such rental is justified. It is either approved or rejected. Applications that are guaranteed to be rejected are when there were some complications with regards to the background check of the applicant. These checks are for security purposes in order to ensure that the applicant is responsible enough when it comes to payments. In these rent application report forms, there are few important information that are necessary for each and every applicant to provide.
The applicant or tenant information
- The complete name (first, middle, and last names)
- The contact information (contact number/s, mailing address)
- The date of birth
- The complete residential and provincial addresses
The applicant’s spouse personal information
- The name of the spouse
- The date of birth
- The social security number
- The contact information
- The job title or position and employer or company
- The current salary
- The number of years worked in the current company
- The contact person’s name and contact number
The vehicle information
- The make and model
- The year
- The license number and state
- Other vehicles
The applicant’s income and employment information
- The job title or position
- The employer or company
- The supervisor’s name and contact number/s
- The monthly salary
- The other income description
- The employment contract period (start and end date)
The personal bank information
- The bank name and address
- The checking and savings account number
The emergency contact person and personal references
- The name of the contact person in case of emergency
- The complete and current address of the contact person
- The contact number
- The relationship
The rental agreement terms
- The specific move in date
- The actual monthly rental
- The total monthly rental
- The number of bedrooms of the unit
- The names with date of births of other occupants in the unit
- The number of adults and children residing in the unit
- The type of the accommodation (townhouse, house, room, apartment)
The rental charges and utilities
- The utilities included in rent (heat, water, power or electricity)
The management or landlord information and authorization
- The title, whether owner and/or the property manager
- The name of agency
- The complete address
- The contact details such as contact number/s and email address/es
- The name of the authorized agent
- The affixed signature of the authorized agent
- The date of when the authorized agent had signed the form
- Other documents for proof of ownership (land title deed, land tax, mortgage application, questionnaires, and other documents)
The acknowledgment and certification
- The signature of the applicant as a certification that all information provided in the form are accurate and true.
- The date of when the applicant had signed the form
These information that are provided by the applicants are documented in the management’s tenant information files. This is in order for the management to have a basis anytime, most especially when there are some circumstances that are encountered. Upon the submission of these forms, it is ensured that the applicants have signed the form for the acknowledgment of the possible consequences. Moreover, upon signing of the individual, they are certifying that all the information that they have provided are said to be true and correct to the best of their knowledge.
Rental Property Inspection Report
Rental Unit Condition Report Form
Rental Condition Inspection Report
Rent reports are also with regards to the assessment of the place, such as inspections, to avoid the different kinds of incident reports or accidents. Thus, refer below on how inspections are done by the management in every rental unit, equipment, utilities and facilities. Here are the following information that are often needed to complete the rent inspection report:
- The name and contact information of the tenant
- The rental unit
- The moved in and moved out dates of the tenant
- The moved in inspection date
- The moved out inspection date
- The rooms, facilities, or utilities that are necessary to be checked or inspected
- The current condition (good, fair, poor, missing, damaged, scratched, broken, dirty, stained)
- The comments with regard to each facilities before the tenancy
- The condition of these facilities after the tenancy
Further property assessment:
- The repairs to be done or completed at the start of tenancy
- The damages to the rental unit or property for which the tenant is held responsible
- The notice of damages or defects signed and agreed by the tenant
- The amount to be paid for all the damages
- The affixed signatures of both the landlord or owner and the tenant
- The move in and out date of when affixes their signatures
It is mandatory that all tenants are oriented with all the terms and conditions set by the landlord regarding the rental of the property. By means of this, both parties have agreed on these terms with full understanding of the possible consequences, and that tenants or applicants are held responsible for any vandalism of the property and anything else not specified in the rental agreement. Nevertheless, the landlord or the property owner should perform a proper assessment of the unit and all that surrounds it. Yet, in case of any damage reports, the tenants should not be hesitant to inform and report these to the owner or the property manager immediately. This is in order for the management to come up with an immediate response and actions to avoid worsening of the situation, that the same incidents cannot occur the second time around, and the risks or chances of accident reports are reduced.
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