Registrar forms are important for any educational institutions especially for the faculty members since these documents will be a tool for communicating with the administration. Specifically, the registrar forms for the faculty members must be created solely to be used by the faculty and not for the supporting staff and the students of the school to avoid confusion of the process to be executed. You may also see Faculty and Students Forms.
Varieties of Registrar Forms for Faculty Members
Enlisted below are some of the known varieties of registrar forms for faculty members of schools:
1. Academic Room Request Form
For faculty members who are also the event planners and organizers of a program, using documents to reserve a room or the event’s venue is one of the most important roles to keep in mind. If the event will be conducted in a classroom or any room within the school campus, then an academic room request form must be completed by the requester or the faculty member.
The form has four sections wherein the first one basically collects the contact information of the requester. The second section is where the description and important details of the event are stated while the third section indicates the building and room preference of the requester. Lastly, the fourth section would be where the registrar’s representative will indicate the approval of the request and whether the room is available on the event date or not.
Academic Room Request Form
Faculty Application Form
2. Advisor Checklist Form
This type of registrar faculty form is intended to be used by a subject advisor or an educator for recording the progress of his students similar to a tracking form. A table with three columns and a number of rows are incorporated in the form, which will be the area where the educator will enlist the procedures or the steps that the student must fulfill. The date when the educator provided the advice to the student should be indicated on the form along with the date of when the advice was taken and executed.
Advisor Checklist Form
3. Change of Grade Form
Every single day, teachers jot down the ratings and scores that their students obtained into their lesson plans. On a quarterly basis, the teacher will be computing for the grades of the students who are in his class. However, there will be some instances when a grade will be miscomputed and even lacks the summed amount compared to what a student provided, which is why it is important that whenever there are concerns about the grades, the student and his legal guardian must ask for the reasons of the teacher.
Once proven that the concern is indeed correct, then the teacher will have to change his records not only in his lesson plans and in the student report cards but also in the records of the registrar. This can only be done by submitting a change of grade change form that has three sections for gathering the student’s information, the reason for the grade change, and the approval of the teacher. To further validate the update and grade change, the teacher must seek for the signature of the head office representative of the school or the dean of his subject department.
Change of Grade Form
4. Course Description Request Form
Although this form is not to be filled out by a teacher or any member of the faculty, they still play a huge role in guiding a student throughout the request. A course description request form must only be used by a student if he aims to obtain the descriptions and details of his courses and programs.
Course Description Request Form
5. Course Inventory Form
If there will be changes in the courses of an educational institution, it must be immediately updated to the records of the administration. Basically, a course inventory form will be the appropriate document to use by an authorized faculty member as well as the registrar’s representatives for enlisting what changes must be implemented in the administration and the programs offered to the institution’s students. You may also see Sample Course Evaluation Forms.
This form contains a table as its first section wherein the user will be able to name what courses will be closed, added, and changed in its descriptions and title. On the other hand, the second section of the form is allotted for the whole description of the form and the specific programs that are related to the course as its prerequisite and co-requisites. The equivalent for the course and whether it can be repeatable by the student or not must also be defined in the form. Moreover, the approval of the authorized personnel in the school administration will be the factor that will complete the form. You may also see Sample Course Action Forms.
Course Inventory Form
6. Data Order Form
This type of order form is not only limited to be used by the faculty members of the school but also their staff and clients who want to obtain information and data from the registrar’s records. The user of the form must disclose his name, address, and phone number on the first area of the form along with the description of the request, type of data, and even how the data must be sorted out when it will be sent to the requester. The format choice of the requester should also be included in the form of whether he prefers to receive the data through an electronic mailing platform, in a spreadsheet format, or in a print-ready format.
Data Order Form
7. Employee Discount Qualification Form
There are schools and educational institutions who offer courses and programs that are beyond the basic degrees that other schools can offer in the field of education. Most of these schools also provide educational benefits to their staff, employees, and faculty members by granting discounts and scholarships. You may also see Sample Scholarship Application Forms.
For this, an employee discount qualification form must be filled out by the school’s employee who wants to continue with a course that he is planning to graduate. Five sections comprise the qualification form that will cater the personal information of the employee with his student details, his enrollment history, an undertaking, and the certification of the department chairman.
Employee Discount Qualification Form
Registration Form Faculty
8. Incomplete Grade Extension Form
If a student is not able to submit his projects on time, complete his examinations, and even rarely reports to class in a week, he will most likely get an incomplete grade from the teacher. This situation will require the student to be aware of his responsibilities in school for him to fulfill the requirements of a course or program. With this, a teacher can extend the period of submission for the student; however, it must be done in consideration to the administration by using an incomplete grade extension form. This document will state the details of the student, reasons for the extension, and the date of when the extension will be. You may also see Student Registration Form Samples.
Incomplete Grade Extension Form
9. Makeup Class Form
Not only students are the ones who can miss a class but also the faculty members. In order to make up for the missed class hours, a faculty member must use a makeup class form. This document will indicate what class has been missed and when the planned makeup class schedule will be. Additionally, the faculty attendance checker must sign the form along with the dean and chairman of the school to certify and approve the request of the faculty member.
Make-Up Class Form
Formats to Choose for Making Registrar Forms for the Faculty
Making registrar forms for the faculty members of a school is easy as long as the creator knows what the objective of the document will be. Aside from the form’s objective, the creator must also take note what formats he must choose for the form and these are all listed below:
1. Word document format (DOC, DOCX)
This format is the most known among the three since it is widely available to be prepared, manipulated, and be printed. One advantage of choosing this format is that it allows the creator or the administration representative who will handle the form to easily incorporate changes from its texts up to the tables and images. You may also see Sample Faculty Evaluation Forms.
2. Spreadsheet format (XLS, XLSX)
Achieving timely calculations and the availability of various formulas to be used in the document are the two advantages of choosing this form. Some of the common varieties of registrar forms wherein this format must be considered are documents that focus on recording the schedules of the faculty and the student, and documents that relate to the student’s grades.
3. Portable document file format (PDF)
Locking sections for privacy and mandating authority can be done with this type of format. The creator of the document can encrypt the document and leave the target user permissions to only access the boxes for each field. The format ensures that the document will not be altered and changed by any user.
With the aforementioned formats, a maker of the school’s registrar forms will be able to obtain knowledge of what he must consider when making the documents. Nevertheless, each registration form must be kept in individual records or files in order to ensure that the documents will not be handed wrongly to a client or to a faculty member who is in need of a transaction or a requester of a procedure.
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