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Organ donation is a unique way of helping other people. With the aid of an organ donation form, an individual will be listed in a registry or in the records of a medical institute. Once the details of the individual have already been listed, he is categorized as an available donor upon his death or at any time depending on his preferences. However, it is a part of human nature that people have constant changes when it comes to arriving at a finalized decision. With this, organ donors can also change their minds regarding the donation by submitting a refuse organ donation form.

Refuse Organ Donation Form Sample

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What Is a Refuse Organ Donation Form?

A refuse organ donation form is provided to an organ donor who decides to cancel out his donation. The form must be submitted along with the last will and testament of the donor, and a formal letter of two adult witnesses. These documents are essential for determining the reasons why the donor decided to refuse as well as distinguishing if the refusal was conducted legally. Additionally, family refusal is also the number one known cause of why organ donations are limited throughout the world since there are varying religious and cultural beliefs that hinder an individual to become a donor after his death.

What’s in a Refuse Organ Donation Form?

Refuse organ donation forms have several sections which mainly focus on identifying the donor and the intentions of canceling the donations. Nonetheless, below are some of the sections that must be found in any refuse organ donation form:

1. Instructions sheet –

This is where the general information about the organ donation is stated. Other details on this sheet are the list of documents that the organ donor must submit and the steps of how he can complete the organ donation refusal procedure.

2. Participant information –

The donor’s personal information such as his name, address, date of birth, gender, and social security number are stated in this section. The race and ethnicity of the donor are also indicated for further details in identifying the donor from the rest of the people on the list.

3. Removal category –

In this section, the donor will be able to put a remark of his decision as well as his affirmation for legal matters.

4. Signature section –

This last section will cater the signature of the donor and his legal witness. With their signatures, both the donor and the witness have confirmed about the donor’s final decision for the donations. You may also see nonprofit donation forms

Some refuse organ donation forms are also provided and acquired online by donors, which is why a return address is often included at the end of the document. After completing every field of the form, the donor must send the document to the address of the medical institute. You may also like item donation forms

In addition, refusal organ donation forms can also be used if a donor prefers to only cancel his donation yet have his name still listed on the medical institute’s registry. This way, the donor can still be called out by the institute and be informed for people who needed donations in case that the donor will decide to donate once again. You may also check out donation receipt sample forms

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