A recurring credit card authorization form is a document which is to be used by service providers and product sellers to obtain the consent and payment authorization of their clients who regularly purchases and requests for their services. Furthermore, the form will also state the details of the client’s credit card payments and the limitations to be noted by both the client and the service provider or seller.
Types of Recurring Credit Card Authorization Forms
Delivery Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form – Individuals who are regular clients of delivery and transportation services are the target users of this form. Specifically, in a delivery recurring credit card authorization form, the client will need to the two sections. The first section of the form is for the credit card information of the client such as his name that he is using in the card, the credit card account type, expiration date, and billing address. The second section, on the other hand, will be for the signature of the client along with his name and the date when he granted the authorization.
Delivery Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form
Electronic Funds Transfer and Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form – This form is not only for credit card authorizations but also for allowing an organization to conduct wire transfers or electronic funds transfer with the authorizing party’s account. In the first part of the form, the authorizing party will need to provide the required data and information that the organization will be using for the electronic funds transfer while the second part is for the recurring credit card authorization. Additionally, the third section of the form is intended for the signature of the authorizing party to indicate his acknowledgment and understanding of the procedures and the authorization that he had granted.
Electronic Funds Transfer and Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form
Landscape Service Recurring Credit Card Charge Authorization Form – Landscaping service providers use this authorization forms for their clients who have chosen the monthly service subscription. In the form, the client will be able to state his preferred date or day of the month in receiving the service billing or payments he needs to provide. Moreover, the form also states the address where the client must send the form after he completes or discloses the required data.
Landscape Service Recurring Credit Card Charge Authorization Form
How to Create a Parking System Recurring Credit Card Charge Authorization Form
Most business establishments where there are parking lots or floors allotted for vehicle parking require tenants and parking space users to pay monthly and annual fees. In lieu of this, a parking system recurring credit card charge authorization form can be a beneficial document to create and use especially if the tenants or parking space users often use their credit cards to pay for the fees and payments. Follow the steps below to create a basic yet effective parking space recurring credit card charge authorization form:
Step 1: Incorporate the logo and the name of the management or the organization managing the parking lot.
The management’s logo and name should be placed at the top-left corner of the form. In addition, the address of the management’s office can also be included which can be placed on the opposite side or at the top-right corner of the form.
Step 2: State the title of the form.
The title of the form should be emphasized by means of underlining the title or changing its normal style into bold or italic. Nevertheless, the font to be used in the title and the rest of the contents of the form should be formally and legible.
Step 3: Create a section that collects relevant information on the user’s credit card account.
The user is the client or tenant of the parking space, and his credit card information should be documented in the form. Specifically, the date when the user will start paying the fees using his credit card, the type of card that he will be using, the account number of his card, the expiration date, the billing address as stated in the credit card statements, and the card’s security code should be gathered in this section of the form.
Step 4: Indicate an authorization and declaration statement with a signature block.
The authorization statement must indicate the affirmation of the user towards granting his consent in the intent of the management to automatically acquire the payments from his credit card account, while the declaration statement should indicate the certification of the user towards the accuracy of the data that he had disclosed in the form. Below the statements, a signature block should be able to collect the name, signature, and the date when the form was signed.
Step 5: Include notes and instructions for the user.
This section is essential to inform the user about the terms and conditions of the parking management if there are any. Furthermore, the specific day of the month when the payments will be billed to the user and acquired from his card can also be included as part of the instructions.
Lastly, save the form into the desired format such as in “.PDF” for electronic or automated authorization forms, and “.DOC” formats for forms which are intended to be printed out to allow users physically filling out the form.
Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form Sample
Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form in DOC
Parking System Recurring Credit Card Charge Authorization Form
Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form Tips
When making any type of recurring credit card authorization form, the tips below must be noted or be kept in mind:
- Keep the layout simple: Recurring credit card authorization forms are both financial and legal forms. This is the reason why the layout of the form should have a formal look and feel, such as minimizing the number of colors to use in the form or yet keeping an organized arrangement of the form’s contents.
- Use templates: Templates are easy to use as well as customize which aids any document-preparer to allocate less time in making one document to another. Most importantly, a template also contains placeholders and entry fields which can be used by the document-preparer as a guide as to what information he must collect in the form.
Recurring Monthly Credit Card Payment Authorization Form
Travelers Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form
Utilities Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form
Reviewing and updating the form periodically should also be done to ensure that the instructions, guidelines, and other contents are relevant and useful to the users of the form.
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