Performance evaluation is always important in every companies’ operation—that includes the HR department’s recruitment procedures. Hiring the right job applicants relies on the way the recruitment process is executed. As a recruiter, you should make sure that all the processes are carried out smoothly. One way to know if your performance is of quality is by conducting evaluation surveys. This document will aid you in identifying operational errors and lapses that you can quickly fix for the next recruitment operation. Evaluation forms can help you in so many ways of improving your recruitment system. If you are new to this type of HR document, read further in this article to learn more.
What Is a Recruitment Evaluation Form?
An evaluation form is a document where clients, hiring managers, or applicants express their experiences with a company’s recruitment system. This document will allow recruiters to identify errors and lapses to improve its hiring procedures. It usually contains questions about the entire job application process of an applicant, as well as ask them on some recommendations on how to enhance their operations. Evaluation forms are excellent tools in communicating with a recruiter’s audience.
FREE 5+ Recruitment Evaluation Forms in PDF
1. Sample Recruitment Feedback Form
2. Job Recruitment Feedback
3. Recruitment Feedback Survey
4. Hiring Feedback Form
5. Sample Recruitment Survey Form
6. Interview Feedback Form
Benefits of Using Recruitment Evaluation Forms
Evaluation forms are always helpful in identifying a business operation’s strengths and weaknesses. This survey form works just like a recruitment feedback form. It allows recruiters to assess their operations through the reviews of the people involved in the recruitment procedures. There are many advantages of using feedback forms for your business hiring processes. Here are a few benefits you will gain from this document.
1. Improve your recruitment process: Gathering feedback through evaluation forms will surely help you in improving your recruitment procedures. Your company’s recruitment system is another tool in gaining more competent employees in the industry. Recruitment evaluation forms are another form of assessment to identify areas where you stand out and where you lack. So make sure you create your evaluation forms thoroughly.
2. Hire more qualified applicants: Conducting an evaluation survey will help you know if your hiring procedures are performing according to your recruitment plan. Having a well-managed and organized recruitment processes will assist you in hiring capable and reliable applicants for your business. You can quickly identify and fix any mistakes with the evaluation forms—another way to prevent doing procedures that are not necessary for the process of hiring qualified applicants.
3. Establish a brand image: Communicating with the people involved in the recruitment process will help you build a name in the industry. Through the evaluation forms, you will make your respondents feel valued and heard. Recruitment evaluation forms are also tools in marketing your business to other job seekers. You will gain positive impressions from them with the use of the feedback forms.
How to Create a Recruitment Evaluation Form
Feedback from your respondents are always helpful since they are the ones who experience your services at first hand. Just like other marketing strategies, your evaluation forms are tools in executing your recruiting strategy for your business. That is why recruiters aim to create recruitment evaluation forms accurately and efficiently. Creating well-thought evaluation forms will surely help you maintain an organized recruitment operation. If you have no idea in making your recruitment evaluation forms, here are tips and steps you can follow in doing your business evaluation survey.
Step 1: Identify the Respondents
Just like other survey forms, you need to know the respondents of your evaluation forms so you would understand the responses well. Most evaluation surveys have demographic questionnaires attached to it for a convenient gathering of personal data. Varying answers from the respondents sometimes rely on their differences in gender, age, education, and marital status. You should also know their role in recruitment procedures—are they applicants or HR managers? These are some of the factors you should consider while making your evaluation forms.
Step 2: Decide on a Format
You should come up with a survey format for your evaluation sheets. Usually, evaluation forms have tables, white spaces, and blanks so your respondents can answer the questions freely. You must choose a clean layout, so your business forms are presentable and professional. There are sample evaluation forms available online that you can use as references. These documents are also editable and printable for your convenience.
Step 3: Create Relevant Questions
One of the primary purposes of an evaluation form is to gather feedback for process improvement. That is why you need to come up with essential and relevant questions about your recruitment system. Gathering feedback is another way for your HR department to enhance any lapses in performing your hiring processes. Always remember that recruitment feedback can come from both internal and external respondents.
Step 4: Categorize All Questions
Most HR recruiters assigned in making evaluation forms usually categorize their questions according to their relevancy. It usually starts with the demographic questionnaire, then the quality service performance, and ends with the respondents’ recommendation. Organizing the survey in this manner will help your respondents understand the feedback forms quickly. Make sure you state your questionnaire forms short and direct to avoid any misunderstandings and conflicts form your applicants or HR heads.
Step 5: Perform and Reflect
After finalizing your survey forms, you can finally start posting or distributing your evaluation sheets. Other companies link their feedback forms on their official sites or in their job posting article. You may also print the forms on high-quality paper for you to distribute by hand. You can use the results of your evaluation forms to improve your strategies and processes. This way, you can catch more qualified job candidates to apply to your company.
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