It’s always hard to guess what a buyer wants for a house. With that said, it’s also hard for a buyer to make a decision especially when they themselves don’t know what they want. In order to make up for that uncertainty, a Real Estate Lead Form will help you know what a buyer is looking for by letting them choose from one of the answers given by the form. Real Estate Lead Forms also helps buyers decide by providing them with a list of commonly desired features to choose from.
What is a Real Estate Lead Form?
Real Estate Lead Forms are Forms that functions like a Survey Questionaire to provide real estate firms and companies to know what a prospective buyer is looking for when planning to purchase a property. This form collects information about potential buyers, including their likes, wants, and preferences. Real Estate Lead Forms has pre-determined factors already written on it to help real estate companies to determine what buyers want and prefer.
FREE 4+ Real Estate Lead Forms in PDF | MS Word
1. Real Estate Agent Lead Form
2. Real Estate Seller Lead Form
3. Real Estate Buyer Lead Form
4. Real Estate Pre-listing Lead Form
5. Real Estate Contact & Lead Tracking Form
Types of Real Estate Lead Forms
Every business uses lead generation in order to draw more sales from clients and buyers. What it does is it generates content that’s designed to catch an audience interest in a particular service and product. The interest drawn by those content eventually leads an audience to purchase the product or avail for the services offered by a business. The real estate industry is no different to other businesses when it comes to lead generation. Although lead generation tactics vary between firms, but the goal remains the same, thatis to convert those leads into sales. Another common tactic in generating leads is by the use of Real Estate Lead Forms. Listed below are the two types of Real Estate Lead Forms employed by real estate agents and brokers alike.
1. Real Estate Agent Lead Forms
Real Estate Agent Lead Forms are real estate lead forms used by real estate companies to help buyers arrive at a decision to purchase a property with a particular real estate agent. This forms, in turn, allows agents get clients for themselves by gaining trust from their clients. All in all, Real Estate Agent Lead Forms help both clients and agents draw a real estate sales agreement.
2. Real Estate Buyer Lead Forms
Real Estate Buyer Lead Forms are real estate lead forms intended to spark interest from buyers and eventually lead them to buy a property. These forms feature a list of desirable qualities that helps buyers decide and choose the perfect property that they’ve been looking for.
How to Make a Real Estate Lead Form
Getting prospective clients is no easy job for real estate agents. It involves formulating a dozen sorts of gimmicks just to draw their attention and interest to your firm and the properties they sell. Some of them involve painstakingly calling a prospective client’s attention only to turn out as a waste of time and effort. However, there are other ways where you can draw a client’s attention and interest without actually doing it. One of those is by employing a Real Estate Lead Forms that already provides them with answers, and all they need to do is to choose from one of those. To do that, here are the steps on how to make a Real Estate Lead Form for all your lead generating needs.
Step 1. Make a List of Information Needed in the Form
To make a Real Estate Lead Form, compile a list of information that you need for the form. Typically, a Real Estate Lead Form will comprise of information such as the client’s personal information, preferences, and a signature block. A Real Estate Lead Form functions like a survey questionnaire that asks what a buyer is looking for in a property.
Step 2. Download a Real Estate Lead Form Template
Then, download a Real Estate Lead Form Template. Making use of a ready-made template of a Real Estate Lead Form enables you to save time and money from hiring someone to make it for you. You can choose from a variety of Real Estate Lead Form Templates available in this article. Edit the template right after downloading it. You may also want to download sign-in sheets for your firm’s open house events.
Step 3. Replace The Header of the Real Estate Lead Form
When editing the Real Estate Lead Form template, first replace the header content that came with the template. The header section will contain a company name and logo, replace them with your company’s own. Putting your company’s name and logo on the header section enables the clients to identify the Real Estate Lead Form with your company quickly. What the step does is that it directs your clients to your company whenever they decide to purchase a property. Also, don’t forget to put your name and contact details on the header too.
Step 4. Put the List of Information that you Need for your Form
Another important step when editing the template is to put all the information that listed beforehand on the form. You should organize these into sections such as personal info, contact details, and preferences. You may also provide a checkbox on the preference section so that your clients could easily express their choices.
Step 5. Print your Real Estate Lead Form
Print your Real Estate Lead Form right after completing it using your office printer. Also, print multiple copies of those so that you won’t run out Real Estate Lead Forms whenever you need it. Review the printed form right after printing it. You may also want to make a real estate application form just in case a buyer decides to purchase a property from you.