In the real estate world, a quitclaim deed is a legal document you use to give up your rights over some property. A quitclaim is only one of three kinds of Deed Forms – the other two being general warranty deed and special warranty deed.
Quitclaims are most often used to transfer property within a family without a warranty, because often no money is involved. If property is about to exchange hands for money, you’ll want a lawyer to look over the claim.
This can be tricky business, so make sure you’ve got the details right. Here is a list of free PDF samples of quitclaim deed forms for reference and use.
Quit Claim Deed Form
Quit Deed Release Form
Quit Deed Change Form
Quit Deed Loan Form
When to Use These Templates
Because quitclaim deeds don’t contain any warranties, they are often thought of as valueless or flimsy. Quitclaim deeds are only to make the transfer of property official.
It is the quickest and easiest way to transfer property, which is why it is also sometimes jokingly called the “quick claim” deed.
Quitclaims are most often used when you are . . .
- passing your rights in a piece of real property (land, buildings) to a spouse, or ex-spouse
- gifting your property to a family member (e.g. parent to adult child or successor)
- changing or correcting the spelling of a name in a previously drafted deed (see the Quit deed change form sample above)
- trading real estate property as part of your business*
(*Again, if you’re looking to trade real property as part of your business, have a lawyer or accountant look over the details.)
Details of a Quitclaim Deed
When drafting your own quitclaim deed, make sure to have this information down:
- address/location and description of real property
- date of claim transfer (this can take effect immediately, or at some future date, or time of owner’s death)
- parties involved in the transfer (transferring either to or from a business or individual)
- tax information and exemptions (tax obligations don’t necessarily transfer when money is exchanged)
You might also want to look into Warranty Deed Forms for the other kinds of real estate deeds.
Quit Deed Form Free
Quit Deed Form in PDF
Printable Quit Deed Form
Quit Deed Transfer Form
Quit Claim Deed Tenancy in DOC
Some Warnings When Using Quitclaim Deeds
Quitclaim Deed Forms are also called the “non-warranty” deed. They are different in this way from the general and special warranty deeds, which at least promises the good state of the property under question. With this in mind, remember:
- Quitclaim deeds only transfer the legal interest (i.e. the rights to own and use) of a property. If the grantor has no actual interest, the grantee gets practically no value or warranty.
- Only accept quitclaim deeds from grantors you know and trust. This usually means quitclaims are used between parent and successor, between siblings, or when adding the name of a new husband or wife to the title you already own.
- Also, a quitclaim only affects the ownership and name on the deed. It does nothing to a mortgage, and the financial responsibilities still stay with the one who originally signed for the loan.
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