
Lights, camera, action!” is what the director shouts to his crew. This phrase had been around for a long time which indicates that the cameramen should start recording the film or the video. Worksheets, storyboards, and shots list are some of the needed paperwork for a successful video production. However, these are simply for the production team itself and not for facing lawsuits and legalities unlike Video Release Forms and other documents which have the main goal of meeting the ends for the involved parties.

Video Use Consent Form

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There are only a few types of documents under the category of Video Forms, and one of the most known is a Video Consent Form. This is to allow a person in using the video of somebody or record a video of an event such as a meeting. The Video Consent will contain the limitations in which a person is allowed to do the recording, specifically the length of the record time. This is often used by media personnel, including news anchors when they are in an important agenda for political matters with the government officials of a State. The form will have details regarding the infringement and claim rights of the involved parties.

Parent Video Consent Form

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A video consent form may also be used for educational and organizational purposes, such as asking for permission from the guardians of the students. This will be aided with a Parent Video Consent Form which contains the details of the event in which the students’ activities will be recorded and published for promoting the organization. This Parent Consent Form may also be for movie viewing in the libraries of a university as an assurance to the parents that their child will be seeing educational videos and lessons. The Consent should be signed by a parent or a guardian and the participant himself.

Video Conference Evaluation Form

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Video Forms are not limited to the granting permission for recording but also for evaluating. In this generation, most meetings and conferences are done via online wherein the members will only have to logon to a device and ensure that there is a speedy internet connection. A Video Conference Evaluation Form will have the rating of the video conference’s effectiveness. This will include the sufficiency of the conference time, appropriateness of the objectives and course, the beneficial rate of the content, clarity of the video, and the interactions between the panel of members with the speaker.

Video Location Release Form

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The industry of film-making is the known field wherein video forms are of great use especially when reserving film locations. This is when a Video Location Release Form should be drafted by the producer and the contractors as an authorization to use an owned property. The document contains statements which allow the production team to get in and out of the location within the stated time. It will also cover the rights to the footage, recording of footage and terms about the equipment allowed to be used. The property owner may also attach a Hold Harmless and Insurance Liability Form to assure that he will not be held liable for accidents during the production period.

Video Project Proposal Form

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When dealing with films, and music videos, it is important to have an advertising team to knock onto the hearts and eyes of possible sponsors. That is why preparing a Video Project Proposal Form is recommended before starting the video production. This document will highlight the title, theme, synopsis, style, length, budget, and settings of the video. Additionally, the target audience and the list of the crew members with their respective roles will also be stated with the schedule of the video production.

Video Talent Release Form

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Another sort of Video Form is a Video Talent Release Form. This is used by talent producers and managers in using the recorded performance of their talented clients. The date of taping, as well as the title of the program, will be indicated on the document. In the event that a client is a minor, the parent will be required to sign the form on behalf of the talent. This is vital to assure that the producer will not misuse the tapes and other records of the talent.

General Video Release Form

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The client of a producer and any other individual may also use a General Video Release Form for videos which contain his image and records. Unlike the Video Talent Release Form, this can be used for people outside a talent agency such as couples whose wedding videos were recorded by a hired video maker. The clients can state whether they will allow manipulation and further editing after the period of their agreement. Financial commitments, copyright interests, and obligations will also be included in this document to clarify the responsibilities of both parties.

Video Interview Release Form

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Sample Video Form

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Video making has been a part of the population’s daily living, similar to photography, which either moves a person’s momentum or shares the maker’s expressive talents. These videos became a way of telling stories from all walks of life and reaching out people of different languages. However, it should always be kept in mind that there are rules and regulations with regards to recording and making various video masterpieces, and the video maker should consider using a legal document to plot an agreement.

The video forms which were stated in this article were just some of the needed legal documents of a video maker and to people whose life are revolving in videos. To conclude, Consent Forms and Release Forms will aid the parties for having a protection against unintended accidents, lawsuits, and liabilities; Proposal Forms are for attaining sponsors for a film; and lastly, Evaluation Forms are for rating the video conference. Crafting these forms may require the involved parties to allocate an ample time to agree unto, but the results and precautionary measures it grants are numerous and effective. The Video Forms on our website are available for anyone who needs the documents. And what’s more interesting is that these are free for downloading and for editing to fit the needs of everybody, whether you are a client or you are the producer of the film.

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