Pet-owning is not just a mere hobby, because some pet-parent aspirants are embracing it closely. In fact, the pet industry is now experiencing rapid growth over the past years. According to The American Pet Products Association (APPA), 85 million households in the United States have a pet, and in the last 30 years, pet ownership went from 56% to 68% in most households. Technology and the advent of online purchasing changed pet ownership customs. However, most of the growth came from the changes in culture. Today’s generation of pet owners have embraced pet-loving to a far greater extent than the generation before—that is why puppy application forms are important. Find out more about this article below.
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What Is a Puppy Application Form?
A puppy application form is a document essential for the pet industry. It is one of the organized means to gather significant information relative to pet-ownership. With this form, data gathering is much easier and more structured than usual. The puppy application form usually asks for the fundamental details of pet-ownership status. Hence, a puppy application form is common during the following processes: pet adoption, animal shelter, registration, community pet licensing, cat and dog grooming, pet medical care, veterinary visits, etc. During the process, a submitter is required to fill out the form with the required information. From the user’s basic information down to the agreed adoption terms, these details should be factual.
Why Is a Puppy Application Form Important?
Say, for example, you have always dreamed of adopting a pet from the animal shelter. But, you do not have the documents to do so. The solution to your problem is to prepare all the adoption papers, including forms that are essential for the process. Although it would take some time to fill out these documents, after that, you will be officially a pet owner. Apart from the adoption process, you can also use a puppy form to rescue pets or report animal incidents.
The Different Types of Pet Forms and Their Definitions
Believe it or not, Millennial males in the United States are likely to become a cat or dog owners than their female counterpart. Based on a report in 2017, by the marketing research company Statista, 48 percent of the male Millennials survey respondents owned a cat, and the other 71 percent owned a dog. On the other hand, 35 and 62 percent of female respondents were cat and dog owners, respectively. However, the comparison does not build a gap in pet-loving. Thus, pet-ownership will be booming over the next years. If you are planning to own a pet, here are the forms you should be familiar with:
1. Pet Order Form
A pet order form is a document used by buyers who wants to request a pet to purchase from a seller. This form could be a request form as well as a restocking document. On top of that, a pet order form may be used to offer or sell pet services, such as grooming, dog daycare, health check, pet hotel, etc.
2. Pet Evaluation Form
A pet evaluation form is a document pet shelter, and other pet facilities use to measure whether a prospective pet owner is capable of taking care of a cat or dog or not. More so, an evaluation form encompasses all the aspects of the new owner’s responsibility, such as the ability to provide for the needs of his or her new pet.
3. Prospective Pet Owner Questionnaire
Although some questionnaires are created for statistical undertakings, it is not always the case. The prospective pet owner questionnaire form is a survey instrument consisting of several questions. The purpose of these questions is to gather information from an individual who is planning to own a pet, such as a cat or a dog.
4. Pet Information Form
The purpose of pet information form varies depending on the nature of the transaction. Usually, this form is a standard pet industry document that is consists of relevant questions by a pet facility to determine whether a prospective pet owner qualifies for the ownership process or not. Most of the time, pet shelters and veterinary clinics send out this form via request.
5. Pet Foster Home Application Form
The foster home application form is an essential document in selecting the pet which will be sent to a foster home. This form decides whether a cat or a dog made it to the shortlist of qualified candidates. Thus, it is important to provide details based on facts.
6. Pet Socialization Health Form
To facilitate the health condition of your pet, a pet socialization health form will record the previous medical history. Apart from that, the document also contains the physical examination by the pet’s veterinarian. Moreover, the proof of immunity will be written in the health form, to be filled by the pet owner.
The Biggest Trends In The Pet Industry
The business magazine, Forbes, listed the biggest trends in the pet industry. According to the report, the changing culture highly influenced these trends and pet ownership norms. Moreover, the magazine consulted pet industry experts, and here is what they found out:
1. Pet Food
Over the years, pet owners have become conscious about the food their pet eats. They started not to want traditional pet food. And, begin to consume healthy ingredients and always on the look for healthy options. Pet-owners, especially a cat and a dog owner, opt for fresh, frozen, and made-to-order meals for their pets. Even these products cost more, and consumers are trading up.
2. Online Brands
Established online private brands like Amazon and Chewy promote their brand to disrupt the pet market. They also do this to mitigate middleman margins. Meanwhile, other smaller online businesses are creating a brand identity in their own ways. Thus, it is affecting the decision making of pet owners.
3. Wonderful Treats
Pet parenting does require not only feeding them but also giving your pet treats. It is found out that pet owners give their pets 8-10 treats a day. This trend is following similar trends as pet food.
4. Pet Parenting Technology
On top of the developing line of services for people, the services for pets are also drastically emerging into the scene. Similar to people, modern marketing and smartphone have made this change.
5. Great Services
Pet parents are paying more attention to pet care, pet transportation, pet hotels, and many others than in the past few years. According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, there are currently 103,996 businesses that are operating as dog groomers, with an average growth rate of 8%.
6. Pet Life
An aging pet will remain provided with products and services, such as palliative care. Even when a pet passes away, the pet parent is responsible for the pet cemetery and cremation services. They can even schedule grief consultations for the loss.
7. Merchandise Availability
Some retailers, mass merchants, and stores are adding pet foods and other pet products so that it will be more available at many points of distribution.
8. Direct-to-Customer
The direct-to-customer or DTC trend has dominated the pet industry in some ways. Many brands are directly selling products without tapping a traditional multi-brand retailer.
How Do You Craft an Application Form for Puppies?
Making an application form for animal shelters or veterinary clinics is not as challenging as you think. However, for you to be prepared with the task, you need to learn the fundamental steps. Hence, you need to start by planning. A plan will help you establish your objectives which will lead to measurable steps in achieving your goals. Also, know that forms are important documents for transactions. Because of its ability to gather relevant data, printable forms should contain required fields that are fillable by the user. And, never leave these fields unnamed. In other words, correct wordings will make the application easy to understand. More on this below.
Step 1: Know the Form
There are different types of pet forms, like the death form, release form, medical form, referral form, and intake form. All these have different functions, which means you can differentiate one form from the others. So, apart from the plan, knowing what form you are to create will make your task easier. Also, make a list of the portions your form should carry out so that you can quickly incorporate it in.
Step 2: Gather the Needed Details
Each portion of the pet form is consists of different fields—these are the spaces where the user can provide the needed details. So, if you want to set out a clear message to them, take the time to gather relevant information relative to the pet form. However, avoid cramming the form with unnecessary details. Or else the form will look crowded.
Additionally, great pet forms are good communication forms too, which means it has to look formal and professional. But forms can become boring and plain without a few design elements. If you are stuck between making the form look neat and fun at the same, the possible solution to your problem is finding the balance in the content.
Step 3: Organize the Content
If there are so many ideas in your mind, write them down as notes. Refining the content of the fillable form is very important. Hence, eliminate the ideas that you do not consider relevant. This way, you can narrow down your task and start working around it. Make sure everything is in the right place and arrange every portion in a logical way. If not, then the users will have a hard time filling out the form because it will be confusing for them.
Step 4: Download a Template
Like in crafting a personal form, admission form, claim form, contract form, and budget form, using a template for pet forms is optional. While some people prefer to start from scratch, others would use a template to make their life so much easier. The template’s suggested content is editable and it is also easily printable. If you want to be at ease, then download a form template now. You can even get one from our list.
What paperwork should I get when buying a puppy?
Ask the breeder for vet checks, vaccination, microchipping, and pedigree paper. Also, you should know that the puppy should be at least eight weeks old when you bring it home. A concerned breeder would know that.
Should puppies be vet checked before buying?
Yes, you should take your new puppy to a vet to check its health condition within 48 hours. A good breeder will give you time to return the puppy if you have decided not to keep it. Also, get a free puppy health insurance for the first few days.
Is it safe to buy a puppy online?
If you want to buy a puppy online safely, go to reputable breeders with good reviews. Do not rely on some classified lists or advertisements since scammers are more likely to post on those platforms.
Although pet-ownership culture is changing, some things have not changed. Taking care of a cat or a dog remains the best way to increase our self-esteem and well-being. Whatever a day puts on your plate—whether it is bad or good, pets would always be there to make you feel needed. People need pets the same way a cat and a dog need an owner And, that is why the pet industry will remain to flourish in the next few years.
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