Every single day, varying problems fill in people’s lives in different ways and instances. However, some people do not know how to manage and deal with their personal issues which will then lead to them in destroying their own lives. These individuals are the most common clients of psychiatrists and counselors for therapy sessions. Since documentation is essential to any business transaction, the client or his representative will need to complete sets of paperwork such as contract agreements and a psychotherapy intake form.
Psychotherapy Intake Form Sample
What Is a Psychotherapy Intake Form?
A psychotherapy intake form is a document that therapy counselors use for their clients who want to change their ways and manage themselves to have balance and harmony in their lives. The form is completed by the client before his session and will serve as the guide for the therapist to construct a session plan and determine what strategies are better to be used as a treatment for the client. You may also see medical intake forms
Adult Psychotherapy Intake Form
Steps in Creating a Psychotherapy Intake Form
With the steps below, any therapist and counselor will be able to make his own effective and functional psychotherapy intake form:
Gather the client’s basic information.
This first section must be able to obtain the client’s name, age, birth date, complete address, contact information, and the client’s employment details.
Add an area for the client’s relationship status.
This must be able to determine the client’s legal marital status along with the details of the client’s marriage period. Below the client’s status indication, the client’s partner must be identified, which includes the name of the partner, his age, the number of years that they have been together with the client, and the list of the partner’s previous spouses and people who have significant relationships with him. You may also like new patient intake forms
Place a section for the client’s family history information.
This section must collect the names of the client’s parents, and the names of his children alive and deceased. These details will allow the therapist in determining if the client’s behavior and psychological issues were due to the loss of his loved ones or to other events involving his family members.
Indicate an area for the client’s medical and health information.
This is where the client will be able to disclose details about his current health status and activities. Included in this section is an indication of whether the client has previously committed or planned to commit suicide to end his life because of the burden on his shoulders. The list of the medications that the client took to calm him whenever he experiences mental problems is also included in this area with the name of the physician and former therapist of the client who recommended the treatments. You may also see coaching intake forms
State a list of questions.
These questions must acquire the client’s reasons for why he needs the therapy sessions and what he perceives his health status is. Questions relating to drugs and alcohol abuse can also be indicated in this section to distinguish the client’s level of reliability to consuming toxins in order to calm his mental disorder. Additionally, the client’s expectations about the psychotherapy program are often included in some intake forms to allow the therapists in addressing the client’s concerns along with the client’s suggestions. You may also like therapy intake forms
Incorporate a section for the client’s religious and spiritual beliefs.
By knowing the client’s religious and spiritual beliefs, the therapist will be able to avoid suggesting plans that can trigger topics and offend the client. In order to obtain these details, the intake form can have questions and a narrating space where the client can describe his beliefs as well as write down his favorite religious stories and meditation. You may also check out patient counseling forms
At the end of the form, the therapist must indicate the date of when the intake was completed and submitted by the client. This will help the therapist in determining the date when he will schedule a session with the client. In addition, it also distinguishes if a client has been served and assigned to a therapist or not. You may also see general counseling forms
Couple Psychotherapy Intake Form
Varieties of Psychotherapy Intake Forms
There are only a few varieties of psychotherapy intake forms since most therapy centers use a general form to cater all their clients’ information and details. Nonetheless, it is significant to determine the type of form suitable for the various therapy services and clients that therapists can choose from. You may also see free medical forms
A couple psychotherapy intake form is identical to a marital counseling intake form; however, it can be used by all individuals who are in a relationship unto one another. The form will state the satisfaction rating of the client to the current relationship that he is in as well as what the client tried in order to address their issues and problems as a couple. Treatment objectives, the client’s strengths and weaknesses, and the client’s level of intoxication or addiction toward drugs and alcohol are also included on the form. A consent to treat form which is duplicated is enclosed with the intake document to assure that the client has provided an authorization for the therapist to address treatments and programs for the client’s benefit. The reason why a duplicate of the consent to treat form is included is to allow both the client and the therapy center to have identical yet individual copies of the agreement.
Another variety that therapists use for their clients is a psychotherapy new client intake questionnaire form. Compared to other types of intake forms, this has fewer pages and focuses on questions that need to be filled in by the client with answers. The form also collects the client’s general information which will be used to identify the client and create a record to the therapy center’s database system.
Lastly, a child psychotherapy intake form is another document that must be available at every therapy center. Basically, the form will aid in obtaining the personal information of the child who is the subject to be treated by the therapist. The identification of the child’s parents is also necessary to complete the form as well as the child’s legal guardian. The history of the child’s problem, symptoms of mental disorder, the child’s educational background, and other relevant information about the child and his family must be disclosed fully by the child’s parents.
Psychotherapy Child Intake Form
Why Use Psychotherapy Intake Forms?
Psychotherapy intake forms are used by counselors and therapist due to the need for them to acquire enough details and information about their clients, as well as comply with the rules and regulations of the state regarding business transactions involving clients. The intake form will be kept by the therapy center staff as part of their documentation process and to ensure that they will be able to track the number of clients that they had within a specific month or year. You may also check out counseling referral forms
Psychotherapy New Client Intake Questionnaire Form
Therapists and counselors must also choose what type of psychotherapy intake form format they will use for their clients, whether an online document or a physical form that is printed and handed to the client upon his arrival. However, regardless of the format type, informing the client about the intentions of the therapists to gather his personal information is significant to avoid dealing with conflicts and facing lawsuits within the period of the scheduled therapy sessions.
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