Stagnation is the downfall of many employees. It comes to no surprise that entrepreneurs are looking for ways to deal with the epidemic of declining motivation. Low motivation begets low production, and companies are desperate for possible solutions. The tactics that have proven useful are through assessment, ranking up, and monetary raise. And all of these becomes easier with the help of promotion forms.
Employees work to gain movement since movement symbolizes progress. And officially signing the promotion form of well-deserved employees with the means to move up the ladder and land into a different job position bears positive results.
FREE 50+ Promotion Forms in PDF | MS Word
1. Family Promotion Forms
2. Employee Promotion Form
3. Internal Progressive Promotion Form
4. Promotion Category Form
5. Tenure and Promotion Form
6. Recommendation Promotion Form
7. Promotion Consent Form
8. Promotion Action Summary Form
9. Promotion Application Form
10. Promotion Access Form
11. Promotion Cover Page Form
12. Staff Promotion Form
13. Publicity and Promotion Form
14. Charitable Sales Promotion Form
15. Faculty Promotion Form
16. Industry Promotion Approval Form
17. Promotion Certificate Form
18. Research and Promotion Form
19. Request for Job Family Promotion Form
20. Promotion Packet Composition Form
21. Promotion Resulting Form
22. Supervisory Appraisal of Promotion Form
23. Promotion Review Form
24. Promotion Tenure Track Review Form
25. Promotion or Assignment Information Form
26. Court Service Employment Promotion Form
27. Promotion Request Form
28. Non Tenure Promotion Form
29. Promotion Statistics Form
30. Reappointment Promotion Form
31. Academic Specialist Promotion Form
32. Promotion or Career Advancement Form
33. Biographical Data Promotion Form
34. Diary Promotion Activity Form
35. Credentials Promotion Form
36. Promotion Checklist and Submission Form
37. Promotion Transmittal Form
38. Promotion Evaluation Checklist Form
39. Promotion Cover Sheet Form
40. Verification of Promotion Eligibility Form
41. District Event Promotion Form
42. Promotion Committee Application Form
43. Promotion of Empowerment Form
44. Promotion Procedure Form
45. Promotion or Merit Form
46. Non Faculty Internal Promotion Form
47. Retention Promotion Form
48. University Promotion Form
49. Application for Tourism Promotion Form
50. Affiliate Promotion Form
51. Promotion Intervention Form
What Is a Promotion Form?
Promoting employees in the company is a strategic method of boosting employee morale and motivation. Employees do not seek stagnation, but when it occurs, chances are the company production will likely suffer and decline. But when the company gives hardworking employees new responsibilities, monetary raises, and higher positions, there is a renewed sense of purpose. The promotion makes an employee feel validated.
The process does not entail too much preparation, but it also does not boast an easy job. Through using promotion forms, the process becomes manageable and convenient. Promotion forms function to help simplify the whole filing process. All the HR can do is fill up the needed data sections with the required information.
Promotional Qualifiers
If one needs to move up in the company, they need to qualify for a promotion. But what are the qualifying marks that an employee needs to hit to gain a promotion? In a HuffPost article,
Both types of promotional qualifiers have their own set of standards and benefits, and the two types must not find unity in terms of use. Sometimes organizations use both types at the same time, marrying the seemingly inconsolable qualifiers. But the majority opt to use only one of the two. Below is the definition of the kinds of promotional qualifiers we mentioned.
- Seniority-Based – When an employee worked in a company for a good number of years already, they qualify for the seniority-based promotion. Employees promoted under this type possess a significant amount of experience, a needed trait when selecting leaders, and vast knowledge of the culture and vision of the company.
Companies consider tenured employees as highly-valued assets because of the idea that seasoned ones have developed various skills and gained experiences. The idea might hold “truth” for some, but it does not represent the overall experience for some employees. There exist tenured employees who merely survived by complying with company requirements throughout their time. And it is this basis that merit-based promotional qualifiers gained relevance. - Merit-Based – When seniority-based promotion requires a specific amount of years to accumulate and is a type most likely upheld by older generations, merit-based rank-ups is quite the opposite. A merit-based promotion system fosters healthy competition between employees. The company benefits from such a “tournament” since production and operation boost exponentially. It is this reason that companies started to see that the seniority-based system is losing its edge and appeal. Employees nowadays, especially millennials, prefer to move up through sheer skill and not through the tenure system. The merit system is convenient and doable by the standards of today’s generation of workers.
The Benefits of Promotion
When employees direly need movement, the promotion system helps by opening the company’s doors of opportunities for them to navigate. The system is hugely beneficial for the workers who feel like they have no motion or progress in their work.
The system’s “checklists” gives its workers something to work hard for so they can obtain movement. But this is not the only benefit for employees. Down below are some of the benefits that the promotion system can give.
- Exposure – For an employee to gain movement, they need exposure. Exposure is crucial for an employee if he aims to go to places and reach his goals. Doing well and getting a promotion, an employee gains exposure not only for himself but also for his skills. Getting the exposure also entails that the employee’s hard work and abilities get documented. And it is essential that there is documentation, so the employee has proof of his labor.
- Career Growth – Gaining a new position and a new responsibility boosts the skillset and experience of the employee. And if the employee plans to move into a new job and company, having a previously high position and experience helps them get favor from the new employer. The new employer might even instantly let the employee get a high-paying role if the employee succeeds in impressing the employer with his skills.
- Monetary Raise – When an employee gets a promotion, it is a no brainer that he will also get a monetary raise. Getting promoted gives the employee a new role and more responsibilities, and the company must provide an increase as compensation and a reward for obtaining the position.
How to Create a Promotion Form
When employees pass the needed promotional qualifiers, a promotion form must be ready to validate the career growth. Creating a promotion form is not a difficult task to do since the process does not require much research and effort. And professionals do not have difficulty with this than other business forms. For a first-timer, however, there must be guidance present in the process. And we prepared a four-step process to help you replicate how a promotion form looks.
Step 1: The Who Section
Hardworking employees always need recognition. And promotion is one way for companies to give back to their employees. A promotion form facilitates the identification of a worthy and hardworking employee. And when creating the document, one must have an idea who gets a promotion. And with this, there must be a section that asks for the employee’s biographical information.
The most basic employee information that document creators will ask is the name, age, gender, street address, and many more. The required data is crucial for paperwork when one goes up the ladder. Since your role changed, papers with your name need changing, too.
Step 2: New Role and Responsibilities
When an employee qualifies for a promotion, it does not equate to having a similar job with bigger pay. Getting a promotion means having a different role with more significant responsibilities. The new role and responsibilities must then be evident in the promotion form to give the employee and the company an idea of the promotion that occurred.
Include a section that displays the previous job position of the employee to the new one. The small part must then provide details on the nature of the new job position and as well as its scope and area. May it be for paperwork or not, the section is part of the employee recognition.
Step 3: Stating the Qualifying Marks
Aside from the given recognition, the company would want to understand how the employee qualified for a promotion. Even employees would want to know, and it is inherently understandable since employees want to see if they truly deserved it. And thus, when creating the promotion form, you must include the qualifying marks.
You need to state whether the employee qualified because of merit-based or seniority-based markers. If you have no background in the types of promotion markers, you can read the section above regarding merit-based and seniority-based development. And finally, you must remember to limit this section to merely one short paragraph.
Step 4: Approval Matters
Even if an employee passes the qualifying markers, the manager must have the final say in the form of an affixed signature. Honoring the role and authority of the manager is a must in every created promotion form.
The manager is still part of the rank-up assessment. And if the manager found problems with the employee, such as constant lates and unapproved absences, the employee will not get promoted. So the evaluation only stops after the manager decided the opportunity. Dedicate a section for the signature field on the document’s lower part, and write down the manager’s name and credentials below.
An employee may not stay longer in a company without a sense of motion and novelty. And the entrepreneurs, in turn, may lose profit from the lack of sufficient and competitive workforce. But promoting a hardworking employee is beneficial. Employee promotion presents two positive outcomes. The employee gains motivation, and the company earns a competitive worker?.
The filing process does not bode an easy task. And promotion forms are useful that these make the employee assessment faster and convenient. With the aid of the promotion system and the promotion forms, the company and its employees might see a brighter future.
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