New ideas can arise every single day from varying individuals in an organization. With this, the ideas are gathered and created into one of the organization’s projects which must benefit the group and their target audiences. This is why a project intake form must be completed by any person who plans to offer a project to his/her co-members. This intake form is submitted along with other project-related documents such as project proposals and project report forms.
IT Project Intake Form
What is a Project Intake Form?
A project intake form is a document that will aid an organization to decide whether a proposed project will be approved or not. The form must have all the necessary information of the project and the names of the individual responsible for its proposal. Depending on the need of the organization, the project intake form can be in a questionnaire format or in a checklist document which allows the user or the creator of the project to mark the appropriate answer for each listed item.
Technology Services Intake Form
Examples of Project Intake Forms
1. Client Tracker Project Intake Form
This form is an eight-page document that contains three main steps for the procedures that the client must accomplish and complete. The first step procedure is for universal data collection that gathers the client’s basic and contact information. This focuses on identifying the client by indicating the client’s name, social security number, birth date, ethnicity and race, status, medical condition, and phone numbers. On the other hand, the second step procedure is for the client’s project enrollment that must have the date of when the project assessment will be conducted and the case number assignment of the project. Lastly, the third step procedure is allotted for the entry assessments that centers on determining if the client’s project entries are sustainable and ample information about the subject of the project.
Client Tracker Project Intake Form
2. Digital Project Intake Questionnaire Form
Compared to the aforementioned client tracker project intake form, this document has only three pages which contain questions and blank spaces where the user can indicate his/her answers. The questions focus on acquiring the description of the project, the project’s sustainable and impact goals, the activities required to accomplish the project, as well as the costs and the support needed for the project’s completion. You may also see the coaching intake forms.
Digital Project Intake Questionnaire Form
3. Service Project Intake Form
Generally, this intake form is created to obtain and identify the goals of a company towards making a new service project. The company’s contact information such as their name, the person in charge, and address of the company is stated in the first section of the form. A company questionnaire is also included in the form to let the company introduce their corporation with their mission statement. Since the form is intended for determining the intention of a service project, the company must disclose their community involvement history and their goals for their act of volunteerism.
Service Project Intake Form
The aforementioned examples are some of the common varieties of a project intake form. Nonetheless, the company or the organization can also create their own intake form from scratch if they prefer to have a more customized and universal documentation in their group. You may also like the event planning intake forms.
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