A procurement card is a type of credit card or purchase card which allows an employed individual to purchase goods and services relevant to the needs of a company or an educational institution. With this card, faculty members and the school departmental organizations will be able to buy supplies without any delay to fulfill their necessities. However, before anyone will be granted with a procurement card, a specific procurement card form must first be completed. Procurement card forms are used for either applying for a procurement card, requesting for a new card, transacting a procurement card, and approving a transaction of procured goods.
Procurement Card Request Form
Procurement Reporting Card Form
Departmental Procurement Card Purchase Form
New Procurement Card Company Setup Form
Printable Procurement Maintenance Request Form
Varieties of Procurement Card Forms
The varieties of procurement card forms differ on the type of process which will be executed by the human resource and finance department of an educational institution. Below are some of the common varieties of this form that schools, universities, and colleges can use for their employees who are the faculty and staff members:
1. Procurement Card Application Agreement Form
This variety of procurement card application agreement form is essential for laying out the terms and conditions that the procurement card applicant must take note when using the card for purchasing goods and services for the school. The form has a card agreement section which also has an acknowledgement statement focusing on acknowledging and certifying the training as well as the eligibility of the applicant to obtain a procurement card.
To complete the application form, the applicant must affix his signature at the block allocated below the agreement statements along with his credit card number, card expiration date, and the date of when his card was released for him to begin using.
Procurement Card Application Agreement Form
2. Procurement Card Application Form
For employees and staff of an educational institution who aims to have their own procurement card, they must fulfill an application first. Specifically, a procurement card application form is the variety that card applicants must fill out and submit to the school administration’s financial department. The application form contains four significant sections.
The first section is not to be filled out by any party, even by the applicant, but it should be read and understood before proceeding to the next section since this is where the introduction about the card and the form is stated. Also, the first section is where the procedures that the applicant should take will be determined based on his position in the institution. you may also see General Application Form.
The second section of the application form is labelled as the applicant information section. This will be the area where the applicant will state his employee identification number, full name, position title, contact information, and his department information which includes his room number and building assignment if he is a member of the institution’s faculty.
The applicant must also state his preferred monthly purchase limit amount along with his account details. Moreover, the third and fourth sections of the form are both to be completed by the applicant’s immediate supervisor and the finance department representative or the financial service provider of the institution. Both sections will be for authorizing and approving the applicant’s application towards obtaining a procurement card. you may also see Sample Application Forms.
Procurement Card Application Form
3. Procurement Card Check-In and Out Form
Although a procurement card is a purchase card which demands an application process before it will be provided to the applicant or the faculty member, it is not a tool which can be handheld every day by the approved cardholder. The card must be requested to the administration before it will be used for any purchase which is why it is important to take note of the individuals who will be held responsible and liable in using the card. you may also see Hotel Check-In Form Templates.
With a procurement card check-in and out application form, the cardholder or the approved applicant will be able to determine the individuals whom he allowed to purchase using the card on specific days. This variety of procurement card form mainly contains a table with six columns and several rows. The columns are labelled individually for the date and time of when the card was sent out, the name of the user or the check out person, the user’s signature, and the date and time of when the card was returned to the administration.
Procurement Card Check-In and Out Form
Procurement Card Exception Request Form
4. Procurement Card Check-In Request Form
There are organizations and educational institutions who allow procurement cardholders to spend beyond the credit limit as long as the reasons of the cardholder are associated with the procurement card policy’s exceptions. For this, a procurement card exception request form should be completed by the cardholder. The objective of using this variety of procurement card form is to inform the administration about the need of the cardholder for the exception and determine whether the increase of the credit limit will be temporary or permanent.
In order to complete the form, the cardholder must disclose his general information, the date of when the request was sent, his current and requested credit limit, and the reasons for his request for an exception. Once signed and dated by the cardholder, the form must be submitted to the educational institution’s dean or chairman, the procurement card service provider, and the financial services provider of the institution to attain an approval of the exception request.
Procurement Card Exception Request Form
Product Procurement Card Form
5. Procurement Card Transaction Approval Form
Along with the procurement card check-in-and-out-form, this document needs the signature of the cardholder to certify that all purchased goods and services have met the policies of the educational institution regarding procurement card usage. In order for the cardholder to retain his ownership with the card, his future transactions must be approved by the administration and the financial service provider of the institution. Additionally, other forms and documents which are related to the purchase that the cardholder executed should also be enclosed such as purchase receipt forms and invoice forms.
Procurement Card Transaction Approval Form
Procurement Card Correction Form
Common Contents Found in a Procurement Card Request Form
A procurement card request form is another variety of procurement card form, however, it focuses only on gathering limited information which is significant for executing a request procedure. This form can be used whenever an individual will need to use a card for a project or an activity. The form contains the following contents and sections:
1. Requestor’s Information
The requestor’s name, phone number, email address, and other data which will be used to securely identify the requestor will be required. you may also see Sample Information Forms.
2. Account Code
Every procurement card which is provided by the school will have assigned account codes for varieties of purposes, departments, and for every cardholder. These unique account codes will aid in identifying what card is being used for a transaction. For this, the user of the procurement card request form must state the account code of the procurement card and the project wherein the card’s balance will be used.
3. Justification Statement
This is where the reasons of the user will be properly defined. It must be stated with details yet in a short and concise manner to directly address the necessity of obtaining the card. you may also see statement forms.
Benefits of Using Procurement Card Forms
When an educational institution uses procurement card forms, they are not only benefiting from gathering the details of their cardholders but also for other purposes and advantages. Enlisted below are two other benefits that educational institutions can obtain when using varieties of procurement card forms.you may also see Education Forms.
1. Documented Transaction
The procedure and strategies for documenting finances in any organization is crucial and significant to ensure that the budget allotted for the year will be used properly. With the aid of the varieties of procurement card forms, specifically the check in-out form and transaction approval form, an educational institution will be able to have a detailed plot of where their budget is heading and what products, goods, or services they were able to acquire to benefit the school as well as their employees and staff who are the users of the purchased materials.
2. Assignment of Liability
Every variety of procurement card forms includes a section where the cardholder or the user of the card will be identified. By having the identification of the user, an educational institution will be able to inform the user about his expected responsibilities along with the policies regulating the usage of the procurement card which should be mandated and obeyed by the user during the purchase and acquisition period. you may also see Assignment Agreement Form Samples.
3. Aids in Determining Cardholder Eligibility
Not every employee or staff in an educational institution is eligible to be a procurement cardholder since it will highly depend on the number of years of employment and the job position or employment type of the employee. However, with a specific procurement cardholder form, the administration and the financial provider of the school can conduct a selection process wherein they will distinguish and identify who will be approved to obtain a procurement card. you may also see Sample Credit Card Authorization Forms.
Procurement card forms are important especially for the hr and the finance department of a school since these forms aid in maintaining the school’s finance problems at bay. Moreover, every procurement card form must be documented and kept with the proof of the cardholder for his purchases and other transaction conducted within the school year. you may also see Sample School Transfer Forms.
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