example of statement forms

Whenever someone makes a statement, then that means that they’re recollecting all the details of certain events that they’ve witnessed or have taken part in. So every piece of information such as all the facts that they include are all placed in the statements that they would make. It serves as a form of proof that these events happened.

However, these statements cannot be taken into serious consideration unless they’re placed in the right kind of documentation. Otherwise, these pieces of information cannot be trusted and may be deemed unusable during very important occasions that might benefit from these statements.

So, the one thing that can ensure that these statements become official are through the use of the right Statement Forms.

Voluntary Statement Form Examples

Voluntary Witness

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Size: 97 KB


Voluntary Administration

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Size: 24 KB


Witness Statement Forms

Accident Witness

File Format
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Size: 153 KB


Sample Witness Statement

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Size: 7 KB


Blank Witness Statement

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Size: 215 KB


Printable Witness Statement

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Size: 26 KB


Financial Statement Form Examples

Personal Financial Statement

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Size: 27 KB


Simple Financial Statement

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Size: 1 MB


Sworn Financial Statement

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Size: 202 KB


Standard Financial Statement

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Size: 220 KB


Sworn Statement Forms

Free Sworn Statement

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Size: 69 KB


Sworn Construction Statement

File Format
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Size: 14 KB


Fillable Sworn Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 74 KB


The Different Types and Purposes of These Statement Forms

There are many different varieties of Statement Forms that just about any person can use in the event that they need to provide critical information, but also has to make certain that these pieces of information are placed in documents that take them into serious consideration. Here are some examples of these types of forms.

For Witness Statements

Witness Statement Forms are forms that are properly utilized by anyone who have witnessed certain events, and have important information that could help ascertain as to why these events happen. Lets say for example that someone stole office property and you were the only who witnessed the event.

Although you couldn’t stop him at the time, you have all the information you need to pin the person for his crime. And that’s where these forms come in. If there are cases that lack information, some people just might have them to piece together how certain events took place.

So in the event that anything similar to the situation above happens to you, make good use of these forms so that you can indict those who deserved to get punished, or when you need to help recall as to how certain things transpired.

Accident Witness Statement Forms are for those people that have witnessed any kind of accidents within any establishment. Any kind of incident that involves harm to the human body or damage of any kind of property must be reported by anyone who happens to be within the vicinity when these events transpire.

Although not all accidents must be reported, it all depends on how severe the injuries or damage sustained through these accidents. For example, if an employee tripped and fell face first on the floor due to his carelessness without any injuries, there is no reason to report the incident. However, if the employee fell face first and suffered a broken nose due to a random electrical wire, then that is a scenario that needs reporting.

So should you witness any of these accidents take place, make sure that you use these forms. You could very well improve the establishment by letting them take the necessary precautions to prevent these accidents from happening again.

For Sworn Statements

Sworn Construction Statements are forms that are utilized by any minor construction company for the event that they’re required by their client to produce a list of materials and services being performed. These forms are necessary as mandated by law. Before any form of payment, the client must plan these forms out with the contractor to discuss everything from the materials used, the subcontractors being hired, and all the other things that factor involved with the construction project.

Because in the event that these clients go up against their contractors due to certain legal issues, they may then use these forms to bring up to the court as evidence. If in the event that there are major issues with the construction due to the contractors not performing in a manner that they’re supposed to, you can use these Sworn Statement Forms to take them to court and prove that these problems happened because of their unprofessional work.

Proxy Statement Form Samples

Sample Proxy Statement

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Size: 57 KB


Summary Statement Forms

Summary Statement Request Form

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Size: 44 KB


Annual Billing Summary Statement Request Form

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Size: 151 KB


Payment Summary Statement

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Size: 169 KB


Business Statement Forms

Business Activity Statement

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Size: 178 KB


Business Financial Statement

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Size: 157 KB


Small Business Income Statement

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Size: 3 KB


Income Statement Forms

Low-Income Statement Sample

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Size: 166 KB


Low-Income Statement

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Size: 74 KB


HUD Statement Forms

HUD Statement Sample

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Size: 103 KB


HUD Statement Example

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Size: 556 KB


For Employee Statements

Employee Incident Statement Forms are forms that are made use of by employees for whenever they witness any incident within the workplace. In every establishment, there’s always bound to be one or two incidents that happen within a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis that nobody ever has any information on how they started.

However, if there are employees that witness these incidents, then its their duty to report them with the use of these forms. Incidents that affect the work progress of those within an establishment must be reported immediately.

A good example would be if an employee manages to catch one of his managers sexually harassing one of his coworkers. Witnessing events could be very crucial as the information may just prove to be the facts of how certain situations came to be. So if you’re an employee and you happen to catch certain incidents happening, make sure to report them with these Employee Statement Forms.

Employee Accident Statement Forms are forms that have to be used whenever any employee happens to have been involved or witnessed any kind of accident within the workplace. Some offices have their own form of risks that could lead to potential accidents, which is why every precaution is taken to prevent them. However, these accidents can still happen, and if an employee happens to see one, they need to use these Employee Statement Forms to give out the details as to what and where these things happened.

If in any case there were certain people that were involved with these accidents, or became a victim to them, then you can also use these forms to report anyone that took part in these accidents. This is to ensure that the establishment takes action and create more safety measures, or to properly punish or take care of those involved in the accident.

Employee Counseling Statement Forms are used whenever an employee needs to state as to why he or she is required to take up counseling.  There will come a point where management will notice that an employee is under performing with the tasks instilled upon him or her. Or that employee might have certain behavior issues that’s affecting not only his progress, but the progress of other employee around him.

In any case, these forms serve as proof that the employee was recommended for a counseling session that seeks out to solve these problems. Otherwise, if this employee does not get the counseling that they require, the problem will continue and might even grow to the point where it could have a serious impact on the company.

So whenever if you’re a part of management and you need to have an employee enter a counseling session due to certain situations, then make sure that you use these Counseling Forms.

Personal Statement Forms

Personal History Statement

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Size: 68 KB


Personal Financial Statement

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Size: 68 KB


Employee Statement Forms

Employee Incident Statement

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Size: 173 KB


Employee Accident Statement Report

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Size: 174 KB


Payoff Statement Forms

Sample Payoff Statement Request Form

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Size: 126 KB


Payoff  Request Form

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Size: 42 KB


Real Estate Statement Forms

Real Estate Closing Statement

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Size: 14 KB


Real Estate Disclosure Statement

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Size: 419 KB


Real Estate Operating Statement

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Size: 64 KB


Counseling Statement Forms

Employee Counseling Report

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Size: 16 KB


Employee Counseling Form Free

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Size: 33 KB


Financial Counseling Statement

File Format
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Size: 1 MB


Employment Statement Form Example

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 24 KB


Personal Financial Statement Template Excel

File Format
  • Xls

Size: 5 KB


For Financial Statements

Personal Financial Statements are made use of by just about everyone in the event that they need to make a detailed account on all the factors that affect their finances. It’s every person’s duty to make sure that they have the money to support themselves and their family. And they cannot do that unless they know where they stand when it comes to their financial status. And that’s why these forms help these people by listing everything that factors in and affects their financial status.

So what’s kept in these forms are records on the person’s sources of income and the expenses that they make within a period of time. If that person has a family, then they must also take into account their spouse’s income and expenses. So to guarantee that you don’t end up in a financial crisis, be sure to make good use of these forms.

Business Financial Statement Forms are for just about every business for when they need to take into account everything that affects their financial standing. The key to a successful business is to generate more income than expenses. If the opposite happens, then they can expect to go bankrupt and lose everything that they once had. So to prevent that from happening, these businesses have to make a detailed account on all the things that affect them financially.

So all the materials and services they provided, along with the money used to make them are all placed in these forms. If there are any additional expenses, such as company trips, then they should be placed in these forms as well. This is to tally up and see if these businesses are gaining more money, breaking even, or losing money in their attempt at success.

The Importance of  Having These Statement Forms

The reason as to why there are forms such as Health Statement Forms is because there will be instances that you’re required to hand out these information that could have serious impact on yours or someone else’s life.

All the information in these statements could provide someone with the help that they need. Because say for example that an insurance company will only hand out a loan to those who are in dire need or for businesses suffering a serious financial crisis. If you were to apply for these loans, you’ll need to show solid proof that you’re financially unstable and that you need the loan to stabilize your finances.

Or if you witness certain events, you may be the key in proving as to what caused certain incidents. However, if you don’t place them in these forms, your information can easily be discredited or may not even be taken into consideration.

So in the event that you need to have certain pieces of information properly documented for future important uses. Then make sure to use these forms to your advantage.

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