sample power attorney forms

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows a person, referred to as the principal, to appoint another person, called the agent, to perform certain tasks for him or to make decisions for certain matters on his behalf when he is unable to do so for whatever reason. The agent will act as a proxy and put themselves in the principal’s shoes. There are various types of Power of Attorney Forms, depending on its purpose and limitations. You may browse the examples below, and even download them for free.

General Power of Attorney Form

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Size: 139 KB


Medical Power of Attorney Form

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Size: 1 MB


Durable Power of Attorney Form

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Size: 139 KB


Free Power of Attorney Form Sample

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Size: 21 KB


Health Care Power of Attorney

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Size: 151 KB


Types of Power of Attorney Forms

  • General Power of Attorney Forms: This gives the agent the same rights and authority as you do. Like in a business, the agent can perform the tasks that you normally do. This has to be used with caution, and is advisable if you are not incapacitated but just need help with your tasks. This type of Power of Attorney (POA) expires, unless otherwise stated, once you pass away or are rendered incapacitated.
  • Limited Power of Attorney Forms:  This gives someone the power to act on your behalf for a very specific and limited purpose. For example, you are out of town and you need someone to sign a deed of property on your behalf. This usually has a limited effectivity as well, and expires at the time specified in the form.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: This Power of Attorney Form can either be general or limited, but it remains in effect even after the principal becomes incapacitated. It only expires after the principal has passed away, or if it is revoked before the principal becomes incapacitated.
  • Springing Power of Attorney: This is like the Durable Power of Attorney wherein it still remains even after the principal becomes incapacitated, but the difference is that it cannot be effective until the principal becomes incapacitated. Such is the case with a Medical or Health Care Power of Attorney.

Limited Power of Attorney Form

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Size: 26 KB


Business Power of Attorney Form

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Size: 62 KB


Educational Power of Attorney Form

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Size: 78 KB


Financial Power of Attorney Form

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Size: 866 KB


Financial Power of Attorney Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 22 KB


  • Medical Power of Attorney Forms: This is a Power of Attorney used to appoint someone to make healthcare decisions for you when you are mentally incapable of doing so. It usually goes hand in hand with a Living Will, which allows the principal to legally document his personal preferences for medical treatment.
  • Financial Power of Attorney Form: This allows a person to appoint someone to make financial decisions for them. This is especially used in businesses, wherein the owner would be unable to perform his usual tasks due to an illness, injury, or when he would be out of the country.
  • Educational Power of Attorney: This is used by a legally competent but incapacitated principal to appoint an agent, usually his parents, to perform certain tasks necessary in the educational setting, but should not include course work or activities related to the learning of the principal. This may include enrollment and accessing of school records among others.

There will always be a time when we will be unable to do our regular tasks and responsibilities. Whether you are ill, injured, mentally incapacitated, or just out of the country, it would be good to know that you have someone whom you trust to take care of things for you. But one thing to keep in mind when drafting a Power of Attorney is to consult a lawyer to make sure that your interests will be protected.

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