In any business or organization, all decisions made are formally documented using the appropriate general application forms. The reason for documenting them is to make sure that everything is noted for future references. All decisions should be written as these are justified before it is all taken into action.
This is to make sure that the company will not suffer great loss for mistakenly making wrong decisions. To some business companies, one wrong move in their decision making could cause a lot of distractions in the business management and operations. That is why, it is mandatory that all actions are discussed with everyone in the management so that they can all give their opinions and insights regarding the matter.
Here are a few reasons why actions should be documented in their perspective action forms:
- To list all information regarding the situation
- To justify the reasons why decision for such action is needed to be made
- To make sure that nothing is missed, and everything is discussed
- To gather ideas and suggestions from the people involved
- To formulate better solutions by brainstorming with the people involved
- To avoid regrets once decisions are taken into action
Standard Personnel Action Form
Blank Personnel Action Form
Personnel Action Payroll Form
Personnel Action Notice Form
Human Resource Personnel Action Form
Request for Personnel Action Form
Utilizing Personnel Action Forms
Personnel action forms are significant in every company, especially those which caters a great number of manpower. Managing people would be a lot difficult than what you have imagined. That is why, personnel action forms are utilized from the moment the employees are accepted in their job application. These forms for personnel actions are not just used in the very beginning of the employment period of each employee.
As a matter of fact, these are used until the end of their employment, because the form is part of the employees’ personnel file or data as they become part of the company. Going further in this article, you will be able to identify which type of form you should use when administering a certain type of personnel action. These forms in doc file format are downloadable and could be modified.
Personnel Action Request Form
Payroll Action Information Form
Employee Personnel Action Form
Personnel Action Status Form
Personnel Action Change Form
Change in an employee’s information is one type of personnel action that needs to be rectified in a timely manner, because it is mandatory for the management to keep all their documents and information regarding their employees updated for future references. The information that are most likely to change are the employee’s last name, home address, contact number, email address and all other personal information that are provided upon starting the employment period. The additional information found in the form used for updating an information are as follows:
- The employee’s name of whom change is made for
- The employment information such as the status or type (full time, part time or temporary)
- The information to be changed (the former or current information)
- The information replaced (the new or proposed)
- The date when the change has been made or when the form is filled out
- The person who processed the action form for information change form
- The date when the change will take into effect
- The authorized personnel’s name and signature as an approval to the particular changes made
Data Change Personnel Action For
Student Personnel Action Form
Basic Personnel Action Form
Supplemental Pay Personnel Action Form
These kind of forms above are examples of what forms are to be used when certain changes are needed to be made in the blank job application information of an employee. The best example for this is when the employee is transferred to the other department, either temporarily or permanently due to some reasons. The most common reason for this is either to replace the terminated employee or to add more people to the department because they lack manpower.
Another example is when the employee is given an additional job assignment. In terms of changing some employment information, adjustments are needed to be made. Such adjustments include the rules and regulations set in for the employees, and the salary or pay statements of the employee. Refer to the forms above to better understand how to administer this type of personnel action when the same situation is encountered.
As you can see in the form above, the essential information that are necessary for filling out the action form are:
- The current or former position or title
- The new or proposed position or title
- The current working location
- The proposed working area or location
- The current department name
- The new department contract assignment
- The supervisor whom the employee currently reports to
- The supervisor whom the employee should report to after the personnel action is taken effect
- The additional task or job that is given to the employee
- The reason why additional task or transfer to other department is necessary
- The current salary statement information
- The proposed salary statement or pay information due to the adjustment
- The date when the personnel action for additional of task or the transfer to other department is considered as effective or valid
- The person who processed the personnel action form for assignment change
- The approvals from the authorized personnel action by affixing their names and signatures
Personnel Action Separation Form
Leave of Absence Personnel Action Form
Part-Time Personnel Action Form
Retirement Personnel Action Form
Status Personnel Action Change Form
These type of personnel actions pertain to the employees who have decided to resign, retire or separate from their employer. They could have also been terminated, dismissed, and discharged from their employment. The form above explains how these are made and what are the essential information needed to complete the process. Upon making the change with regards to the employment status of an employee, there are some processes that are needed to be done. Here below is a brief explanation of how certain actions are done.
For those employees who have decided to leave their jobs, the requirements that they are to comply are:
- Employees must give a notice to the human resource regarding their resignation. The notice form must be at least thirty days prior to the date when they will be resigning.
- The employees are scheduled to a one on one talk with the human resource manager in order to build communication, and create awareness to the management regarding the reason why the employee will be resigning.
- The employee must submit a resignation letter to the human resource manager.
- Another form that is required to be processed by the employee is his or her clearance form. This form is used as a basis to determine if the employee is cleared from the department that he or she has been assigned to. Being cleared means the employee releases all the liabilities for any damage or incident that took place in the company.
- The human resource department conducts an exit interview in order to have another interview regarding the resignation of the employee as the documents are being finalized.
For those employees who are dismissed, fired or terminated from their employment, the step by step processes are the following:
- A performance feedback is provided to the employee in order for him or her to be aware of how he or she is doing with regards to work performance.
- The employee is given a performance appraisal in order to evaluate the performance before the final decision is made.
- An interview is conducted between the employer and the employee to break the wall and bridge the gap between them. This actually serves as a chance for the employee to speak up for himself or herself, and give his or her feedback regarding the management and the operations. This is also done with the use of employee feedback forms.
- After the successful one on one talk between the two, the decision regarding the employment status of the employee is finalized using a personnel action form.
New Hire Personnel Action Form
New Hire or Re-Hire Personnel Action Form
In recruiting people to work for your company, you do not just hire them effortlessly. There must be a process to be followed in order to make sure that you choose the right people. Those people who have the passion to do certain tasks assigned to them. And those people who are perfectly fit or qualified for the job that they have applied for. In doing so, here are the basic steps in the recruitment requisition process:
- Any process or operation cannot be successful without undergoing the planning stage. That is why, a recruitment plan which includes the target people, target place and the recruitment tools to be used should be secured at the very beginning or before the process starts. The plan to conduct a recruitment for applicants who are interested to work for the company is settled or clinched using the recruitment action forms.
- As the recruitment plan is finalized with the justified reason for conducting the recruitment, it is then taken into action with all the necessary information that are needed.
- Applicants must submit their job application form to the human resource manager or any representative which indicates their personal information and employment history (if they have). The position that they are applying for should also be indicated.
- While applicants wait for a call from the company, the human resource department reviews each of the application form submitted.
- Qualified applicants who are called after few days or maybe weeks are given the chance to prove themselves as they are scheduled for an initial interview on the specified date and time.
- The management plans for conducting various training to test the capacity of each applicants by assessing the training first with the training risk assessment forms.
- After each training is assessed, enough for the applicants to neither find them difficult, nor facile, they are then scheduled to different dates and time.
- After every training has been conducted, the applicants are given training feedback forms in order to site their opinions regarding the trainers and the training operations. This is in order for the employers to know on what particular areas do applicants find too difficult and too easy. With these feedback, they will also be able to improve their training activities and tools to enhance or develop their applicants’ performance.
- Applicants who passed the conducted training are given a performance appraisal in order to evaluate themselves and be aware of how they did during the training. In this part, applicants are given the chance to reflect on themselves and identify what are to improve within themselves.
- A final interview is conducted in order for the employer to know how the applicant is doing. Communication is built as both parties expressed opinions regarding the training process. With this step in the recruitment process, the final decision is based on the performance shown by the applicant.
The process for recruitment does not end right there and then, since the last step in the recruitment process is the provision of the newly hired applicant’s information using the personnel action form.
Employment Personnel Action Form
Employee Personnel Action Request Form
General Personnel Action Form
Staff Personnel Action Form
Faculty Personnel Action Form
Simple Personnel Action Form
Use of Personnel Actions in Handling Situations
You, as the employer, would definitely need a lot of patience most especially in administering your people. You have to know how to be proactive when experiencing the different kinds of circumstances that are commonly faced by most of business proposal companies. And when it comes to your employees, you have to let them know what are their limits.
It is undeniable that personnel management is one of the circumstances faced by companies. And with the help of personnel action forms, this could be administered accordingly. The list below are the different tips when you are encountering different kinds of situations. Feel free to take note and use these for your reference.
- All information such as personal information of an employee, employment information, and any other information which are subject to change should be listed.
- Before the personnel action form is filled out, all information should be accurate and precised. This is in order to make sure that right information is written in the form.
- All the writings in the legal form should be legible enough to avoid misinterpretation of information
- The forms for personnel action should be prioritized and must have a deadline for completion. This is in order to make sure that all decisions are taken into action without any delays.
- Only the authorized personnel should have the right to process personnel action form samples for the reason that these forms are not ordinary forms, but contain the confidential data or information regarding one’s personnel data or file.
- Appropriate forms should be used for processing certain type of personnel actions.
- All the required fields must be filled out with the expected information in order to have a successful processing of these action forms.
- These personnel action forms should be compiled, because these forms are used as the basis for personnel actions.
- The human resource office or the authorized personnel is held responsible for any breach of employee’s action form data.
- The person in charge to process the different types of personnel action should be aware of how these actions are handled.
These are just few of the tips in handling personnel action forms. You may also refer to personnel action forms in PDF to have more understanding on how these different forms are administered.
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