Each and every company strives to attain success, and avoid the encounter with the circumstances that most businesses experience nowadays. Though there are situations that are inevitable, the management make themselves ready for whatever arises with the help of action forms. In order to ensure that business performances are kept monitored, performance review forms are utilized.
Performance reviews for employees should not be taken for granted, because these could be tools in discovering the latent capabilities of each individual. These reviews are also used for career development of each of them. With the help of performance reviews, employers will be able to identify what aspects or areas do their employees find more difficult during the training or in performing the tasks given to them, and identify what are those areas which they classify as easy or effortless. Once employers have analyzed each of these reviews with the use of performance review form, they will be aware of what they are doing wrong in terms of their training management.
Another important thing concerning the performance reviews, the employers or human resource manager will also be able to identify who among the employee review are in need of improvements, and who are those self-driven. By doing so, the management will be able to keep an eye on these employees who needs development in terms of their performances.
Questions to Ask During Performance Reviews
Performance reviews are somehow similar to performance counselling form due to the fact that both employers and employees engaged themselves in a one on one talk regarding the recent performance. However, the difference between the two is as follows:
- Performance reviews are basically focused on the factors that resulted from the performance evaluation or appraisal consisting of different kinds of training evaluation. The conducted training or exercises are regulated in order to test the employee physically and mentally. These exercises also test the employee’s behavior, both personal and organizational. The process is completed with the use of employee performance review forms.
- Performance counselling is mainly concentrated on coaching the employee with regards to his or her performance. Thus, the subject matter being discussed is based on the performance reviews from the training or assessments that has taken place. Performance counseling is processed using the performance counselling forms which are documented and kept for personnel management purposes.
The similarity of both is that they are comparative which means they share the same characteristics that makes them comparable, and one cannot be done without the other. The reason for this is because performance counselling takes place after the performance reviews are finalized. And performance reviews are used for counselling in order to pin point or distinguish the aspects or areas that are needed to be improved by both employees and employers. Concerning performance reviews, employers should be considerate when it comes to interrogating their employees about their individual performances. The list below are the common questions that are often asked when employees are called for performance review.
How are you doing?
The first and foremost question that should be asked to employees after their training assessment is how they are doing or how they are feeling at the moment. In this way, a positive atmosphere is created as the conversation starts with the employee. And depending on the state of mind or feeling that the employee is in, you will also be able to know how you will deliver the results from the training exercises or activities.
What motivates you in getting the job done?
With this question, you will be able to know more about the personality of each employee. Since their answer somehow reflects their characteristics. You will also be able to set ideas on how to improve the performance review of your employees.
What can you do in order to improve?
Employees are usually challenged with this kind of question, due to the fact that their willingness to improve or ameliorate will be put into test. Basically, this helps them reflect and contemplate in thinking about different ways in order to improve.
What are the tasks that you find difficult? Effortless?
Asking this question to the employees will help you, as the employer, identify the areas or aspects needed to be minimized and maximized with regards to the difficulty level. You have to make sure that the expected results are realistic and attainable; not the other way around. Another way to get employees’ point of view regarding how their training went is by providing training feedback forms.
How do you accomplish a task?
The answer to this question depends on how employee clearance used their own intellectual thinking in completing the task assigned to them. This question is somehow similar to what motivates them in getting the job done, although this one pertains to what actions they have implemented. While the other is about what stimulates them to work harder.
What did you learn from your experiences?
This will test the employees if each one of them has learned some significant things from the training exercises. This is done by reflecting on individual performances. On the other hand, this helps the employers determine if the objectives of the training application conducted are successfully met or achieved.
How will you handle different kinds of situations?
The employees are given situational circumstances in which their evaluative and critical thinking mind is put into test. This question will definitely test the capacity of one’s self in terms of decision making and occurrence of the most challenging dilemmas faced by the business companies.
How well did you do?
With this question, the employees will be tested whether they know that they did well, or they needed to exert more effort. This also tests employees whether they are confident and contented with how they performed, or they have such low self-esteem. This performance evaluation for individual employee is helpful in creating self-awareness.
How do you find working with your teammates?
The answer to this question will help the employer identify whether the employee would prefer to work alone or with other co-employees. With this question, it is also determined if employees are capable of doing things on their own without the help from others.
These are just the few of the various questions that is commonly asked during sample performance reviews. These questions are concerning personal, behavioral, and organizational aspects of individual employees.
Formulating Questions for Performance Review
Here are some tips that will guide you in formulating questions without offending your employees during employee performance reviews:
- An employee feedback form should be provided in order for the employers to better understand how employees feel about the reviews and counselling.
- The interviewer or employer should cite some situational examples in order for the employee to visualize their point of view and develop their skills with regards to critical thinking.
- Employers should be careful on what questions to ask to their employees in order not to offend them.
- Employers should avoid discrimination complaint and criticisms in delivering the results. Or at least deliver the criticisms in a way that will create a positive outcome which will motivate the employees to strive even harder.
- It is better that the conversation flow is continuous and does not have many pauses. Though, these pauses can also be beneficial for the employees, since they will be able to have enough time to think about their answers.
- Focus on the main point or the priority aspects that the employees should know. Do not linger too much on personal information. Instead, stick with the professional way of counselling or coaching the employees with their performance reviews.
These are just few o the many tips you can take note of. You may also refer to the tips for effective performance reviews for more concepts with regards to conducting performance reviews for your employees.
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