Employees, staff, and even those under specific contracts are the people who will execute the actions and the procedures in any company that clients and the management will require. A hiring process is then conducted to know each job applicant and their eligibility or their capability for the job. During the hiring process, the applicants will provide their information to the interviewer and the rest of the assigned personnel. Once hired, their information will be updated since they will be cast as employees of the company. These pieces of information should be updated if there are changes regarding the employee’s status and position in the company, and this can be done by using a change notice form, specifically a payroll change notice form for salary changes of an employee.
Payroll Change Notice Form Sample
What Is a Payroll Change Notice Form?
A payroll change notice form is an important document which is used for updating the data and information of an employee or staff of a company, specifically the pieces of information which are related to their payroll or salary. With a payroll change notice form, the employee who will be changing his details will have an assurance that his salary and other relevant company employee information will be changed as well and will be mandated without any delay. Moreover, the company and the employee or their staff will have better communication procedures with the use of a payroll change notice form.
Essential Sections of a Payroll Change Notice Form
A payroll change notice form must have the following sections for it to be effective and efficient in gathering the essential pieces of data and information of an individual involved in a business company or organization:
Employee information section – This section of the form will have the general information of the employee such as his name, residential address, telephone number, the date of when he preferred to have the changes are to be executed, his job department, his employee number, and his status in the company.
Hire information section – This is where the employee or the user of the form will be able to state his job or work information ranging from his job classification up to the date of when he was officially hired or when he signed an employment contract with the company. Other pieces of information to be included in this section would be the account number of the employee, his starting salary rate, the dates when he started in the company and when he passed the physical examination, and the driving record of the employee or his driving subscription indication in the company’s records.
Change type – The specific type of change which is requested by the employee in the form will be defined in this section. Some of the common options which can be chosen by the employee include a job transfer, a salary rate change, a job promotion, an alternate salary rate, or a terminate rate.
Salary information – The current salary rate of the employee will be disclosed in this section of the form along with the approved new rate amount, the new account details of the employee, and his new job classification if he is moved to another or assigned to another job position in the company.
Change remarks – The reason of why the change will have to execute along with a few remarks in connection to the process of updating the information of the employee in the database and records of the company will be indicated in this section. This is to ensure that the change is reasonable such as either due to a lost card account of the employee or a marital status change resulting in the employee’s need to change his name and civil status for tax and payment purposes.
Performance rating – Most salary raises are due to the employee’s high rating or score in an employee performance evaluation. This is why if the payroll change of the employee is due to his evaluation score, then the details must be disclosed in this section of the form.
Signature block – Not only the employee will have to affix his signature on the form but also the responsible authorities in the company such as the employee’s direct manager or supervisor, and the director of the human resource management department of the company.
HR-document information – This last section of the form is not to be filled out by the employee, rather the human resource representative or staff who will be receiving the form. This is where the staff will indicate whether the employee is re-employed or not along with his position number, and the next step to be taken of either the information will be sent to their account manager or their payroll personnel to update the employee’s information to be changed.
Types of Payroll Change Notice Forms
There are three different types of payroll change notice forms which can be considered by companies on which they can use for their employees and staff. Below are the types of notice forms to choose from:
Hourly Payroll Change Notice Information Form – This type of payroll change notice form is not to be used by employees, rather be read and understood since this will be posted by the management to inform their employees about the changes ahead in the company. The notice form will act as an announcement document for the whole company. In order to effectively provide notice, the management must clarify and indicate to whom they are addressing the notice to along with the indication of who is sending the notice, the date of when the notice was first posted, and the subject of the notice. The body of the notice form should then explain the reason why it is posted in relation to the stated subject. A call to action should also be included in the notice in order to properly inform the targeted audience of what they are required to do in the duration of the payroll change period.
Hourly Payroll Change Notice Information Form
Payroll Department Change Notice Form – This form is to be given or sent to the payroll department by an individual who plans to have his information and payroll data changed. In the first portion of this type of notice form, the user will have to state the date of when the changes will be expected to take into effect, specifically its date and time of implementation of the updates, along with the user’s full name, social security number, work department assignment in the company, and clock in or time in number. The second portion of this form will center on determining the subject of the changes and categorizing it whether it is in lieu with the user’s or the employee’s assigned department area, job title, pay line item, pay rate, or in his employment status of either he will be turned into a full-time employee, a part-time, or a contractual employee.
Payroll Department Change Notice Form
The third portion of the form is allotted for the reasons or the purpose of why the changes must be conducted. Reasons such as being demoted from a position up to the need for the employee’s length of service to be increased can be considered depending on the objective and the necessity of the employee’s information update. Lastly, an authorization section should be signed by the person who recommended the changes to be implemented with the person authorizing the changes such as the employee’s supervisor and manager.
Payroll Status Change Notice Form – This form is accompanied by another significant document which is a type of checklist form. Firstly, the payroll status change notice form will be for gathering the personal and relevant information of the employee ranging from his basic details such as his name up to his hire information. Then, the employee’s status in the company which should be updated in the company’s payroll reports and records will be defined in the second portion of the form and will be followed by the comments and signatures of the designated company officers or authorized personnel. In addition, the checklist form is divided into three sections. The first section is intended for a new hire employee, the second is for the change checklist, while the third section is where the termination checklist is allotted. If the employee or the user of the form who will be updating his information is a new hire in the company, then the first checklist is required to be fulfilled while the second and third checklists are both for employees who are already hired and have rendered services in the company for a period of time.
Payroll Status Change Notice Form
Regardless of the type, users of a payroll change notice form should double check the information to be changed in their records to assure that the updated and saved data are accurate. Additionally, the managers and the rest of the authorized personnel must gather the reasons and the need for changing the information in the records of the company and determine if it is indeed required or not to avoid dealing with lengthy procedures without a goal or a purpose.
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