As might be indicative of the name, a parental consent form is one which is used by the school or college authorities or by a prospective employer to get a proper written consent from the parents, before engaging their child in an activity or job. By using this form, the party concerned can be assured that there would be no issues later. However, it should be noted that whatever the activity, it should be well within the regulations imposed by the government. You may also Useful Child Medical Consent Forms

Sample Parent Consent Form

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This is a sample of a parent consent form that gives you an idea about what the format of such a format should be. You can surely make changes to this form based on your requirement.

Parental Consent Form for Minors

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Used by schools/colleges or advertising and film agencies, this form helps the party concerned to get the permission of the parents to engage their child in an activity or job.

Tanning Facilities Parental Consent Form

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As the name indicates, this form is used by an organization engaged in tanning to ensure that the parents are in consent and are aware of the possible hazards if their child taking up a summer job with the company.

Sample Affidavit of Parental Consent Form

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This form is used by any organization or company that need to get the consent of a child’s parent before they go ahead with engaging the child in an activity or offering him a job.

Parents Consent Form for a School

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Used by the schools, this form enables the school authorities to secure permission from the parents before planning a picnic, tour or any other event with their children.

Sample Parental/Guardian Consent Form

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Size: 216 kB


This form is usually used by the school or college authorities to ensure that they have the consent of the parents or the guardians for any activity that their child might be interested in taking up.

Driver Education Parent Consent Form

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This form is used by driving institutes to seek permission from the parents of a minor who may be interested in learning driving. Using this form helps them to avoid any hassles at a later stage.

Parental Consent Form for Swaddling an Infant

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Since swaddling an infant is against regulations and not recommended, the government allows this only if the day care centers have a written consent from the parents. It is for this purpose that the aforesaid form is used.

Sample Parental Consent for Athletic Participation

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If a minor is interested in participating in an athletic event, the school or the club requires a written consent from the parents. Thus, they use a parental consent form in such situations.

Minor Student Enrollment Parental Consent Form

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When a minor student applies to a new college, the college authorities use a parental consent form to ensure that the parents know about and are agreeable to the whole process.

Basic Parental Consent Form

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Size: 7.3 KB


Who should Use a Parental Consent Form?

Parental consent forms are mainly used to secure permission from parents before engaging their minor children in any activity, event or job. Thus, any organization or person who deals with such children may need to use this form for various reasons.


may use this form to get consent of the parents to take their children for a picnic or to enroll them in a competition


may need this form to be signed by the parents before offering their children a job.


may use this form to ensure that the parents are aware of and agree with their child participating in an event.

Why is it Important to Use a Parental Consent Form?

A parental consent form is a legal document. Thus, using this can surely help the parties concerned to avoid any legal hassles or arguments that may arise later. These forms comprise of the details of all the regulation the child needs to follow and any possible hazards he/she may be subjected to. Thus, this gives the parents a clear insight into what to expect if they give their consent for a particular event. This in turn ensures that the party concerned would not be questioned later on by the parents. The parental consent form sets down certain rules which both the parties need to follow diligently. Failure to do so can subject the errant party to face a lawsuit. Useful Medical Consent Forms

How can you Design a Parental Consent Form?

Before your start designing a parental consent form, it would be a good idea to check with the party concerned as to the terms that it means to add to the form. You may also want to enquire about all the details that the parents should know before signing on the dotted line. Make sure to add this content as small paragraphs or points such that the parents find it easy to read them. You need to leave out segments for the parents to fill in necessary details. You can also see Business Consent Forms

Parental consent forms are considered to be a valid proof in the court which is why drafting them properly is extremely important. However, if you want to do this yourself, go ahead and look for the perfect parental consent form from the vast collection available online. Download this and then make necessary changes to personalize it.

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