An estimation of over 200 babies born each minute around the world has been stated by the globally renowned UNICEF organization. This number is one of the main aspects why events and celebrations happen every second in every single day due to the birthday celebrations of each born child. However, aside from birthdays, other occasional celebrations also call for the need of having event registration forms such as marathons, conferences, concerts, and even battle contests.
An event registration form is used for gathering the information of the event-goers or attendees. Nowadays, registrations for prestigious events are done using online registration forms and by sending a payment confirmation through an email address. Though regardless if the form will be an online form or printed document, the event organizers must be able to create an effective and worthy registration document. Nonetheless, here are some tips on how you, as the organizer, can optimize your own event registration form:
- Create a plan. Making an event needs a lot of time and effort in constructing a plan which is similar to creating an event registration form. Not only will the plan be limited to the creation of the form itself, but should also cover up the registration process. The event organizers must decide on how they will manage the registrants whether they will be creating a pre-registration or mandating an on-site registration on the day of the event. These action plans should be well thought of to avoid conflicts and issues prior to the event.
- Cut and direct. Registration forms should be kept simple, short, and concise as it should not be similar to the lengths presented in a contract agreement where the user will have to read detail per detail before signing the document. Keeping the registration forms short will ease up the registration process and will delight the registrants as their time will not be wasted supplying data on a sheet of paper to allow themselves in the celebration.
- The look and feel matters. This refers to the kind of people who are the possible attendees and the event theme. Though having a simple outline and layout for a registration form is ideal, you must always consider the overall aura of the event. An example is having an intricate lace design event registration form for a wedding celebration while a registration form full of colorful stickers and graphics would work best for anime themed events. As an event organizer, you must treat your registration form similar to a certificate form that brings out what the attendees will be expecting.
- Necessities only. Any event organizer should avoid cluttering up the registration form with data and information which are deemed as unnecessary for the event. The form must only have the general information of the attendee, his interest in the event, his preferred event pass, and his payment methods.
- Mind the language. There are some events which are of various ethnicity, religions, and races. In this case, the event organizer must be able to cross the language barriers of each attendee. A translation may be useful for your registration form if it is online or you may create a registration form which is readily available for various languages.
- Vital labels. Any document regardless if it is a legal form or merely for a small group should have appropriate labels for each section on the form. These labels are important for the function of a registration form because it serves as an instrument of categorizing the questions and required information on the form. It would also be helpful if the labels will have sub categories underneath each to have an efficient specification.
- Wisely choose a font-style. Font-styles are similar to the language to be used in the form. This is due to the fact that the style of the font that you will be using will dictate the formality of the document. When choosing the font, you must be certain that the user or the prospective attendees in your event will be able to fully read and understand the lettering.
- Require contact details. Your attendees’ contact information must be well stated on the form. This is to aid you in reaching them out whenever needed and to notify them of your future events. Instead of asking for only a single set of contact numbers, ask for triples to assure that the possibility of contacting them will be higher as you will have a backup data if the first one did not cause a ring.
- Secure payment methods. The payments and fees are the most important part in the event registration especially if the event will only be made possible if the minimum number of attendees will be reached. To avoid an issue with regards to the problematic bank accounts, present an account verification to your chosen back and recheck regularly. Your attendees will likely be more interested if they will be able to transact their payment efficiently and fast as they register. A payment receipt form to be sent online may also be helpful to signify that the attendee has successfully registered in the event and have paid his pass.
- Consider mobile. Technology keeps on changing and improving, therefore, your strategies must cope up with these changes too. This does not only mean that you need to have an online registration for the event but also have the registration form to be mobile-friendly. Your form must be vertically aligned to ensure that the labels will be visible and will not tilt on the side of the mobile. You may also consider adjusting other factors such as collapsible menus, dropdowns, buttons, scales, and even the time-range of loading the form.
With these tips, you will be more prepared for facing the excitements of the people attending the event as well as meeting their expectations. Nonetheless, a follow-up call or email will also be essential after doing the registration. This act of reaching out will allow you to promote the usage of a pre-event survey form in order for you to know the preferences of your attendees and what they are expecting to witness in your event.
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